diff --git a/apps/documentation/components/packages/design/details/details.tsx b/apps/documentation/components/packages/design/details/details.tsx
index ad84dce1..9c249836 100644
--- a/apps/documentation/components/packages/design/details/details.tsx
+++ b/apps/documentation/components/packages/design/details/details.tsx
@@ -1,10 +1,26 @@
/* cSpell:disable */
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
-import { Action, Field } from '@elixir-cloud/design/dist/components/details/details';
import SlSkeleton from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/skeleton';
const EccUtilsDesignDetails = dynamic(
- () => import('@elixir-cloud/design/dist/react/details/index'),
+ () => import('@elixir-cloud/design/dist/react/ecc-d-details/index'),
+ {
+ ssr: false,
+ loading: () => (
+ ),
+ },
+const EccUtilsDesignDataItem = dynamic(
+ () => import('@elixir-cloud/design/dist/react/ecc-d-data-item/index'),
ssr: false,
loading: () => (
@@ -21,248 +37,192 @@ const EccUtilsDesignDetails = dynamic(
export default function Details() {
- const data: unknown = {
- company: {
- name: 'TechCorp',
- industry: 'Technology',
- employees: [
+ const employees = [
+ {
+ id: 101,
+ name: 'Alice Johnson',
+ position: 'Software Engineer',
+ skills: ['Java', 'JavaScript', 'SQL'],
+ projects: [
- id: 101,
- name: 'Alice Johnson',
- position: 'Software Engineer',
- skills: ['Java', 'JavaScript', 'SQL'],
- projects: [
- {
- projectId: 'P123',
- projectName: 'SmartApp',
- startDate: '2022-05-01',
- endDate: '2023-01-15',
- status: 'Completed',
- team: ['Alice Johnson', 'Bob Smith'],
- },
- {
- projectId: 'P124',
- projectName: 'DataAnalyzer',
- startDate: '2023-02-01',
- endDate: null,
- status: 'In Progress',
- team: ['Alice Johnson', 'Charlie Brown'],
- },
- ],
- address: {
- street: '123 Tech Street',
- city: 'Techville',
- zipCode: 'T12345',
- country: 'Techland',
- },
+ projectId: 'P123',
+ projectName: 'SmartApp',
+ startDate: '2022-05-01',
+ endDate: '2023-01-15',
+ status: 'Completed',
+ team: ['Alice Johnson', 'Bob Smith'],
- id: 102,
- name: 'Bob Smith',
- position: 'UI/UX Designer',
- skills: ['UI Design', 'CSS', 'Adobe XD'],
- projects: [
- {
- projectId: 'P123',
- projectName: 'SmartApp',
- startDate: '2022-05-01',
- endDate: '2023-01-15',
- status: 'Completed',
- team: ['Alice Johnson', 'Bob Smith'],
- },
- {
- projectId: 'P125',
- projectName: 'MobileApp',
- startDate: '2023-03-01',
- endDate: null,
- status: 'In Progress',
- team: ['Bob Smith', 'Eve White'],
- },
- ],
- address: {
- street: '456 Design Avenue',
- city: 'DesignCity',
- zipCode: 'D67890',
- country: 'Designland',
- },
+ copy: true,
+ projectId: 'P124',
+ projectName: 'DataAnalyzer',
+ startDate: '2023-02-01',
+ endDate: null,
+ status: 'In Progress',
+ team: ['Alice Johnson', 'Charlie Brown'],
- },
- clients: [
- {
- clientId: 'C001',
- clientName: 'GlobalTech Solutions',
- contactPerson: 'John Johnson',
- email: 'john.johnson@globaltech.com',
- projects: ['SmartApp', 'DataAnalyzer'],
- },
- {
- clientId: 'C002',
- clientName: 'DesignMaster Co.',
- contactPerson: 'Eva Designer',
- email: 'eva.designer@designmaster.com',
- projects: ['MobileApp'],
- },
- ],
- financials: {
- revenue: 1500000.5,
- expenses: {
- operating: 500000.25,
- marketing: 200000.75,
- research: 100000.5,
- },
- profit: 696969,
- },
- marketSegments: ['Enterprise', 'Startups', 'Government'],
- partners: [
- {
- partnerId: 'P001',
- partnerName: 'InnoTech Innovations',
- contactPerson: 'Mark Innovator',
- email: 'mark@innotech.com',
- projects: ['SmartApp'],
- },
- {
- partnerId: 'P002',
- partnerName: 'CreatiDesign Solutions',
- contactPerson: 'Lisa Designer',
- email: 'lisa@creatidesign.com',
- projects: ['MobileApp'],
- },
- ],
