diff --git a/src/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.fsproj b/src/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.fsproj
index 16bfccf..6a88462 100644
--- a/src/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.fsproj
+++ b/src/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.fsproj
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+ true
diff --git a/src/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson/Serialization/FSharpTypeHelpers.fs b/src/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson/Serialization/FSharpTypeHelpers.fs
index 6d8a4d0..6611087 100644
--- a/src/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson/Serialization/FSharpTypeHelpers.fs
+++ b/src/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson/Serialization/FSharpTypeHelpers.fs
@@ -34,17 +34,21 @@ module private Helpers =
/// Returns Some typ when typ is a record type, and None otherwise.
- let (|IsRecord|_|) typ =
- let isRecord typ = typ <> null && FSharpType.IsRecord(typ, bindingFlags)
- whenType isRecord typ
+ let (|IsRecord|_|) = function
+ | Null -> None
+ | NonNull typ ->
+ let isRecord typ = FSharpType.IsRecord(typ, bindingFlags)
+ whenType isRecord typ
/// Returns Some typ when typ is a top-level union type or when it represents a
/// particular union case, and None otherwise.
- let (|IsUnion|_|) (typ:System.Type) =
- let isUnion typ = typ <> null && FSharpType.IsUnion(typ, bindingFlags)
- whenType isUnion typ
+ let (|IsUnion|_|) = function
+ | Null -> None
+ | NonNull typ ->
+ let isUnion typ = FSharpType.IsUnion(typ, bindingFlags)
+ whenType isUnion typ
/// Returns true if typ is a generic type with defintion 'GenericType.
diff --git a/src/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson/Serialization/FSharpValueSerializer.fs b/src/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson/Serialization/FSharpValueSerializer.fs
index 2aca1b5..a3e01ae 100644
--- a/src/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson/Serialization/FSharpValueSerializer.fs
+++ b/src/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson/Serialization/FSharpValueSerializer.fs
@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@ module FSharpValueSerializer =
interface IBsonSerializationProvider with
member __.GetSerializer typ =
- let mkSerializer = function
- | Some (typ:System.Type) -> System.Activator.CreateInstance typ :?> IBsonSerializer
- | None -> null
+ let mkSerializer typ =
+ typ
+ |> Option.map (fun typ -> System.Activator.CreateInstance typ :?> IBsonSerializer)
+ |> Option.toObj
match typ with
| IsList typ -> Some (mkGenericUsingDef> typ)
diff --git a/tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests.fsproj b/tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests.fsproj
index 2924ecd..aeca538 100644
--- a/tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests.fsproj
+++ b/tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests.fsproj
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
- false
+ true
diff --git a/tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests/FSharpListSerializationTests.fs b/tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests/FSharpListSerializationTests.fs
index 0b0aa9e..aa4bca2 100644
--- a/tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests/FSharpListSerializationTests.fs
+++ b/tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests/FSharpListSerializationTests.fs
@@ -87,13 +87,17 @@ module FSharpListSerialization =
let value = { MaybeStrings = [ Some "a"; None; Some "z" ] }
let result = serialize value
- let expected = BsonDocument("MaybeStrings", BsonArray [ "a"; null; "z" ])
+ let expected =
+ let values: (string|null) array = [| "a"; null; "z" |]
+ BsonDocument("MaybeStrings", BsonArray values)
result |> should equal expected
let ``test deserialize a list of optional strings``() =
- let doc = BsonDocument("MaybeStrings", BsonArray [ "a"; null; "z" ])
+ let doc =
+ let values: (string | null) array = [| "a"; null; "z" |]
+ BsonDocument("MaybeStrings", BsonArray values)
let result = deserialize doc typeof
let expected = { MaybeStrings = [ Some "a"; None; Some "z" ] }
diff --git a/tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests/FSharpSetSerializationTests.fs b/tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests/FSharpSetSerializationTests.fs
index 46f1380..63aa4d4 100644
--- a/tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests/FSharpSetSerializationTests.fs
+++ b/tests/FSharp.MongoDB.Bson.Tests/FSharpSetSerializationTests.fs
@@ -87,13 +87,17 @@ module FSharpSetSerialization =
let value = { MaybeStrings = Set.ofList [ Some "a"; None; Some "z" ] }
let result = serialize value
- let expected = BsonDocument("MaybeStrings", BsonArray (Set.ofList ["a"; null; "z"]))
+ let expected =
+ let values: (string|null) list = [ "a"; null; "z" ]
+ BsonDocument("MaybeStrings", BsonArray (Set.ofList values))
result |> should equal expected
let ``test deserialize a set of optional strings``() =
- let doc = BsonDocument("MaybeStrings", BsonArray [ "a"; null; "z" ])
+ let doc =
+ let values: (string|null) list = [ "a"; null; "z" ]
+ BsonDocument("MaybeStrings", BsonArray values)
let result = deserialize doc typeof
let expected = { MaybeStrings = Set.ofList [ Some "a"; None; Some "z" ] }