RATTM FTL project
rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match /{document=**} { allow read, write: if false; } } }
File Structure
RattmWeb/ : project folder
asgi.py : asgi config (idk what this is)
firebase.py : loads firebase db
rattm-cred-firebase.json : firebase credentials file
settings.py : django settings
urls.py : project endpoints
views.py : return interfaces for endpoints
wsgi.py : wsgi config (idk what this is)
transaction/ : transaction app folder (i have no idea what's going on here)
view.py : functions to upload and fetch data from firestore
urls.py : transaction-specific endpoints that call the functions in view.py
many other files that i do not understand
manage.py : file that runs everything
routers.py : file i made following a tutorial (idk if we need it)\
Running Code
Go to backend/django-api
Run python3 manage.py runserver
This will run on localhost:8000
will upload data to firebase
will show data in firebase
This is the link to the firestore project\
File Structure
modules/ : contains subpages (ex: transaction section within main page - we prob won't have that but just for now it's there)
transactions/ : formats transaction data
pages/ : contains pages of the site
main-site/ : format main page of site (imports transactions)
components/ : (not created yet) i think this can contain mobile vs desktop views for pages
fonts/ : idk what this does, i guess it has fonts
favicon.icon : our browser icon
globals.css : css styling for all pages
layout.tsx : layout for all pages (like if we have same header/footer for everything)
page.module.css : idk what this is for
page.tsx : main page at localhost:3000 (imports main-site)\
Running Code
Write npm run dev
while in the frontend folder\
Access using localhost:3000
- The main page calls
to display the transaction in the database on the frontend - Currently displays nothing cuz there's no database