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File metadata and controls

259 lines (209 loc) · 6.03 KB


sqlproto parses standard SQL query into protocol buffer, and vice versa.


1. Introdution

This project defines a protocol buffer message for SQL query statement in the ANSI/ISO SQL standard. It uses xsqlparser, which is ported of sqlparser-rs in Go, to translate SQL query into protobuf, and protobuf into SQL query.

Why is the project? Protocol buffer provides an easier, cleaner and better graph to represent parsed SQL structure than native GO or RUST objects. There are three usages:

  • build SQL parser and new SQL engine
  • contruct complex SQL query on-the-fly, to search noSQL database, time-series database and other loosely-structured data systems, as if they were RDBs.
  • provide a machine learning framework on database meta. For example, the text-to-SQL semantic parsing requires a meta standard. Solving text-to-SQL graph problems will let one to treat neutral language questions as SQL queries, and to answer them as SQL searches on knowledge base.

2. Protocol Buffer

The definition of the SQL meta protocol buffer is

Click to read the proto
syntax = "proto3";
package sqlight;

option go_package = "./xlight";

enum OperatorType {
	Plus = 0;
	Minus = 1;
	Multiply = 2;
	Divide = 3;
	Modulus = 4;
	Gt = 5;
	Lt = 6;
	GtEq = 7;
	LtEq = 8;
	Eq = 9;
	NotEq = 10;
	And = 11;
	Or = 12;
	Not = 13;
	Like = 14;
	NotLike = 15;
	None = 16;

enum AggType {
	UnknownAgg = 0;
	MAX    = 1;
	MIN    = 2;
	COUNT  = 3;
	SUM    = 4;
	AVG    = 5;

enum SetOperatorType {
	Union = 0;
	Intersect = 1;
	Except = 2;

enum JoinTypeCondition {
	INNER = 0;
	LEFT = 1;
	RIGHT = 2;
	FULL = 3;

message CompoundIdent {
	repeated string idents = 1;

message AggFunction {
	AggType typeName = 1;
	repeated CompoundIdent restArgs = 2;

message QueryStmt {
	message CTE {
		string aliasName = 1;
		QueryStmt query = 2;
	repeated CTE CTEs = 2;

	message InSubQuery {
		CompoundIdent expr = 1;
		QueryStmt subQuery = 2;
		bool negated = 3;

	message BinaryExpr {
		oneof LeftOneOf {
			CompoundIdent leftIdents = 1;
			BinaryExpr leftBinary = 2;
		OperatorType op = 3;
		oneof RightOneOf {
			CompoundIdent rightIdents = 4;
			BinaryExpr rightBinary = 5;
			InSubQuery queryValue = 6;
			string singleQuotedString = 7;
			double doubleValue = 8;
			int64 longValue = 9;

	message SQLSelect {
		bool distinctBool = 1;

		message SQLSelectItem {
			AggFunction fieldFunction = 1;
			CompoundIdent fieldIdents = 2;
			string aliasName = 3;
		repeated SQLSelectItem projection = 2;

		message QualifiedJoin {
			CompoundIdent name = 1;
			string aliasName = 2;
			QualifiedJoin leftElement = 3;
			JoinTypeCondition typeCondition = 4;
			BinaryExpr spec = 5;
		repeated QualifiedJoin fromClause = 3;

		oneof WhereClause {
			InSubQuery inQuery = 4;
			BinaryExpr binExpr = 5;

		repeated CompoundIdent groupByClause = 8;
		BinaryExpr havingClause = 9;
	message SetOperationExpr {
		SQLSelect leftSide = 1;
		bool allBool = 2;
		SetOperatorType op = 3;
		SetOperationExpr rightSide = 4;
	SetOperationExpr body = 4;

	message OrderByExpr {
		CompoundIdent expr = 1;
		bool aSCBool = 3;
	repeated OrderByExpr orderBy = 5;

	message LimitExpr {
		bool allBool = 1;
		int64 limitValue = 4;
		int64 offsetValue = 5;
	LimitExpr limitExpression = 6;

which covers most, if not all, SQL query cases. For example

simple query:
SELECT a from test_table
join and aggregate:
SELECT orders.product as prod, SUM(orders.quantity) AS product_units, accounts.* FROM orders LEFT JOIN accounts ON orders.account_id = INNER JOIN accounts_type ON accounts_type.type_id = accounts.type_id WHERE orders.region IN (SELECT region FROM top_regions) ORDER BY product_units ASC LIMIT 100
union set:
sub queries:
WITH regional_sales AS (SELECT region, SUM(amount) AS total_sales FROM orders GROUP BY region) SELECT product, SUM(quantity) AS product_units FROM orders WHERE region IN (SELECT region FROM top_regions) GROUP BY region, product

3. Usage

Two main functions are implmented:

  • SQL2Proto, to parse SQL query into protobuf
  • Proto2SQL, to construct SQL query from protobuf

3.1) Example, to parse SQL query

package main

import (

func main() {
    pb, err := light.SQL2Proto(`SELECT * FROM test_table`)
    if err != nil { panic(err) }
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", pb.String())

The output:

body:{leftSide:{projection:{fieldIdents:{idents:"*"}} fromClause:{name:{idents:"test_table"}}}}.

3.2) Example, to construct SQL query

package main

import (

func main() {
    project := &xlight.QueryStmt_SQLSelect_SQLSelectItem{
        FieldIdents: &xlight.CompoundIdent{Idents: []string{`*`}},
    fromClause:= &xlight.QueryStmt_SQLSelect_QualifiedJoin{
        Name: &xlight.CompoundIdent{Idents: []string{`test_table`}},
    left := &xlight.QueryStmt_SQLSelect{
        Projection: []*xlight.QueryStmt_SQLSelect_SQLSelectItem{project},
        FromClause: []*xlight.QueryStmt_SQLSelect_QualifiedJoin{fromClause},
    pb := &xlight.QueryStmt{
        Body: &xlight.QueryStmt_SetOperationExpr{LeftSide: left},
    str := light.Proto2SQL(pb)
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", str)

The output:

SELECT * FROM test_table

Please check for detailed document.