How to use the elmish hooks from a component? (0.6.0-preview6) #256
I've set up an app with a model passed to a component as IWritable, and the component uses ctx.useElmish. The main view and the component render correctly, and the Msg from the button handler is passed to
What am I doing wrong? namespace TestApp
open Elmish
open Avalonia
open Avalonia.Themes.Fluent
open Avalonia.FuncUI.Hosts
open Avalonia.Controls
open Avalonia.Controls.ApplicationLifetimes
open Avalonia.Layout
open Avalonia.FuncUI
open Avalonia.FuncUI.DSL
open Avalonia.FuncUI.Elmish.ElmishHook
type Model =
Value : int option
} with
static member Default = { Value = None }
type Msg =
| UpdateValue
module TaskView =
let update msg model =
printfn $"Msg.update {msg}"
match msg with
| UpdateValue ->
let v = (model.Value |> Option.defaultValue 0) + 1
{ model with Value = Some v }, Cmd.none
let create key (_model : IWritable<Model>) =
Component.create (key,
fun ctx ->
printfn "TaskView render"
let model = ctx.usePassed(_model, renderOnChange = true)
let _, dispatch = ctx.useElmish (model, update)
let value = model |> State.readMap (fun m -> m.Value)
StackPanel.create [
StackPanel.orientation Orientation.Horizontal
StackPanel.children [
match value.Current with
| None ->
| Some v ->
TextBlock.create [
TextBlock.text (v.ToString())
Button.create [
Button.content "Update"
Button.onClick (fun _ -> printfn "Button click"; UpdateValue |> dispatch)
module MainView =
let create () =
Component (
fun ctx ->
printfn $"MainView render"
let model = ctx.useState (Model.Default)
Grid.create [
Grid.rowDefinitions "*"
Grid.children [
ContentControl.create [
Grid.row 0
ContentControl.content (
TaskView.create "taskview" model
type MainWindow() =
inherit HostWindow()
base.Title <- "Test"
base.Content <- MainView.create ()
type App() =
inherit Application()
override this.Initialize() =
this.Styles.Add (FluentTheme(baseUri = null, Mode = FluentThemeMode.Dark))
override this.OnFrameworkInitializationCompleted() =
this.Name <- "Test"
match this.ApplicationLifetime with
| :? IClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime as desktopLifetime ->
let mainWindow = MainWindow()
mainWindow.MinWidth <- 850.0
mainWindow.MinHeight <- 600.0
desktopLifetime.MainWindow <- mainWindow
| _ -> ()
module Program =
let main(args: string[]) =
.StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime(args) |
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Replies: 3 comments 12 replies
Thanks for the repro. |
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I've found something interesting. It works if the module TaskView =
let update msg model =
printfn $"Msg.update {msg}"
match msg with
| UpdateValue ->
let v = (model.Value |> Option.defaultValue 0) + 1
{ model with Value = Some v }, Cmd.none
let create key (_model : IWritable<Model>) =
Component.create (key,
fun ctx ->
printfn "TaskView render"
let model = ctx.usePassed(_model, renderOnChange = true)
let model, dispatch = ctx.useElmish (model, update)
StackPanel.create [
StackPanel.orientation Orientation.Horizontal
StackPanel.children [
TextBlock.create [
TextBlock.text (model.Value |> string |> Option.defaultValue "")
Button.create [
Button.content "Update"
Button.onClick (fun _ -> printfn "Button click"; UpdateValue |> dispatch)
) I wonder if this is related to the reworked |
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preview 6.1 did fix that problem! And I'm sorry to keep doing this, but having two components on the same Writable doesn't work the way I expected (at least given the code the way I've written it). This has two buttons, one increments a numeric counter and the other adds dots to a string. But switching between the buttons resets the other model member (presumably it re-initialises the model). namespace TestApp
open Elmish
open Avalonia
open Avalonia.Themes.Fluent
open Avalonia.FuncUI.Hosts
open Avalonia.Controls
open Avalonia.Controls.ApplicationLifetimes
open Avalonia.Layout
open Avalonia.FuncUI
open Avalonia.FuncUI.DSL
open Avalonia.FuncUI.Elmish.ElmishHook
type Model =
Value1 : int option
Value2 : string option
} with
static member Default = { Value1 = None; Value2 = None }
type Msg =
| UpdateValue1
| UpdateValue2
module Views =
let update msg model =
printfn $"Msg.update {msg}"
match msg with
| UpdateValue1 ->
let v = (model.Value1 |> Option.defaultValue 0) + 1
{ model with Value1 = Some v }, Cmd.none
| UpdateValue2 ->
let v = (model.Value2 |> Option.defaultValue "") + "."
{ model with Value2 = Some v }, Cmd.none
let view1 key (_model : IWritable<Model>) =
Component.create (key,
fun ctx ->
printfn "view1 render"
let model = ctx.usePassed(_model, renderOnChange = true)
let _, dispatch = ctx.useElmish (model, update)
let value = model |> State.readMap (fun m -> m.Value1)
StackPanel.create [
StackPanel.orientation Orientation.Horizontal
StackPanel.children [
match value.Current with
| None ->
| Some v ->
TextBlock.create [
TextBlock.text (v.ToString())
Button.create [
Button.content "Update"
Button.onClick (fun _ -> printfn "View1 Button click"; UpdateValue1 |> dispatch)
let view2 key (_model : IWritable<Model>) =
Component.create (key,
fun ctx ->
printfn "view2 render"
let model = ctx.usePassed(_model, renderOnChange = true)
let _, dispatch = ctx.useElmish (model, update)
let value = model |> State.readMap (fun m -> m.Value2)
StackPanel.create [
StackPanel.orientation Orientation.Horizontal
StackPanel.children [
match value.Current with
| None ->
| Some v ->
TextBlock.create [
TextBlock.text v
Button.create [
Button.content "Update"
Button.onClick (fun _ -> printfn "View2 Button click"; UpdateValue2 |> dispatch)
module MainView =
let create () =
Component (
fun ctx ->
printfn $"MainView render"
let model = ctx.useState (Model.Default)
Grid.create [
Grid.rowDefinitions "*,*"
Grid.children [
ContentControl.create [
Grid.row 0
ContentControl.content (
Views.view1 "view1" model
ContentControl.create [
Grid.row 1
ContentControl.content (
Views.view2 "view2" model
type MainWindow() =
inherit HostWindow()
base.Title <- "Test"
base.Content <- MainView.create ()
type App() =
inherit Application()
override this.Initialize() =
this.Styles.Add (FluentTheme(baseUri = null, Mode = FluentThemeMode.Dark))
override this.OnFrameworkInitializationCompleted() =
this.Name <- "Test"
match this.ApplicationLifetime with
| :? IClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime as desktopLifetime ->
let mainWindow = MainWindow()
mainWindow.MinWidth <- 850.0
mainWindow.MinHeight <- 600.0
desktopLifetime.MainWindow <- mainWindow
| _ -> ()
module Program =
let main(args: string[]) =
.StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime(args) |
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I've found something interesting.
For some reason, conditionally creating the
causes the issue.It works if the
is always created, but only the value changes: