This package is part of ROS/IOP Bridge.
Forwards the global waypoint command to ROS.
tf_frame_world (str, Default: "/world")
TF frame used in ROS for global coordinates. This value is set in each command message.
tv_max (float , Default: 1.0)
The maximum allowed speed.
cmd_global_pose (geometry_msgs::PoseStamped)
The command position.
cmd_fix (sensor_msgs::NavSatFix)
Alternative command position without orientation.
cmd_global_geopose (geographic_msgs::GeoPoseStamped)
Alternative command position.
cmd_travel_speed (std_msgs::Float32), latched
The maximum speed configured by parameter or send from OCU. Speed from OCU is always smaller or equal to parameterized value.
global_way_point_reached (std_msgs::Bool)
Reports to the client service that the point is reached.