This project welcomes contributions and suggestions.
For questions, discovered bugs, enhancements, or help: leave an issue with the appropriate tag.
For now we will be deferring to the Next.js Code of Conduct.
Please do not email vercel for enforcement. You can email this project's owner's at or
To get started with contributing to this project, fork the repository, clone the project into your environment, make your desired changes and submit a pull request to the development branch.
See the development getting started guide to get the project running in your local environment.
Naming conventions for pull request branches are as follows.
feature/<branch-name> # New features
refactor/<branch-name> # Changes to currently existing features
fix/<branch-name> # Bug fixes and hot patches
Use the Conventional Commit format when writing commit messages.
<type>[optional scope][optional `!` for breaking changes]: <description>
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]
A good feature commit message
feat: allow provided config object to extend other configs
A good commit message with scope and !
to draw attention to breaking changes
fix(api)!: add api key support to prevent security vulnerability
BREAKING CHANGE: introduce a request id and a reference to latest request