I am a full-stack developer with a curiosity to learn new technologies.
- 🌍 I'm based in Edmonton, Canada
- ✉️ You can contact me at bhullar.gagan.imp@gmail.com
- 🚀 I'm currently working on Video based product
- 🤝 I love to contribute to opensource projects
- 🧠 I'm learning Machine learning with TensorFlow and PyTorch
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on Projects
- FoodPin app
- How to update Ruby version in M1-M3 macs
- Create Multipart API request in Swift
- Context Managers in Python
- Class based decorators in Python
- CLI commands you should know
- How to solve CORS errors in Node.js
- Node.JS Child Processes
- Packing and Unpacking Operators in Python
- Difference between Buffer and Streams in Node.JS
- Implement Server-sent events in Node.JS and React— Part 1
- Decorators in Python
- How to parse an email using SendGrid
- Use UseRef with TypeScript
- Understanding App Manifest in Progressive Web Apps
- Earn crypto easily using Theta
- Integrating login using amazon in Web App
- Integrating stripe and chargebee in angular 7
- Integrating stripe and chargebee in angular 7 — part 2
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