We haven't talked about decorators yet, however this time we will use two which are provided by Python, these are staticmethod
and classmethod
In order to use the decorators we must know that these are put over the definition of the method or function with an @
as a prefix.
The methods are a kind of function which are defined in a class and can be of three types:
Instance methods are the ones we usually create when working with classes, these methods must have an argument that is always the first one and as a convention, it is called self, these methods are part of the instance we create.
class MyClass:
def instance_method(self):
print("Instance Method Called")
instance = MyClass()
# Output:
# Instance Method Called
We defined a method called instance_method
which as we indicated must have self
as the first parameter which refers to the instance created and we can use it to read or create attributes or use other methods in this instance of the class.
In order to define a class method, we must use the classmethod
decorator. When working with instance methods, the method must have an argument which is self, in this case, we will not define self
because we don't use anything related to the instance, however, we must use an argument which by convention is cls
class MyClass:
attribute = "hello, world"
def class_method(cls):
""" Class Method """
# Output:
# hello, world
cls refers to the class itself and the attributes defined in it.
Static methods are defined the same as the class methods but this time the decorator staticmethod
is used. Unlike the other methods, these do not receive any mandatory argument (besides that our logic requires).
So these methods can not access attributes or other methods of the class or instance.
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
def static_method(number):
print("Static Method Called")
print(number * number)
# Output:
# Static Method Called
# 900
instance = MyClass()
# Output:
# Static Method Called
# 2500
Static methods can be called from both instance and class methods.
We may never have used them, but we probably needed them.
The static methods are useful to separate the logic that doesn't have to make use of the instance or the class, and it's also good practice to separate this kind of logic.
Let's see an example using both decorators:
class FileManager:
def __init__(self, json_content):
self.content = json_content
def from_csv(cls, filename):
file_content = cls.read_csv_content(filename)
return cls(file_content)
def read_csv_content(filename):
# Read file
# Convert to json
return content
instance_from_json = FileManager(json_content)
instance_from_csv = FileManager.from_csv("path/to/the/file")
Static method are used for features that do not require the instance or the class, the class method allows us to create a new instance of a different format than the one the class receives when it is instantiated which is json.