- debt: {
- partnerId: 'P001',
- partnerName: 'InnoTech Innovations',
- contactPerson: 'Mark Innovator',
- email: 'mark@innotech.com',
- projects: ['SmartApp'],
- },
- };
- const fields: Field[] = [
- {
- key: 'company.name',
- path: 'company.name',
- tab: 'Company Info',
- },
- {
- key: 'company.industry',
- path: 'company.industry',
- tab: 'Company Info',
- },
- {
- key: 'company.employees',
- path: 'company.employees[*]',
- tab: 'Employees',
- arrayOptions: {
- labelOptions: {
- path: '.id',
- prefix: 'Employee ',
- },
- },
- },
- {
- key: 'company.employees.skills',
- parentKey: 'company.employees',
- path: 'company.employees[*].skills',
- copy: true,
- arrayOptions: {
- type: 'tag',
+ address: {
+ street: '123 Tech Street',
+ city: 'Techville',
+ zipCode: 'T12345',
+ country: 'Techland',
- key: 'company.employees.projects.team',
- parentKey: 'company.employees',
- path: 'company.employees[*].projects[*].team',
- arrayOptions: {
- type: 'tag',
- },
- },
- {
- key: 'company.employees.projects',
- parentKey: 'company.employees',
- path: 'company.employees[*].projects[*]',
- arrayOptions: {
- labelOptions: {
- path: '.projectName',
+ id: 102,
+ name: 'Bob Smith',
+ position: 'UI/UX Designer',
+ skills: ['UI Design', 'CSS', 'Adobe XD'],
+ projects: [
+ {
+ projectId: 'P123',
+ projectName: 'SmartApp',
+ startDate: '2022-05-01',
+ endDate: '2023-01-15',
+ status: 'Completed',
+ team: ['Alice Johnson', 'Bob Smith'],
- },
- },
- {
- key: 'company.employees.projects',
- parentKey: 'company.employees',
- path: 'company.employees[0].projects[1]',
- copy: true,
- },
- {
- key: 'clients',
- path: 'clients[*]',
- tab: 'Clients',
- arrayOptions: {
- labelOptions: {
- path: '.clientName',
+ {
+ projectId: 'P125',
+ projectName: 'MobileApp',
+ startDate: '2023-03-01',
+ endDate: null,
+ status: 'In Progress',
+ team: ['Bob Smith', 'Eve White'],
+ ],
+ address: {
+ street: '456 Design Avenue',
+ city: 'DesignCity',
+ zipCode: 'D67890',
+ country: 'Designland',
- {
- key: 'clients.projects',
- parentKey: 'clients',
- path: 'clients[*].projects',
- arrayOptions: {
- type: 'tag',
- },
- },
- {
- key: 'financials',
- path: 'financials.*',
- tab: 'Financials',
- },
- {
- key: 'financials.expenses',
- parentKey: 'financials',
- path: 'financials.expenses',
- tooltip: 'Different fields of expenses',
- },
- {
- key: 'hypothetical',
- path: 'hypothetical',
- tab: 'Hypothetical',
- },
- const actions: Action[] = [
+ const clients = [
- key: '3',
- label: 'View More',
- type: 'link',
- linkOptions: {
- url: 'https://www.google.com',
- },
- position: 'left',
+ clientId: 'C001',
+ clientName: 'GlobalTech Solutions',
+ contactPerson: 'John Johnson',
+ email: 'john.johnson@globaltech.com',
+ projects: ['SmartApp', 'DataAnalyzer'],
- key: '2',
- label: 'Cancel',
- type: 'button',
- buttonOptions: {
- variant: 'danger',
- },
- },
- {
- key: '1',
- label: 'Save',
- type: 'button',
- buttonOptions: {
- variant: 'primary',
- icon: {
- url: 'https://img.icons8.com/ios/50/ffffff/save--v1.png',
- },
- },
+ clientId: 'C002',
+ clientName: 'DesignMaster Co.',
+ contactPerson: 'Eva Designer',
+ email: 'eva.designer@designmaster.com',
+ projects: ['MobileApp'],
+ const financials = {
+ revenue: 1500000.5,
+ expenses: {
+ operating: 500000.25,
+ marketing: 200000.75,
+ research: 100000.5,
+ },
+ profit: 696969,
+ };
+ const saveIcon = '
return (
+ {employees.map((e) => (
+ {Object.keys(e).map(
+ (key) =>
+ key !== 'address' &&
+ key !== 'projects' && (
+ ),
+ )}
+ {e.projects.map((p) => (
+ {Object.keys(p).map((pKey) => (
+ ))}
+ ))}
+ {Object.keys(e.address).map((aKey) => (
+ ))}
+ ))}
+ {clients.map((c) => (
+ {Object.keys(c).map((cKey) => (
+ ))}
+ ))}
+ {Object.keys(financials).map((fKey) =>
