To get tabs into a block of page or admin form.
- (deprecated, prefer repo below)
It extends the Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType
And use a specific widget defined in SonataHelpersBundle/Ressources/views/From/form_admin_fields.html.twig
so you must add it to your admin sonata config
form: ['SonataHelpersBundle:Form:form_admin_fields.html.twig']
Don't forget to add the css SonataHelpersBundle/Ressources/public/css/immutableTabsType.css
to have cute tabs
An array of tabs must be set key : key of the tab that will be used to record value in the database value : label of the tab that will be displayed
This array must be set in the options array with the key 'tabs'
* Class TitleBlockService.
class TitleBlockService implements BlockServiceInterface
// Setting of tabs
const TABS = [
'fr' => 'français',
'en' => 'anglais',
'es' => 'espagnol',
* {@inheritdoc}
public function configureSettings(OptionsResolver $resolver)
// Add all tab keys
foreach (self::TABS as $tabKey => $tab) {
'template' => 'SonataBlockBundle:Block:block_core_text.html.twig',
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildEditForm(FormMapper $formMapper, BlockInterface $block)
$formMapper->add('settings', ImmutableTabsType::class, [
'keys' => [
['title', TextType::class, ['label' => 'Titre']],
'label' => false,
'tabs' => self::TABS,
* {@inheritdoc}
public function validateBlock(ErrorElement $errorElement, BlockInterface $block)
foreach (self::TABS as $tabKEy => $tab) {
->with(sprintf('settings[%s][title]', $tabKEy))
->addConstraint(new Length(['max' => 255]))
data are a json with the key of the immutableTabsType then the key of tabs as sub-keys
"settings": {
"fr": {
"title": "Titre fr"
"en": {
"title": "Titre en"
"es": {
"title": "Titre es"