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LLM perspectives

This codebase is based on MMLU codebase. - link


Setup the conda env

conda create -n llm_stability python=3.10
conda activate llm_stability
cd test/
pip install -r PLOSONE/requirements.txt 

For phi-1 and phi-2

conda create -n llm_stability python=3.10
conda activate llm_stability_437
cd test/
pip install -r PLOSONE/requirements.txt 
pip install transformers==4.37.0

Setup environment variables

The rest of this guide will use the dummy model, which is a random baseline. For other models, you may wish to set various environment variables.

  • To use OpenAI models, set the OPENAI_API_KEY env variable:
export OPENAI_API_KEY="<your_key>"
  • To use huggingface models, set the HF_HOME env variable to define your cache directory:
export HF_HOME="$HOME/.cache/huggingface"
  • To use huggingface gated models, set the HF_TOKEN env variable
export HF_TOKEN="<your_token>"

Evaluating and computing the stability

Minimal example

You can run one evaluation with the following command

python -u \
--engine "dummy" \
--experiment_name pvq_test \
--data_dir data/data_pvq \
--simulated-population-config personas/tolkien_characters/personas.json \
--simulated-conversation-theme $theme \
--simulated-conversation-n-messages 3 \
--permute-options-seed "testing_seed" \
--interlocutor-knows-persona \
--save_dir test_results/pvq_tolkien_dummy_$theme \
--pvq-version "pvq_auto" \

This will evaluate a dummy (random) model simulating tolkien characters on PVQ. It will save the results into: test_results/pvq_tolkien_dummy_chess_<timestamp>/results.json

You can a different model in one of the following two ways:

  • --engine <model_name> where <model_name> is the name of a config file in ./models/configs/* (e.g. --model phi-1)
  • --model-config-path <path_to_config>, where <path_to_config> is a config file path (e.g. --model-config-path ./models/configs/phi-1.json)

Now lets run the same command for "joke" conversation theme:

python -u \
--engine "dummy" \
--experiment_name pvq_test \
--data_dir data/data_pvq \
--simulated-population-config personas/tolkien_characters/personas.json \
--simulated-conversation-theme $theme \
--simulated-conversation-n-messages 3 \
--permute-options-seed "testing_seed" \
--interlocutor-knows-persona \
--save_dir test_results/pvq_tolkien_dummy_$theme \
--pvq-version "pvq_auto" \

And for "grammar":

python -u \
--engine "dummy" \
--experiment_name pvq_test \
--data_dir data/data_pvq \
--simulated-population-config personas/tolkien_characters/personas.json \
--simulated-conversation-theme $theme \
--simulated-conversation-n-messages 3 \
--permute-options-seed "testing_seed" \
--interlocutor-knows-persona \
--save_dir test_results/pvq_tolkien_dummy_$theme \
--pvq-version "pvq_auto" \

Great now we have three results and we can compute the stability of the model with the following command:

python ./visualization_scripts/ test_results/pvq_tolkien_dummy_*

This should give stabilities close to zero because we are testing a dummy model, which only selects a random answer:

Aggregated metrics
Rank-Order      Ipsative
0.0051          0.0074

The script has some interesting flags.

  • --no-ips skips over ipsative stability computation (saves time)
  • --plot-matrix shows the pairwise comparison between pairs of contexts (themes)
  • --plot-ranks visualizes the orders of participants in different contexts

You can see examples of other settings in the PLOSONE/run_scripts/ script. The purpose of this script if to increase the clarity of this tutorial.

It requires to set 7 parameters, which are by default set to:

1. Theme:grammar
2. Seed:1
3. N messages:3
4. LLM:dummy
5. Questionnaire:pvq
6. Population:tolkien_characters
7. Experiment name:test

Following the comments in the script, you can modify those parameters.

From the test directory, you can run

bash PLOSONE/run_scripts/

This will evaluate a dummy model, which chooses random answers on the PVQ questionniare.

Campaign evaluations and stability computation

Administer the questionnaire

In the previous example we showed how to run one evaluation: administer a questionnaire to a simulated population with one model, one conversation topic, and one seed.

In practice, we want to run those evaluations as a campaign (evaluate on many topics and many seeds). We can do this with the PLOSONE/run_scripts/ script.

This script accepts two arguments:

  • model: dummy (to see all available models run ls models/configs/)
  • the experiment_type as defined by the following table
experiment_type task simulated population
pvq_tolk PVQ tolkien characters
pvq_fam PVQ real-world personas
religion religion real-world personas
don donation tolkien characters
bag stealing tolkien characters
no_pop PVQ no population

We can use this script on a regular or a slurm-based machine. We want to run 25 evaluations: 5 seeds (answer permutations) x 5 conversation topics at once.