+ fKey === 'expenses' ? (
+ {Object.keys(financials[fKey]).map((k) => (
+ ))}
+ ) : (
+ ),
+ )}
+ text
diff --git a/apps/documentation/pages/_meta.json b/apps/documentation/pages/_meta.json
index f0749be0..8ae937f2 100644
--- a/apps/documentation/pages/_meta.json
+++ b/apps/documentation/pages/_meta.json
@@ -13,17 +13,6 @@
"about": {
"title": "About",
- "type": "menu",
- "items": {
- "contact": {
- "title": "Contact",
- "type": "page",
- "href": "/about/contact"
- },
- "contribute": {
- "title": "Contribute",
- "type": "page"
- }
- }
+ "type": "page"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/documentation/pages/about/_meta.json b/apps/documentation/pages/about/_meta.json
index 67e3400d..b12a184e 100644
--- a/apps/documentation/pages/about/_meta.json
+++ b/apps/documentation/pages/about/_meta.json
@@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
- "contact": {
- "title": "Contact",
- "type": "page"
- },
- "contribute": {
- "title": "Contribute",
- "type": "page"
- }
+ "contact": "Contact",
+ "contribute": "Contribute"
diff --git a/packages/ecc-utils-design/demo/details/index.html b/packages/ecc-utils-design/demo/details/index.html
index 3e7549a1..b2b54dd5 100644
--- a/packages/ecc-utils-design/demo/details/index.html
+++ b/packages/ecc-utils-design/demo/details/index.html
@@ -114,8 +114,6 @@
@@ -240,13 +238,15 @@
- text
+ text
diff --git a/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/dataItem.ts b/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/dataItem.ts
index da498b63..9f87f622 100644
--- a/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/dataItem.ts
+++ b/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/dataItem.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { html, LitElement } from "lit";
-import { property } from "lit/decorators.js";
+import { property, state } from "lit/decorators.js";
import "@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/tooltip/tooltip.js";
import "@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/copy-button/copy-button.js";
import "@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/tab/tab.js";
@@ -21,12 +21,32 @@ export class EccUtilsDesignDataItem extends LitElement {
- @property({ type: Array, reflect: true }) tabs = [];
- @property({ type: Boolean }) copy = false;
- @property({ type: String }) type = "";
- @property({ type: String }) value = "";
- @property({ type: String }) label = "";
- @property() tooltip = "";
+ @property({ type: Array, reflect: true }) tabs: string[] = [];
+ @property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) copy = false;
+ @property({ type: String, reflect: true }) type = "";
+ @property({ type: String, reflect: true }) value = "";
+ @property({ type: String, reflect: true }) label = "";
+ @property({ type: String, reflect: true }) tooltip = "";
+ @state() forceStateUpdate = 0;
+ connectedCallback() {
+ super.connectedCallback();
+ const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
+ mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
+ if (mutation.type === "childList") {
+ // React does not handle custom elements very well
+ // So we have to force a state update whenever the childList changes
+ // so we can have access to its updated attributes
+ this.forceStateUpdate += 1;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ observer.observe(this.shadowRoot!, {
+ childList: true,
+ });
+ }
render() {
const tabs = () => html`
diff --git a/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/details.styles.ts b/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/details.styles.ts
index 4d7ece9c..00775a5d 100644
--- a/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/details.styles.ts
