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Brikcoin transaction table

GEA Admin edited this page Nov 17, 2024 · 1 revision

Our brikcoin table is for holding records in our manual blockchain that commodifies the sequestration of plastic through ecobricking.

Field Name Field Type Default Value Description
chain_ledger_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED None Primary key, auto-incremented ledger ID in the blockchain.
tran_id int(11) None Unique transaction ID.
tran_name varchar(30) 'via transfer' Name or description of the transaction.
individual_amt decimal(20,2) NULL Individual amount involved in the transaction.
status varchar(16) None Current status of the transaction (e.g., pending, confirmed).
send_ts datetime None Timestamp for when the transaction was sent.
sender_ecobricker varchar(50) NULL ID or name of the sender ecobricker.
block_tran_type varchar(40) NULL Type of the block transaction.
block_amt float 0 Amount related to the block transaction.
sender varchar(50) NULL Sender of the transaction.
receiver_or_receivers varchar(255) NULL Receiver or list of receivers in the transaction.
receiver_1 varchar(50) ' ' First receiver in case of multiple receivers.
receiver_2 varchar(50) ' ' Second receiver in case of multiple receivers.
receiver_3 varchar(50) ' ' Third receiver in case of multiple receivers.
receiver_central_reserve varchar(50) NULL Central reserve account of the receiver.
sender_central_reserve varchar(50) '' Central reserve account of the sender.
ecobrick_serial_no mediumint(9) NULL Ecobrick serial number associated with the transaction.
tran_sender_note mediumtext '' Sender's note or message attached to the transaction.
product text '' Product involved in the transaction.
send_dt date NULL Date of the transaction.
accomp_payment decimal(20,2) 0.00 Accompanying payment amount.
authenticator_version varchar(10) '' Version of the authenticator used.
expense_type varchar(50) ' ' Type of expense related to the transaction.
gea_accounting_category varchar(20) '' GEA accounting category for the transaction.
shipping_cost_brk decimal(10,2) 0.00 Cost of shipping in BRK.
product_cost_brk decimal(10,2) 0.00 Cost of the product in BRK.
total_cost_incl_shipping decimal(10,2) NULL Total cost including shipping in BRK.
shipping_with_currency decimal(20,2) 0.00 Cost of shipping including currency.
aes_officially_purchased decimal(10,2) NULL Officially purchased AES value.
country_of_buyer varchar(20) '' Country of the buyer.
currency_for_shipping varchar(20) '' Currency used for shipping.
credit_other_ecobricker_yn varchar(5) NULL Indicates whether another ecobricker is credited.
catalyst_name varchar(50) '' Name of the catalyst for the transaction.

Nomenclature note

In the GoBrik table we write table names with tb_ at the start of the table name (using a plural noun i.e. ecobricks, ecobrickers, etc) if it is only used on GoBrik. On the buwana database we add the _tb at the end of the name (using a plural nound i.e. users, countries, watershed, etc.). On the GoBrik database, if a table is mirrored on Buwana, we name it the same as on the Buwana database (i.e. communities_tb, languages_tb, countries_tb etc.)

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