- [Unreleased]
- [1.0.4] - 2023-12-19
- [1.0.3] - 2023-12-02
- [1.0.2] - 2023-10-01
- [1.0.1] - 2023-7-31
- Fixed
- [1.0.0] - 2023-6-22
- [1.0.0-b6] - 2023-03-11
- [1.0.0-b5] - 2022-12-22
- [1.0.0-b4] - 2022-08-04
- [1.0.0-b3] - 2021-03-01
- [1.0.0-b2] - 2020-06-07
- [1.0.0-b1] - 2019-12-01
- [0.0.9] - 2019-05-16
- [0.0.8] - 2019-02-20
- [0.0.7] - 2018-10-29
- [0.0.6] - 2018-06-23
- [0.0.5] - 2018-04-07
- [0.0.4] - 2018-01-18
- [0.0.3] - 2017-10-14
- [0.0.2] - 2017-06-25
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Add support to operations annotations (Insert, Update, Delete and Save) from Jakarta Data
Add support to match parameters
Create Metadata API project
Enhance the reflection documentation
Add support to delete by entities
Add support to Custom Repositories
Create KeyValueDatabase annotation
Define metadata as a module
define the default implementation of metadata using reflection
enhance the documentation to use metadata
Update Apache Tinkerpop to version 3.7.0
Update classpath to version 4.8.162
Update Mockito version to 5.5.0
Remove exception at the delete methods at the repositories proxies
Add support to LIKE conditions parameterized at Repository methods annotated with
Enhance the error message when the entity in the repository does not have the Entity annotation
query specification does not allow for dashes in table names
Added no-args constructor into the injectable beans
Fixes lazy loading metadata at the EntityMetadata
Fixes ParameterMedataData to not thrown NullPointException when it’s built with a Parameter without @Column or @Id annotations
Fixes Reflections.getConstructor() method logic to detect constructors with parameters annotated with @Id or @Column
Unwrapping of UndeclaredThrowableException in repository when an underlying (f.e. ConstraintValidationException) occurs
Create a filter to ignore unsupported annotations on repositories interfaces.
Enhance database supplier error message to use property instead of the enum name.
Fix convertion to/from entities when it is a record
Enhance the field name auto-detection of the constructor parameters annotated with @Column defined with empty name when it’s used Record as entity
Update Jakarta API to after the Big-bang
Add support for Jakarta Data
Add documentation repository
Move the communication API as JNoSQL implementation
Change the test engine to Weld-jupiter instead of jnosql-jupiter
Move antlr4 to grammar package
Update Antlr version to 4.12.0
Update Apache Tinkerpop to version 3.6.2
Implements new methods that explore fluent-API for Graph, Document, Key-value and Document
Create jnosql-jupiter module
Enhance readme, adding Mapping and communication details.
Add count and exist methods as default on DocumentManager and ColumnManager
Include a migration file adoc
Remove ColumnQueryMapper implementation
Remove DocumentQueryMapper implementation
Remove support for old Repository and Pagination (replaced by Jakarta Data)
Remove project jnosql-jupiter and jnosql-entity
Remove Apache Tinkerpop Groovy and use JavaScript engine instead.
Enhance constructor converter allowing simple translating supported by Value implementation.
Define Qualifier on templates implementations (Graph, Key-value, Document and Column).
Using the proper methods to skip on GraphRepository implementation
Increase capability on map to improve scenario on Repository parser
Fix param analyzer on Gremlin Graph query
Fix method query by query when there is Not Equals
Create a CHANGELOG file to track the specification evolution
Add Settings implementation using Eclipse MicroProfile Config
Support to Record and Constructor
Move the default documentation to ASCIIDOC
Replace Hamcrest by AsseJ
Scan entities classes using classgraph project
move the bean-discovery-mode to annotated instead of all
Allows Repository with pagination
Allows update query with column using JSON
Allows insert query with column using JSON
Allows update query with a document using JSON
Allows insert query with a document using JSON
Allow cryptography in the settings
Define alias configuration in the communication layer
Improves ConfigurationUnit annotation to inject Repository and RepositoryAsync
Make Settings an immutable instance
Defines GraphFactory
Creates GraphFactory implementations
Allows inject by Template and repositories classes from @ConfigurationUnit
Support to DynamoDB
Improve performance to access instance creation beyond reading and writing attributes
Improve documentation in Class and Field metadata
Join projects as one single repository
Updates OrientDB to version 3.0
Improves query to Column
Improves query to Document
Improves Cassandra query with paging state
Optimizes Query cache to avoid memory leak
Improves performance of a query method
Adds support to ravenDB
Adds support to syntax query with String in Column, Key-value, and document.
Adds integration with gremlin as String in Mapper layer
Adds support to syntax query in Repository and template class to Mapper
Adds support to Repository Producer
Changes start to skip when need to jump elements in either Document or Column query
Changes maxResult to limit to define the maximum of items that must return in a query in either
Couchbase keeps the behavior when key is not found
OrientDB improves callback in live query
Redis improves SortedSet with clear method
Cassandra optimizes query with underscore
ArangoDB optimizes AQL query
Graph improves getSingleResult
Graph improves getResultList
Improves performance in Graph
Couchbase fixes TTL behavior in document
Couchbase fixes TTL behavior in key-value
Couchbase Fixes the JSON structure when a document is saved
Couchbase Fixes JSON structures in key-value structures
OrientDB fixes live query
OrientDB fixes live query with Map param
OrientDB fixes delete query without parameters
OrientDB fixes query with not condition
OrientDB fixes sort of query
OrientDB fixes pagination resource
MongoDB fixes queries with "in" condition
Cassandra fixes query with condition "in"
Cassandra fixes UDT
ArangoDB fixes insert
Supports to Infinispan
Modules at JNoSQL Diana
Adds query with param to OrientDB
Adds Hazelcast query
Updates driver ArangoDB to 2
Updates Couchbase driver to version 2.5.1
Updates OrientDB driver to version 2.2.29
Updates Cassandra driver to version 3.3.0
Updates MongoDB driver to version 2.5.1
Updates Hazelcast driver version to 3.9
Updates Redis driver to version 2.9.0
Updates Riak driver to version 2.1.1
Improves fluent API in document
Improves fluent API in column