vim: syntax=markdown tw=78 spl=en spell
- Catch and log global exceptions
- Option to disable clock display
- Reload settings on SIGHUP
- Option to set clock based on pager alarm
- Toggle idle display on signal
- Installation script
- Show revision / date
- Splash Screen
- Show abort of alarm
- Show alarmed resources/units
- Symbol for rights-of-way
- Symbols for all alarm types
- Symbol for distance
- Symbol for route time
- Draw route over loaded tiles
- Draw time since alarm in different colors or symbols
Reconnect periodically
Configure device file path
Check pager connection?
- Play sound at alarm update
- Play sound at different times after alarm
- Test synchronous sounds
- Take alarm time before forwarding
- Process chemical hazards
- Remove fall-back string if correct alarm follows
- process check_idle() response and stay in idle mode
Configure minimum zoom levels
Respect route extent during route map zoom calculation
Use emergency routing algorithm
Respect local route agreements
- Print route information (distance, time)
- Local resource/unit names in configuration file
- Disable report on slave displays
- Read-only file system
- Show remaining time
- Show eCall data