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Andrés Fortier edited this page Mar 1, 2017 · 7 revisions

Drake Wiki

Load obj files with texture files into drake_visualizer

To load a textured mesh represented in obj/mtl files you should do the following from Drake's repository path

./build/install/bin/directorPython [/path/to/obj/file]

You can find more information about it in

Link against a shared library installed in your system with Bazel

You have to add the following lines to the BUILD file (just an example if we want to link against ignition math 2):

    linkopts = [
    copts = [

This is the output of pkgconfig --cflags --libs ignition-math2

For more information, please check:

For a full example, please see:

Drake installation in Ubuntu 14.04

This is a short tutorial, mixing and clarifying some of the issues when installing Drake in my Ubuntu 14.04.

1.- Follow this tutorial to met the dependencies. Install GCC 4.9, CLANG 3.9, CMAKE 3.5 or newer and the other requisites. 2.- Then, go to this page and start following the instructions. Go through the CMAKE section and before calling cmake, add the env variables:

export CC=gcc-4.9 CXX=g++-4.9 FC=gfortran-4.9

3.- Try to use make -jX instead of make. You will improve the compilation time. X it’s the number of processors multiplied by two, e.g. make -j8 if you have 4 processors. You can omit the Matlab section. 4.- Once it is finished, install Bazel. Use the 14.04 and 15.04 section for that. Then, just do:

cd /path/to/drake-distro
bazel run drake/automotive:demo

The commands above will compile the automotive tools into /path/to/drake-distro/build/drake/automotive. This part is compiled using CLANG, that’s why we installed it before.

Compiling maliput tools only

If you need to tweak maliput (e.g. a program in utility) there is no need to recompile the whole project. Just do:

$ cd /drake/automotive/maliput
$ bazel build ...

Drake C++ API Docs

Follow this link for the C++ API Docs.

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