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296 lines (192 loc) · 5.85 KB

File metadata and controls

296 lines (192 loc) · 5.85 KB


A collection of miscellaneous utility functions

Get started

npm i @fiad/toolbox
import * as utils from '@fiad/toolbox/utils'

Utilities list


It handles function debouncing:

import debounce from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/debounce'

const handler = () => {
  // something to do on resize

const debounceTime = 200
const onResize = debounce(handler, debounceTime)

window.addEventListener('resize', onResize)


It handles function throttling:

import throttle from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/throttle'

const handler = () => {
  // something to do on click

const throttleTime = 200
const onClick = throttle(handler, throttleTime)

document.addEventListener('click', onClick)


It delegates an event to the elements matching to the given selector:

import delegate from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/delegate'

const gallery = document.getElementById('gallery')
const handler = delegate('img', (e, target) => {
  console.log(e) // logs the original event
  console.log(target) // logs the event delegate (the clicked img)

gallery.addEventListener('click', handler)


It checks if two entities are equal:

import equal from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/equal'

// some code that defines the a and b entities

if (equal(a, b)) {
  // scoped code


It deeply merges two objects (or arrays):

import deepMerge from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/deep-merge'

// some code that defines the a and b objects/arrays

const c = deepMerge(a, b)


It recursively retrieves the differences between two objects:

import diff from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/diff'

const a = {
  id: 1,
  total: 2,
  items: ['a', 'b'],
  config: {
    someProp: 'lorem',
    otherProp: 'ispum'

const b = {
  id: 1,
  total: 3,
  items: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
  config: {
    someProp: 'lorem',
    otherProp: 'dolor'

const c = diff(a, b)

The returned value will be:

  "total": [2, 3],
  "items": [["a", "b"], ["a", "b", "c"]],
  "config": {
    "otherProp": ["ispum", "dolor"]

As just seen, unchanged properties are ignored and each difference is returned as an array where the first element is the original value from a and the second one is the changed value in b.

💡 Notice: the comparison will only work with plain objects. The attempt to compare different kinds of items (arrays, class instances, etc.) will always return [a, b].


It allows to cache results of complex functions so that when they are recalled later the result will be returned directly from the internal cache without requiring a new execution

import memoize from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/memoize'

const fn = (...args) => {
  // some complex operation

const memoFn = memoize(fn)
const result = memoFn(/* some arguments */)


It handles query string parsing.

import QueryString from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/query-string'



It takes the given query string ( as default) and converts it into an object.

const params = QueryString.toObject('?resource=catalogue&token=JGwcicjA1Rl4whIBmrei')

// { resource: 'catalogue', token: 'JGwcicjA1Rl4whIBmrei' }


It builds a query string starting from an object of parameters.

const queryString = QueryString.fromObject({
  resource: 'catalogue',
  token: 'JGwcicjA1Rl4whIBmrei'

// ?resource=catalogue&token=JGwcicjA1Rl4whIBmrei


It handles string transformations.

Functions list:


It makes the first letter of (each word of) the given string uppercase:

import { capitalize } from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/string'

capitalize('sample string') // Sample String


It makes the first letter of (each word of) the given string lowercase:

import { uncapitalize } from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/string'

uncapitalize('Sample PascalCase String') // sample pascalCase string


It rewrites the given string in camelCase:

import { camelCase } from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/string'

camelCase('sample string') // sampleString


It rewrites the given string in PascalCase:

import { pascalCase } from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/string'

pascalCase('sample string') // SampleString


It rewrites the given string in snake_case:

import { snakeCase } from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/string'

snakeCase('sample string') // sample_string


It rewrites the given string in kebab-case:

import { kebabCase } from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/string'

kebabCase('sample string') // sample-string


It splits the given string into an array of trimmed words:

import { words } from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/string'

words('sample string ') // ['sample', 'string']

It also allows to apply a transformation to each word by passing a filter function as second argument:

import { words } from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/string'

words('sample string', word => `<span>${word}</span>`) // ['<span>sample</span>', '<span>string</span>']


It splits the given string into an array of trimmed chars:

import { chars } from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/string'

chars('sample string') // ['s', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e', ...]

or into an array of array by passing true as second argument, if it's needed to preserve word grouping:

chars('sample string', true) // [['s', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e'], [...]]

It also allows to apply a transformation to each char by passing a filter function as third argument:

import { words } from '@fiad/toolbox/utils/string'

chars('sample string', false, word => `<span>${word}</span>`) // ['<span>s</span>', '<span>a</span>', ...]