Goes with the wiki at ./examples.md. Document ./markdown.md explains formatting of the data inside the credential attributes.
This README describes the technical details. The examples.md describes the actual model and examples.
The examples.md file can be updated after json files were added or remove with
This calls shell scripts to remove old json and add new json in a template.
In ./contexts/ we collect all extensions descriptions for use in @context.
These can be referenced on github through urls such as
In ./ref we collect reference files and data.
- ./ref/full_ex.json - https://www.imsglobal.org/spec/ob/v3p0/#example-complete-openbadgecredential
We test the files in a CI against the following schema files:
These files are downloaded and committed to the repo, so might get outdated.
It uses boon which we compile in a private docker image educredentials/boon
You can run this image locally too.