Enumerate is a built-in Python function to which we can provide an iterator and return each of its elements in a tuple with a counter.
The syntax is as follows:
enumerate(sequence, start=0)
The default start value is 0 since, as in other programming languages, the indexes start at 0.
languages = ["Go", "Python", "Java"]
# Output:
# [(0, 'Go'), (1, 'Python'), (2, 'Java')]
The enumerate function returns an iterator, to be able to visualize it we must parse it or iterate it.
languages = ["Go", "Python", "Java"]
for counter, element in enumerate(languages):
print(counter, element)
# Output:
# 0 Go
# 1 Python
# 2 Java
The optional start argument can be manipulated with the argument called start
languages = ["Go", "Python", "Java"]
for counter, element in enumerate(languages, start=1):
print(counter, element)
# Output:
# 1 Go
# 2 Python
# 3 Java