Open Prose Metrics with TKLDEV
open-prose-metrics is a web application to provide data-driven insights about prose, especially non fiction essays. The is V1.0 of a package to use with TKLDEV to create an iso, virtual appliance, docker image from open-prose-metricsudes.
Based on TKL's LAMP appliance and Core; includes confconsole, webmin, webshell, init scripts on first boot.
To Do
- either solve issue with wsgi which only allows a wsgi script to be used on a single vhost or change confconsole.
Getting Started
- Get TKLDEV for buster.
- upload zip or tall ball to tkldev
ortar -xvzf
to tkldev's /turnkey/fab/products/ folder (as opm/).cd products/opm/
- from opm/build/ download product.iso.
- Use iso on bare metal or to create virtual machine