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Ansible Role: Drupal


Builds and installs Drupal, an open source content management platform.


Drupal is a PHP-based application that is meant to run behind a typical LAMP/LEMP/LEPP/etc. stack, so you'll need at least the following:

  • Apache or Nginx (Recommended: geerlingguy.apache or geerlingguy.nginx)
  • MySQL or similar Database server (Recommended: geerlingguy.mysql or geerlingguy.postgresql)
  • PHP (Recommended: geerlingguy.php along with other PHP-related roles like php-mysql).

Drush is not an absolute requirement, but it's handy to have, and also required if you use this role to Install a Drupal site (drupal_install_site: true). You can use geerlingguy.drush to install Drush.

Git is not an absolute requirement, but is required if you're deploying from a Git repository (e.g. drupal_deploy: true). You can use geerlingguy.git to install Git.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

Deploy an existing project with Git

drupal_deploy: false
drupal_deploy_repo: ""
drupal_deploy_version: master
drupal_deploy_update: true
drupal_deploy_dir: "/var/www/drupal"
drupal_deploy_accept_hostkey: false

Set drupal_deploy to true and drupal_build_composer* to false if you would like to deploy Drupal to your server from an existing Git repository. The other options all apply to the Git checkout operation:

  • repo: Git repository address
  • version: can be a branch, tag, or commit hash
  • update: whether the repository should be updated to the latest commit, if version is a branch
  • dir: The directory into which the repository will be checked out
  • accept_hostkey: Whether to automatically accept the Git server's hostkey on the first connection.

You can also control whether a composer install is run after the git clone is finished using the following variable:

drupal_deploy_composer_install: true

Build a project from a Drush Make file

drupal_build_makefile: false
drush_makefile_path: "/path/to/drupal.make.yml"
drush_make_options: "--no-gitinfofile"

Set this to true and drupal_build_composer* to false if you would like to build a Drupal make file with Drush.

Build a project from a Composer file

drupal_build_composer: false
drupal_composer_path: "/path/to/drupal.composer.json"
drupal_composer_install_dir: "/var/www/drupal"
drupal_composer_no_dev: true
  - "drush/drush:^10.1"

Set drupal_build_makefile to false and this to true if you are using a Composer-based site deployment strategy. The other options should be relatively straightforward.

drupal_composer_bin_dir: "vendor/bin"

If you set the bin-dir in your project's composer.json file to a value other than vendor/bin, override this variable with the same directory path.

Create a new project using composer create-project (Composer)

drupal_build_composer_project: true
drupal_composer_project_package: "drupal/recommended-project:^9@dev"
drupal_composer_project_options: "--prefer-dist --stability dev --no-interaction"

Set this to true and drupal_build_makefile, drupal_build_composer to false if you are using Composer's create-project as a site deployment strategy.

Required Drupal site settings

drupal_core_path: "{{ drupal_deploy_dir }}/web"
drupal_core_owner: "{{ ansible_ssh_user | default(ansible_env.SUDO_USER, true) | default(ansible_env.USER, true) | default(ansible_user_id) }}"
drupal_core_owner_become: false

The path to Drupal's root, along with the ownership properties. If you are not running Ansible as the user that should have ownership over the core path, specify the desired system user in drupal_core_owner and set drupal_core_owner_become: true.

drupal_db_user: drupal
drupal_db_password: drupal
drupal_db_name: drupal
drupal_db_backend: mysql
drupal_db_host: ""

Required Drupal settings. When used in a production or shared environment, you should update at least the drupal_db_password and use a secure password.

Drupal site installation options

drupal_install_site: true

Set this to false if you don't need to install Drupal (using the drupal_* settings below), but instead copy down a database (e.g. using drush sql-sync).

drupal_domain: "drupaltest.test"
drupal_site_name: "Drupal"
drupal_install_profile: standard
drupal_site_install_extra_args: []
drupal_enable_modules: []
drupal_account_name: admin
drupal_account_pass: admin

Settings for installing a Drupal site if drupal_install_site is true. If you need to pass additional arguments to the drush site-install command, you can pass them in as a list to the drupal_site_install_extra_args variable.



Example Playbook

See the example playbooks used for Travis CI tests (tests/test.yml and tests/test-deploy.yml) for simple examples. See also: Drupal VM, which uses this role to set up Drupal.

- hosts: webserver
    - vars/main.yml
    - geerlingguy.apache
    - geerlingguy.mysql
    - geerlingguy.php-versions
    - geerlingguy.php
    - geerlingguy.php-mysql
    - geerlingguy.composer
    - geerlingguy.drush
    - geerlingguy.drupal

Inside vars/main.yml:

drupal_install_site: true
drupal_build_composer_project: true
drupal_composer_install_dir: "/var/www/drupal"
drupal_core_path: "{{ drupal_composer_install_dir }}/web"
drupal_domain: ""



Author Information

This role was created in 2014 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps.