| 2 | + * |
| 3 | + * This class was automatically generated by the |
| 4 | + * aapt tool from the resource data it found. It |
| 5 | + * should not be modified by hand. |
| 6 | + */ |
| 7 | + |
| 8 | +package com.flashback.calcestv2; |
| 9 | + |
| 10 | +public final class R { |
| 11 | + public static final class attr { |
| 12 | + } |
| 13 | + public static final class dimen { |
| 14 | + public static final int mediumTest=0x7f040001; |
| 15 | + public static final int smallTest=0x7f040000; |
| 16 | + } |
| 17 | + public static final class drawable { |
| 18 | + public static final int background_activities=0x7f020000; |
| 19 | + public static final int background_splash_screen=0x7f020001; |
| 20 | + public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f020002; |
| 21 | + } |
| 22 | + public static final class id { |
| 23 | + public static final int RelativeLayout1=0x7f08001a; |
| 24 | + public static final int ScrollView01=0x7f080028; |
| 25 | + public static final int ScrollView02=0x7f080000; |
| 26 | + public static final int btnGoToAGB=0x7f08004f; |
| 27 | + public static final int btnGoToAuswertung=0x7f080027; |
| 28 | + public static final int btnGoToGehaltsschein=0x7f08003f; |
| 29 | + public static final int btnGoToVorsorge=0x7f08005a; |
| 30 | + public static final int btnGoToWerbungsKosten=0x7f080039; |
| 31 | + public static final int button7Act1=0x7f080010; |
| 32 | + public static final int button7Act2=0x7f08000e; |
| 33 | + public static final int button7Act3=0x7f080011; |
| 34 | + public static final int chbEinzelveranlagung=0x7f08001b; |
| 35 | + public static final int chbZusammenveranlagung=0x7f08001c; |
| 36 | + public static final int etAV=0x7f080036; |
| 37 | + public static final int etArbeitsMonate=0x7f080038; |
| 38 | + public static final int etArbeitsmittelGezahlt=0x7f080056; |
| 39 | + public static final int etArbeitstage=0x7f080053; |
| 40 | + public static final int etBU=0x7f080045; |
| 41 | + public static final int etBruttoGehalt=0x7f08002a; |
| 42 | + public static final int etEntfernungWA=0x7f080051; |
| 43 | + public static final int etHaftpflicht=0x7f080041; |
| 44 | + public static final int etHnDlHandwerker=0x7f080026; |
| 45 | + public static final int etHnDlMitAn=0x7f080020; |
| 46 | + public static final int etHnDlOhneAn=0x7f080023; |
| 47 | + public static final int etKV=0x7f080030; |
| 48 | + public static final int etKrankheitskostenGezahlt=0x7f08001e; |
| 49 | + public static final int etLine1=0x7f080001; |
| 50 | + public static final int etLine10=0x7f08000b; |
| 51 | + public static final int etLine11=0x7f080014; |
| 52 | + public static final int etLine12=0x7f080015; |
| 53 | + public static final int etLine13=0x7f080016; |
| 54 | + public static final int etLine14=0x7f080018; |
| 55 | + public static final int etLine2=0x7f080004; |
| 56 | + public static final int etLine3=0x7f080003; |
| 57 | + public static final int etLine4=0x7f080005; |
| 58 | + public static final int etLine5=0x7f080006; |
| 59 | + public static final int etLine6=0x7f080007; |
| 60 | + public static final int etLine7=0x7f080008; |
| 61 | + public static final int etLine8=0x7f080009; |
| 62 | + public static final int etLine9=0x7f08000a; |
| 63 | + public static final int etLohnSteuer=0x7f08002c; |
| 64 | + public static final int etLvMitKap=0x7f08004b; |
| 65 | + public static final int etLvOhneKap=0x7f08004e; |
| 66 | + public static final int etPV=0x7f080032; |
| 67 | + public static final int etRV=0x7f080034; |
| 68 | + public static final int etRiester=0x7f080049; |
| 69 | + public static final int etRuerup=0x7f080047; |
| 70 | + public static final int etSolZ=0x7f08002d; |
| 71 | + public static final int etSpendenGezahlt=0x7f080055; |
| 72 | + public static final int etSteuerJahr=0x7f08003a; |
| 73 | + public static final int etTelefonkostenGezahlt=0x7f080059; |
| 74 | + public static final int etUnfall=0x7f080043; |
| 75 | + public static final int googleMaps=0x7f08005b; |
| 76 | + public static final int progressBar1=0x7f080019; |
| 77 | + public static final int textView1=0x7f080002; |
| 78 | + public static final int textView2=0x7f08000d; |
| 79 | + public static final int textView3=0x7f08000f; |
| 80 | + public static final int textView4=0x7f080013; |
| 81 | + public static final int textView5=0x7f080017; |
| 82 | + public static final int textView6=0x7f08003b; |
| 83 | + public static final int textView7=0x7f08003d; |
| 84 | + public static final int textView8=0x7f08003e; |
| 85 | + public static final int textView9=0x7f08003c; |
| 86 | + public static final int tv2HnDlMitAn=0x7f080021; |
| 87 | + public static final int tv2HnDlOhneAn=0x7f080025; |
| 88 | + public static final int tvAV=0x7f080035; |
| 89 | + public static final int tvArbeitsMonate=0x7f080037; |
| 90 | + public static final int tvArbeitsmittelGezahlt=0x7f080057; |
| 91 | + public static final int tvArbeitstage=0x7f080052; |
| 92 | + public static final int tvBU=0x7f080044; |
| 93 | + public static final int tvBruttoGehalt=0x7f080029; |
| 94 | + public static final int tvEntfernungWA=0x7f080050; |
| 95 | + public static final int tvHaftpflicht=0x7f080040; |
| 96 | + public static final int tvHnDlHandwerker=0x7f080024; |
| 97 | + public static final int tvHnDlMitAn=0x7f08001f; |
| 98 | + public static final int tvHnDlOhneAn=0x7f080022; |
| 99 | + public static final int tvKV=0x7f08002f; |
| 100 | + public static final int tvKrankheitskostenGezahlt=0x7f08001d; |
| 101 | + public static final int tvLohnSteuer=0x7f08002b; |
| 102 | + public static final int tvLvMitKap=0x7f08004a; |
| 103 | + public static final int tvLvMitKap2=0x7f08004c; |
| 104 | + public static final int tvLvOhneKap=0x7f08004d; |
| 105 | + public static final int tvPV=0x7f080031; |
| 106 | + public static final int tvRV=0x7f080033; |
| 107 | + public static final int tvRiester=0x7f080048; |
| 108 | + public static final int tvRuerup=0x7f080046; |
| 109 | + public static final int tvSolZ=0x7f08002e; |
| 110 | + public static final int tvSpendenGezahlt=0x7f080054; |
| 111 | + public static final int tvTelefonkostenGezahlt=0x7f080058; |
| 112 | + public static final int tvUnfall=0x7f080042; |
| 113 | + public static final int txtCreateFolder=0x7f08000c; |
| 114 | + public static final int txtFileDir=0x7f080012; |
| 115 | + public static final int wkAbc=0x7f08005c; |
| 116 | + } |
| 117 | + public static final class layout { |
| 118 | + public static final int activity_base_auswertung=0x7f030000; |
| 119 | + public static final int activity_base_splash_screen=0x7f030001; |
| 120 | + public static final int activity_base_veranlagung_chb=0x7f030002; |
| 121 | + public static final int activity_ev_agbelastung=0x7f030003; |
| 122 | + public static final int activity_ev_gehaltsschein=0x7f030004; |
| 123 | + public static final int activity_ev_start=0x7f030005; |
| 124 | + public static final int activity_ev_vorsorge=0x7f030006; |
| 125 | + public static final int activity_ev_werbungskosten=0x7f030007; |
| 126 | + public static final int activity_zv_start=0x7f030008; |
| 127 | + } |
| 128 | + public static final class menu { |
| 129 | + public static final int activity_ev_werbungskosten=0x7f070000; |
| 130 | + } |
| 131 | + public static final class string { |
| 132 | + public static final int ZVstart=0x7f050010; |
| 133 | + public static final int angabeWK=0x7f05001a; |
| 134 | + public static final int angabenAGB=0x7f05002c; |
| 135 | + public static final int angabenGehalt=0x7f050011; |
| 136 | + public static final int angabenHnDL=0x7f05002e; |
| 137 | + public static final int angabenVorsorge=0x7f050022; |
| 138 | + public static final int app_name=0x7f050000; |
| 139 | + public static final int arbeitsMonate=0x7f050019; |
| 140 | + public static final int arbeitslosenVers=0x7f050018; |
| 141 | + public static final int arbeitsmittelGezahlt=0x7f05001e; |
| 142 | + public static final int arbeitstage=0x7f05001c; |
| 143 | + public static final int auswertung=0x7f050035; |
| 144 | + public static final int bruttoGehalt=0x7f050012; |
| 145 | + public static final int buVers=0x7f050025; |
| 146 | + public static final int buttonFile=0x7f05003b; |
| 147 | + public static final int buttonFolder=0x7f05003a; |
| 148 | + public static final int button_WK_ABC=0x7f050021; |
| 149 | + public static final int button_auswertung=0x7f050036; |
| 150 | + public static final int button_maps=0x7f050020; |
| 151 | + public static final int button_weiter=0x7f050008; |
| 152 | + public static final int createFile=0x7f050039; |
| 153 | + public static final int createFolder=0x7f050038; |
| 154 | + public static final int createFolder2=0x7f05003e; |
| 155 | + public static final int createfileact=0x7f050037; |
| 156 | + public static final int entfernungWA=0x7f05001b; |
| 157 | + public static final int etFile=0x7f05003d; |
| 158 | + public static final int etFolder=0x7f05003c; |
| 159 | + public static final int haftpflichtVers=0x7f050027; |
| 160 | + public static final int headline=0x7f050006; |
| 161 | + public static final int headlineChbAuswahlVeranlagung=0x7f050003; |
| 162 | + public static final int hinweis=0x7f050009; |
| 163 | + public static final int hinweis2=0x7f05000a; |
| 164 | + public static final int hinweis3=0x7f05000b; |
| 165 | + public static final int hnDl1=0x7f05002f; |
| 166 | + public static final int hnDl1_2=0x7f050030; |
| 167 | + public static final int hnDl2=0x7f050031; |
| 168 | + public static final int hnDl2_2=0x7f050032; |
| 169 | + public static final int hnDl3=0x7f050033; |
| 170 | + public static final int hnDl4=0x7f050034; |
| 171 | + public static final int krankenVers=0x7f050015; |
| 172 | + public static final int krankheitskostenGezahlt=0x7f05002d; |
| 173 | + public static final int lohnSteuer=0x7f050013; |
| 174 | + public static final int lvMitKap=0x7f050028; |
| 175 | + public static final int lvMitKap_2=0x7f050029; |
| 176 | + public static final int lvOhneKap=0x7f05002a; |
| 177 | + public static final int lvOhneKap_2=0x7f05002b; |
| 178 | + public static final int personenkreis=0x7f05000c; |
| 179 | + public static final int personenkreis2=0x7f05000e; |
| 180 | + public static final int pflegeVers=0x7f050017; |
| 181 | + public static final int rentenVers=0x7f050016; |
| 182 | + public static final int riesterVers=0x7f050024; |
| 183 | + public static final int ruerupVers=0x7f050023; |
| 184 | + public static final int solZ=0x7f050014; |
| 185 | + public static final int spendenGezahlt=0x7f05001d; |
| 186 | + public static final int splashScreen01=0x7f050001; |
| 187 | + public static final int splashScreen02=0x7f050002; |
| 188 | + public static final int steuerjahr=0x7f050007; |
| 189 | + public static final int telefonkostenGezahlt=0x7f05001f; |
| 190 | + public static final int unfallVers=0x7f050026; |
| 191 | + public static final int unterlagen=0x7f05000d; |
| 192 | + public static final int unterlagen2=0x7f05000f; |
| 193 | + public static final int veranlagungsArt01=0x7f050004; |
| 194 | + public static final int veranlagungsArt02=0x7f050005; |
| 195 | + } |
| 196 | + public static final class style { |
| 197 | + /** |
| 198 | + Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced |
| 199 | + by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices. |
| 200 | + |
| 201 | +
| 202 | + Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in |
| 203 | + res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to |
| 204 | + backward-compatibility can go here. |
| 205 | + |
| 206 | +
| 207 | + Base application theme for API 11+. This theme completely replaces |
| 208 | + AppBaseTheme from res/values/styles.xml on API 11+ devices. |
| 209 | + |
| 210 | + API 11 theme customizations can go here. |
| 211 | +
| 212 | + Base application theme for API 14+. This theme completely replaces |
| 213 | + AppBaseTheme from BOTH res/values/styles.xml and |
| 214 | + res/values-v11/styles.xml on API 14+ devices. |
| 215 | + |
| 216 | + API 14 theme customizations can go here. |
| 217 | + */ |
| 218 | + public static final int AppBaseTheme=0x7f060000; |
| 219 | + /** Application theme. |
| 220 | + All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here. |
| 221 | + */ |
| 222 | + public static final int AppTheme=0x7f060001; |
| 223 | + } |
| 224 | +} |
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