Azure IoT Edge Connector leverages the Virtual Kubelet project to provide a virtual Kubernetes node backed by an Azure IoT hub. It translates a Kubernetes pod specification to an IoT Edge Deployment and submits it to the backing IoT hub. The edge deployment contains a device selector query that controls which subset of edge devices the deployment will be applied to.
This project does not provide Kubernetes-backed high availability or disaster recovery to IoT Edge deployments. It is about software deployment and management of the edge devices using Kubernetes concepts and primitives. Ingress to the edge device is not controlled by the Kubernetes load balancer.
The components provided by this project are depicted in the blue boxes in the diagram above. An IoT Edge provider container is spawned alongside the virtual kubelet container in the same pod. This pod instantiates the IoT Edge Connector virtual node.
The IoT Edge provider handles the kubelet API calls forwared to it by the virtual kubelet. It talks to the Azure IoT hub using the Azure IoT SDKs to submit an equivalent container specification in the form of a edge deployment manifest.
Kubernetes pod annotations and configmaps are used to encode IoT Edge specific information like module routes and device selector query.
A Kubernetes cluster (like AKS)
Clone this repo
Create a Kubernetes secrets store to hold the IoT Hub connection string. To find the connection string, navigate to your IoT Hub resource in the Azure portal and click on "Shared access policies" and the "iothubowner" will contain your connection string.
kubectl create secret generic my-secrets \ --from-literal=hub0-cs='<iot-hub-owner-connection-string>'
If you using kubectl from cmd.exe or PowerShell, use:
kubectl create secret generic my-secrets --from-literal=hub0-cs="<iot-hub-owner-connection-string>"
Add a new
entry if you want to store multiple keys -
Use Helm, a Kubernetes package manager, to install the iot-edge-connector
helm install -n hub0 src/charts/iot-edge-connector
After a few seconds
kubectl get nodes
should showiot-edge-connector0
listed.Use the following command to install the iot-edge-connector on Kubernetes clusters using RBAC
helm install -n hub0 --set rbac.install=true src/charts/iot-edge-connector
Submit the sample Kubernetes deployment.
kubectl apply -f \ src/Microsoft.Azure.VirtualKubelet.Edge.Provider/sample-deployment.yaml
The sample deployment contains the simulated temperature sensor container. You can use it as a example to create your own deployment.
In a few seconds, you should see the deployment show up the IoT Hub portal under IoT Edge Deployments. Example screenshot below:
Connected edge devices targetted by the deployment will get the new deployment manifest applied within 5 minutes!
There are more interesting use cases for this project like:
Using a single Kubernetes deployment that controls your cloud-side and device-side software configuration.
Creating multiple virtual kubelets (by changing values.yaml in the Helm chart) mapped to different IoT hubs, and scaling the Kubernetes deployment to push the same deployment manifest to edge devices connecting to different hubs.
Please give us feedback on how the tool is working for you by tweeting us at @MicrosoftIoT, as well as any feature requests at Azure IoT Edge Feedback or GitHub issues for this repo.
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