  • Regular machine:

    This will run the 25 evaluations sequentially:

    for i in {0..24}; do SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID=$i bash PLOSONE/run_scripts/ dummy pvq_tolk ; done

    This will run the 25 evaluations in parallel:

    for i in {0..24}; do SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID=$i bash PLOSONE/run_scripts/ dummy pvq_tolk & done; wait
  • Slurm-based machine:

    Make sure to modify your slurm config at the top of This will launch 25 parallel jobs

    sbatch PLOSONE/run_scripts/ dummy pvq_tolk

After evaluating a dummy model by any of the above commands, you should have the following folders structure:


Each should have 5 subdirectories with a results.json file, e.g:


In other words the following command should return 25:

ls  results/stability_default_params_pvq_tolkien_characters/dummy/seed_*/*/results.json | wc -l

Analyse the results - compute the stability

We can compute the stability in one seed with the script:

python ./visualization_scripts/ --ips PLOSONE/results/stability_default_params_pvq_tolkien_characters/dummy/seed_0/*

As we are using a dummy model we should get close to zero stabilities:

Aggregated metrics
Rank-Order      Ipsative
-0.0030         -0.0088

TIP: you can add --no-ips argument to the call to compute only Rank-Order stability (this is much faster).

We can also evaluate many seeds and models at once with the script. It takes the following arguments:

  • --fig-name argument defines the experiment type to evaluate (looks in the correct results subdirectory), options are: tolk_ro_t,fam_ro_t,religion_t,don_t,bag_t
  • --assert-n-context 5 ensures that each seed has 5 topics
  • --all-models evaluates all models in the ./models/configs directory, if you do not set this argument you can manually define the models list on line 33.
python PLOSONE/data_analysis/ --fig-name tolk_ro_t --assert-n-context 5 --all-models

Towards the end of the output you should see a line as follows random: -0.00029 +/- 0.005, again the dummy model has near-zero stability. The displayed figure should show one bar (it will not be easily visible as it is ~0.0).

Other experiments

Other experiments in the papers can be run with the following scripts:,, run_campaign_no_pop_more_msgs. The scripts can be used in the same was as was shown above with

Adding a new model

Most models on the huggingface hub can be added by simply adding a new config file.

touch ./models/configs/mymodelname.json

This assumes that the model can be used in the standard way as follows:

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(self.model_id, **self.load_args)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.model_id, **self.load_args)
prompt = "Hello"

# for chat models
input_ids = self.tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
[{"role":"user", "content", prompt}], return_tensors="pt", add_generation_prompt=True).to(self.model.device

# for base models
input_ids = self.tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").to(self.model.device).input_ids

output_seq = model.generate(input_ids=input_ids, **generation_args, return_dict_in_generate=True, output_scores=True, stopping_criteria=stopping_criteria)
response = tokenizer.decode(output_seq.sequences[0][len(input_ids[0]):], skip_special_tokens=True)

You can refer to models/ for more details.

Here is an example of the config file for the LLaMa-2-7b model:

  "model_class": "HuggingFaceModel",
  "model_id": "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf",
  "system_message": true,
  "base_model_template": true,
  "load_args": {
    "torch_dtype": "torch.float16",
    "trust_remote_code": true,
    "device_map": "auto",
    "token": "HF_TOKEN"
  "generation_args": {
    "max_new_tokens": 100,
    "do_sample": true,
    "top_p": 0.9,
    "top_k": 50,
    "temperature": 0.6,
    "repetition_penalty": 1.2,
    "num_beams": 1

It should be filled as follows:

  • model_class - should be "HuggingFaceModel" unless for you want to do define your own class (it should be in models/)
  • model_id is equivalent to the huggingface hub id
  • base_model_template - true if the model is a base model, false if the model is chat or instruct tuned (the tokenizer has the apply_chat_template function)
  • system_message - true if the model has the system message input or if it's a base model
  • load_args - arguments that will be passed to AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained and AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained in addition to the model_id
  • generation_args - arguments that will be passed to the generate function while simulating conversations

Minor points:

  • HF_TOKEN is automatically parsed to the token encoded in the "HF_TOKEN" environment variable.
  • The string "torch.float16" is parsed to torch.float16 value.

For additional details refer to models/ (create_model and load_model_args methods).

After correctly configuring the model config file, the new model can be passed as the engine argument to (name of the json file without the extension). You should be able to evaluate it as any other model. For example, using:

sbatch mymodelname pvq_tolk

If a model requires a different transformers version, you can define the conda env to use in the script on line 119