The easiest way to use feathers-datalaoader is to use the AppLoader
. This is a high level class that configures and caches the lower level classes on the fly with common defaults and best practices.
npm install --save feathers-dataloader
const { AppLoader } = require('feathers-dataloader');
const loader = new AppLoader({ app });
// Load one user with id 1
const user = await loader.service('users').load(1, params);
// Load one user with username "FeathersUser"
const user = await loader.service('users').key('username').load('FeathersUser', params);
// Load one user per userId in the array
const users = loader.service('users').load([1, 2, 3], params);
// Load multiple comments for user with userId 1
const comments = await loader.service('comments').multi('userId').load(1, params);
// Load multiple comments for each userId in the array
const comments = await loader.service('comments').multi('userId').load([1, 2, 3], params);
// You can also call get() and find() methods.
// These are helpful for gets/finds that are not necessarily a
// "relationships" but can still benefit from caching the results.
const user = await loader.service('users').get(1);
const users = await loader.service('users').find({ query: { status: 'active' } });
// Similarly you can call underscored methods if the service allows it
const user = await loader.service('users')._get(1);
const user = await loader.service('users')._load(1);
const users = await loader.service('users')._find({ query: { status: 'active' } });
Loaders are most commonly used when resolving data onto results. This is generally done in hooks like @feathers-/schema
, withResult
, or fastJoin
. Setup a loader in before hooks to make it available to these other hooks.
const { AppLoader } = require('feathers-dataloader');
// Use app.hooks() to initiliaze or pass on a loader
// with each service request. This ensures there is
// always params.loader available in subsequent hooks.
const initializeLoader = context => {
if (context.params.loader) {
return context;
context.params.loader = new AppLoader({ app: });
return context;
before: {
all: [initializeLoader]
Now loaders are available everywhere! No need to instantiate or configure a ServiceLoader
for each service ahead of time. ServiceLoader
are lazily created and cached as they are called. It is also best practice to pass the loader onto susequent service/loader calls to maximize effeciency. See the Guide section for more info.
const { resolveResult, resolve } = require('@feathersjs/schema');
const postResultsResolver = resolve({
properties: {
user: (value, post, context) => {
const { loader } = context.params;
return loader.service('users').load(post.userId, { loader });
after: {
all: [resolveResult(postResultsResolver)]
The AppLoader
lazily configures a new ServiceLoader
per service as you use them. This means that you do not have to configure the lower level ServiceLoader
classes. You can use these classes individually, although it is generally not needed.
const { ServiceLoader } = require('feathers-dataloader');
const serviceLoader = new ServiceLoader({ app, path: 'users' });
const user = await serviceLoader.load(1, params);
const user = await serviceLoader.get(1, params);
const users = await serviceLoader.find(params);
const user = await serviceLoader._load(1, params);
const user = await serviceLoader._get(1, params);
const users = await serviceLoader._find(params);
await serviceLoader.clear();
The ServiceLoader
configures a DataLoader
with some basic options. The DataLoader
is a powerful batching and caching class that dramatically imporoves performance. It is based on the facebook/dataloader. If you are interested in how this works in depth, check out this GREAT VIDEO by its original author.
const { DataLoader, uniqueKeys, uniqueResults } = require('feathers-dataloader');
const usersLoader = new DataLoader(async (keys) => {
const results = await users.find({ query: { id: { $in: uniqueKeys(keys) } } });
return uniqueResults(keys, results);
const user = await usersLoader.load(1);
Create a new app-loader. This is the most commonly used class.
