- Customize the Shot Clock
- Reset the Shot Clock on Offensive Boards (post-2018 NBA Update)
- No 3-Pointers Mode
- 3-Point Line Shortened (High School, College, '94-'96 NBA)
- 10-Second Backcourt Violation (College, High School)
- Target Score (Default: G-League)
- Two Halves (College)
- G-League FT Rule
- Change the Internal Game Year
- Override Period Length
- Four pointers
- Five pointers
- Automake shots
Simply open dist/Elan's Mod.exe
How to build for yourself:
- Delete build/ and dist/ folders (recursively) and main.spec
- Go to directory containing main.py
- Run "pyinstaller --onefile main.py"
- Wait for that command to finish running, then in main.spec, set datas=[('resources', 'resources')]
- Under the EXE grouping, Set "Console" to "False"
- Set "Name" to whatever you please. Add "icon='ja.ico'" as your final line in the exe group of arguments, or whatever icon you please.
6a. Match the name and icon for the following lines in
: win.setWindowTitle("Elan's Mod") win.setWindowIcon(QIcon("ja.jpg")) win.setWindowIcon(QIcon(resource_path('resources/images/ja.jpg'))) - Run "pyinstaller main.spec"
- If you renamed in Step 6, delete "main.exe" and run RENAMED_FILE.exe
- Your file structure should look as follows:
├── dist
│ ├── YOUR_APPNAME.exe
├── resources
│ ├── files
│ │ ├── dev.cfg
│ ├── images
│ │ ├── YOUR_IMAGE.jpg - Feel free to create a shortcut of your main .exe to Desktop / wherever for quick access.
- Winning on first free throw with target score on will have players walk around for a while.
- Shooting foul on shortened threes will only lead to two shots, not three.
- Offensive rebounds triggering shot clock resets are detected too often.
- Running the mod before the game loads will likely lead to "override period length" not working.
- Automake shots selectively works
- Create tutorial for tool.
- Create consistency with Apply button.
- Make qualifying shortened threes receive a 3-Pt foul shot.
Read more about the mod here: https://forums.nba-live.com/viewtopic.php?f=153&t=114893