- NodeJS
- Grunt
- libgpkg
- installed as a system library in /usr/local/lib and the shared library linked as 'libgpkg.ext' in /usr/local/lib/
e.g. on a Mac
ln -s libgpkg.dylib libgpkg.sqlext
- installed as a system library in /usr/local/lib and the shared library linked as 'libgpkg.ext' in /usr/local/lib/
e.g. on a Mac
Then execute
npm install
in the root directory.
grunt test
in the root directory to run tests.
node app.js
to run the server.
Execute from the root directory
curl "http://localhost:1337/wps?request=getcapabilities&version=1.0.0&service=wps"
curl "http://localhost:1337/wps?request=describeprocess&version=1.0.0&service=wps"
curl -d @samples/execute.xml http://localhost:1337/wps > shapefile.gpkg
curl -d @samples/wfs_execute.xml http://localhost:1337/wps > wfs.gpkg
curl -d @samples/georss_execute.xml http://localhost:1337/wps > georss.gpkg