- Arguments:
{Object} [ options ]
{Object} app
{Object} services
{Class} ServiceLoader
- ...globalLoaderOptions
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
app |
Object |
A Feathers app | |
services |
Object |
{} |
An object where each property is a service name and the value is loaderOptions for that service. These options override the globalLoaderOptions |
ServiceLoader |
Class |
ServiceLoader |
A base class that will be used to create each ServiceLoader instance |
globalLoaderOptions |
Object |
{} | Options that will be assigned to every new ServiceLoader |
const { AppLoader } = require("feathers-dataloader");
const appLoader = new AppLoader({
{ maxBatchSize: 500 }
services: {
users: { maxBatchSize: 100 }
const loader = appLoader.service('users');
const user = await loader.load(1, params);
const user = await loader.key('username').load('FeathersUser', params);
const users = await loader.load([1, 2, 3], params);
const authorUsers = await loader.multi('role').load('author', params);
const usersByRole = await loader.multi('role').load(['author', 'reader'], params);
const user = await loader.get(1, params);
const users = await loader.find(params);
await loader.clear()
Create a new service-loader. This class lazily configures underlying DataLoader
and takes many DataLoader
- Arguments:
{Object} [ options ]
{Object} path
{Map} cacheMap
{Function} cacheParamsFn
{Function} selectFn
- ...loaderOptions
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
app |
Object |
A Feathers app | |
path |
String |
The name of the service like "users" | |
cacheMap |
Map |
A Map like object with methods get, set, and clear to serve as the cache of results. | |
cacheParamsFn |
Function |
defaultCacheParamsFn | A function that returns a JSON stringifiable set or params to be used in the cacheKey. The default function traverses the params and removes any functions` |
selectFn |
Function |
defaultSelectFn | A function that selects or resolves data after it is returned from the cache |
loaderOptions |
Object |
{} | See DataLoader |
const { ServiceLoader } = require("feathers-dataloader");
const loader = new ServiceLoader({
path: 'users'
cacheParamsFn: (params) => {
return {
query: params.query
maxBatchSize: 500 // see DataLoader
const user = await loader.load(1, params);
const user = await loader.key('username').load('FeathersUser', params);
const users = await loader.load([1, 2, 3], params);
const authorUsers = await loader.multi('role').load('author', params);
const usersByRole = await loader.multi('role').load(['author', 'reader'], params);
const user = await loader.get(1, params);
const users = await loader.find(params);
const user = await loader._get(1, params);
const users = await loader._find(params);
const user = await loader._load(1,params);
await loader.clear()
This library re-exports Dataloader from its original package. Please see its documentation for more information. loaderOptions
given to ServiceLoader
will be used to configure Dataloaders. You can also import Dataloader
along with some helpful utility functions to build custom loaders.
const { DataLoader uniqueResults, uniqueKeys } = require("feathers-dataloader");
const batchFn = async (keys, context) => {
const data = await users.find({
query: { id: { $in: uniqueKeys(keys) } },
paginate: false,
return uniqueResults(keys, data);
const usersLoader = new DataLoader(
batch: true,
cache: true,
maxBatchSize: 100,
cacheKeyFn: (key) => key,
cacheMap: new Map()
Returns the unique elements in an array.
- Arguments:
{Array<String | Number>} keys
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
keys |
Array< String / Number > |
The keys. May contain duplicates. |
const usersLoader = new DataLoader(async keys => const data = users.find({ query: { id: { $in: uniqueKeys(keys) } } }) ... );
Reorganizes the records from the service call into the result expected from the batch function. Returns one result per key and is generally used for get({ id: 1 })
- Arguments:
{Array<String | Number>} keys
{Object | Array<Object>} result
{String} idProp
{Any} defaultValue
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
keys |
Array< String / Number> |
An array of key elements, which the value the batch loader function will use to find the records requested. |
result |
Array< Object > |
Any service method result. | |
idProp |
String |
'id' | The "id" property of the records. |
defaultValue |
Any |
null | The default value returned when there is no result matching a key. |
const usersLoader = new DataLoader(async (keys) => {
const data = users.find({ query: { id: { $in: uniqueKeys(keys) } } });
return uniqueResults(keys, result, "id", null);
Reorganizes the records from the service call into the result expected from the batch function. Returns multiple results per key and is generally used for find({ id: 1 })
- Arguments:
{Array<String | Number>} keys
{Object | Array<Object>} result
{String} idProp
{Any} defaultValue
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
keys |
Array< String / Number> |
An array of key elements, which the value the batch loader function will use to find the records requested. |
result |
Array< Object > |
Any service method result. | |
idProp |
String |
'id' | The "id" property of the records. |
defaultValue |
Any |
null | The default value returned when there is no result matching a key. |
const usersLoader = new DataLoader(async (keys) => {
const keys = uniqueKeys(keys);
const result = users.find({ query: { id: { $in: uniqueKeys(keys) } } });
return uniqueResultsMulti(keys, result, "id", null);