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Buwana Users Table

GEA Admin edited this page Nov 17, 2024 · 1 revision


This is the primary table for Buwana user accounts. It is linked to by GoBrik through the buwana_id on the tb_ecobrickers object.

Field Type Description
buwana_id int(11) Primary Key: A unique identifier for each user in the system, with AUTO_INCREMENT.
username varchar(255) The user's chosen unique username. This value must be unique across the table.
first_name varchar(255) The first name of the user, stored using UTF-8 encoding.
last_name varchar(255) The last name of the user, stored using UTF-8 encoding.
full_name varchar(255) The full name of the user, combining their first and last names.
email varchar(100) The user's email address, used for login and communication.
password_hash varchar(255) A hash of the user's password for authentication purposes.
account_status varchar(100) The status of the user's account, indicating if it's active, suspended, or otherwise.
created_at datetime The date and time when the user account was created.
last_login datetime The date and time of the user's most recent login.
role varchar(255) The role assigned to the user, defining access levels and permissions. Default is 'user'.
failed_login_attempts int(11) The count of unsuccessful login attempts, used for security purposes. Default is 0.
password_reset_token varchar(255) A token used for resetting the user's password.
password_reset_expires datetime The expiration date and time of the password reset token.
password_last_reset_dt datetime The date and time when the user's password was last reset.
is_two_factor_enabled tinyint(1) Indicates whether two-factor authentication is enabled for the user. Default is 0.
brikcoin_balance decimal(10,5) The balance of Brikcoins associated with the user. Default is 0.00000.
gea_status varchar(255) The status of the user's GEA (Global Ecobrick Alliance) membership. Default is 'null'.
terms_of_service tinyint(1) Indicates whether the user has accepted the terms of service. Default is 0.
notes text Internal notes related to the user. Default is 'null'.
flagged tinyint(1) Indicates if the user has been flagged for review. Default is 0.
suspended tinyint(1) Indicates if the user's account is suspended. Default is 0.
validation_credits int(11) The number of validation credits available to the user. Default is 3.
profile_pic varchar(255) The URL of the user's profile picture. Default is 'null'.
country_id int(11) Foreign Key: Links to the country_id in countries_tb, representing the user's country.
language_id varchar(11) Foreign Key: Links to the language_id in languages_tb, representing the user's preferred language.
earthen_newsletter_join tinyint(1) Indicates if the user is subscribed to the Earthen newsletter. Default is 1.
legacy_unactivated tinyint(1) Indicates if the user's account is a legacy account that has not been activated. Default is 0.
login_count smallint(6) The number of times the user has logged into the system. Default is 0.
birth_date date The user's birth date.
deleteable tinyint(1) Indicates whether the user's account can be deleted. Default is 1.
watershed_id int(11) Foreign Key: Links to the watershed_id in watersheds_tb, representing the user's associated watershed.
continent_code varchar(5) Foreign Key: Links to the continent_code in continents_tb, representing the user's continent.
location_full varchar(254) The user's full location, as a textual description.
location_watershed varchar(254) The user's location related to a specific watershed.
location_lat decimal(10,8) The latitude coordinate of the user's location.

Nomenclature note

In the GoBrik table we write table names with tb_ at the start of the table name (using a plural noun i.e. ecobricks, ecobrickers, etc) if it is only used on GoBrik. On the buwana database we add the _tb at the end of the name (using a plural nound i.e. users, countries, watershed, etc.). On the GoBrik database, if a table is mirrored on Buwana, we name it the same as on the Buwana database (i.e. communities_tb, languages_tb, countries_tb etc.)

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