Sonar Operator Release Notes, v.2.7.0
New functionality
• The unused code from operators in a Helm chart, responsible for Kubernetes object provisioning, is removed.
• CPU Request/Limits are adjusted to align with the latest resource consumption.
• CI Helm chart is improved to provide quick feedback from CI for Helm and Dockerfile.
• EDP Helm charts are updated to follow the chart best practices defined by Helm.
• Orphaned Kubernetes resources are removed and aligned with mutated Kubernetes resources.
• All go-alpine based images are updated to Alpine version 3.11.8.
• Resource requirements for EDP components in the Kubernetes cluster are aligned in order to ensure stability and proper scheduling of EDP.
Fixed Issues
• The visibility status in the projects created by Sonar is corrected to be ‘Private” by default.
• Customer resources for Sonar provide the correct dbImage value.
• Sonar operator now uses the correct Sonar token name for plugin configuration.