+++ b/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/details.styles.ts
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export const detailsStyles = css`
text-decoration: underline;
padding: 0;
- .action-button {
+ .ecc-action-button {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
@@ -43,20 +43,20 @@ export const detailsStyles = css`
white-space: nowrap;
font-size: var(--ecc-input-font-size-medium);
- .action-button:active {
+ .ecc-action-button:active {
scale: 0.98;
- .action-button.primary {
+ .ecc-action-button.ecc-primary {
color: white;
background-color: var(--ecc-color-primary-600);
border: none;
- .action-button.danger {
+ .ecc-action-button.ecc-danger {
color: white;
background-color: var(--sl-color-danger-600);
border: none;
- .icon {
+ .ecc-icon {
height: var(--ecc-input-font-size-large);
width: var(--ecc-input-font-size-large);
diff --git a/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/details.ts b/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/details.ts
index 9dabd7e4..ddf1c894 100644
--- a/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/details.ts
+++ b/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/details.ts
@@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ export class EccUtilsDesignDetails extends LitElement {
render() {
const getLeftActionButtons = () =>
- Array.from(this.querySelectorAll('[type="action"][position="left"]'));
+ Array.from(
+ this.querySelectorAll('[ecc-type="action"][ecc-position="left"]')
+ );
const getRightActionButtons = () =>
- this.querySelectorAll('[type="action"]:not([position="left"])')
+ this.querySelectorAll('[ecc-type="action"]:not([ecc-position="left"])')
return html`
diff --git a/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/utils.ts b/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/utils.ts
index aba8af88..8979b57f 100644
--- a/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/utils.ts
+++ b/packages/ecc-utils-design/src/components/details/utils.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import * as _ from "lodash-es";
import "@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/tooltip/tooltip.js";
export const getListData = (input: string) => {
+ if (typeof input !== "string") return input;
if (input.trim().startsWith("[") && input.trim().endsWith("]")) {
return JSON.parse(input);
@@ -12,13 +13,14 @@ export const getListData = (input: string) => {
export const getNestedCopyValue = (el: Element) => {
const dataItems = el.querySelectorAll("ecc-d-data-item");
const data: Record = {};
dataItems.forEach((e) => {
const pathName = e.getAttribute("label") || "label";
if (_.isEqual(el, e.parentElement)) {
- if (e.getAttribute("type") === null) {
+ if (!e.getAttribute("type")?.trim()) {
_.set(data, pathName, e.getAttribute("value"));
} else if (e.getAttribute("type") === "list") {
_.set(data, pathName, getListData(e.getAttribute("value") || ""));
@@ -44,14 +46,14 @@ export const formatLabel = (str: string) => {
export const formatBtn = (btn: Element) => {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const startIcon = parser
- .parseFromString(btn.getAttribute("start-icon") || "", "text/html")
+ .parseFromString(btn.getAttribute("ecc-start-icon") || "", "text/html")
- startIcon?.classList.add("icon", "start-icon");
+ startIcon?.classList.add("ecc-icon", "ecc-start-icon");
const endIcon = parser
- .parseFromString(btn.getAttribute("end-icon") || "", "text/html")
+ .parseFromString(btn.getAttribute("ecc-end-icon") || "", "text/html")
- endIcon?.classList.add("icon", "end-icon");
+ endIcon?.classList.add("ecc-icon", "ecc-end-icon");
btn.setAttribute("rel", btn.getAttribute("rel") || "noopener noreferrer");
btn.setAttribute("target", btn.getAttribute("target") || "_blank");