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Provide detailed information about a specific edititem. The JSON response document is as follow
"value":"Title item",
Return codes:
- 200 OK - if the operation succeed
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions to view the edititem
- 404 Not found - if the edititem or MODE doesn't exist
The PATCH method expects a JSON body according to the JSON Patch specification RFC6902
To add a new value to an existent metadata and the metadata must be defined in the submissionDefinition of current MODE ,the client must send a JSON Patch ADD operation as follow
`curl -X PATCH '{dspace7-url}/api/core/edititems/<:id>:<:MODE>' -H "Authorization: Bearer ..." -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '[{"op":"add","path":"/sections/<:name-of-the-form>/<:metadata>/-","value":{"value":"...","language":"...","authority":"...","confidence":-1}}]'
It is possible to remove a specific metadatavalue if the metadata is defined in the submissionDefinition of current MODE
curl --data '[{ "op": "remove", "path": "/sections/traditionalpageone/dc.subject/0"}]' -X PATCH ${dspace7-url}/api/core/edititems/<:id>:<:MODE>
Provide detailed information about edit item modes available to current user for Item having uuid passed as input paraameter. The JSON response document is as follow
"_embedded": {
"edititemmodes": [
"id": "FULL",
"name": "FULL",
"label": null,
"submissionDefinition": "publication-edit",
"type": "edititemmode",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "https://{dspace-cris-backend-url}/server/api/core/edititemmodes/FULL"
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://{dspace-cris-backend-url}/server/api/core/edititems/search/findModesById?uuid=9880d9e1-5441-4e14-a6e8-6cf453bc25f9"
"page": {
"size": 20,
"totalElements": 1,
"totalPages": 1,
"number": 0
Return codes:
- 200 OK - if the operation succeed
- 400 Bad request - if the id parameter is missing or invalid