Contributions of all shapes and sizes are welcoming, including code, documentation, and examples. If you've built something with reveal-hugo, feel free to add it to the README.
To run the example site, clone this repository and run:
hugo server -s exampleSite
or simply...
npm start
You can also build the site without watching it for changes by running:
npm run build
GitHub issues and PRs are the preferred way to receive contributions. Please name your branch something recognizeable.
Before opening a PR, make sure that the reveal-hugo exampleSite builds. The demo presentations in exampleSite use nearly all of the available reveal-hugo functionality, so they're a good indicator of something that might have been broken. Still, there are no fully automated tests, so please make sure to manually test areas that could be impacted by your change.
If you need help contributing, don't hesitate to open an issue and ask. This is a welcoming and beginner-friendly project!