All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #537 Fixed the Windows DLL build by exporting message::EMPTY_STR and message::EMPTY_BIN
Version 1.5.1 - (2025-02-09)
- Minor fixes to README and docs
- #532 Fix CMake install target lib path
- #534 Fixed seg fault with clang in get_topic() when publishing a message
- #535 Fixed last few files that were not properly licenced for EPL v2.0
Version 1.5.0 - (2025-01-07)
- Code base updated to to C++17
- Now a C++17 compiler is required to compile the library
- CMake minimum required version raised to v3.13
- Need a fairly recent CMake for C++17 support (>= v3.12)
- #504 CMake v3.13 allows INSTALL(TARGETS) to work outside the current directory.
- Clients always created for v5 persistence format, making it universal for any connection.
- If the application specifies a version it is kept as a hint for default connections.
- The version for the connection should be specified in the connect options.
- The
now have all the parameters to create a client.- Can specify Server URL, Client ID, and persistence in the create options.
- New client constructor that takes just the options object
- The client caches a const
struct with all the creation parameters - Client creation internally simplified without breaking the public API
- Expanded the message constmer to be a full client "event" consumer.
- The events are for connected, connection_lost, disconnected, message arrived, and application shutdown.
- The application can get client state change notifications without resorting to callbacks.
- There's a new
(std::variant) that can hold any of the persistence specifiers (none, file directory, or user interface). - Most of the class static constants are now
. - Removed the fake
. Now all reason codes in a v3 connection are SUCCESS. - The
checks if the 'rc' return code actually contains a reason code error, amd if so, sets it as the reason code. property
can now report thetypeid
of its contained value.- The
list implements a const iterator - Added a
for reason codes. thread_queue
is now closable.- Added documentation for UNIX domain sockets coming in with Paho C v1.3.14
- Removed the manual implementation of
- Added
assignment operators. - Fixed some corner cases for topic_filter::matches()
- Cleaned up and fixed a number of example apps.
- Most apps now except a server URI from the command line
- 'data_publish' example uses C++17 std::filesystem for creating a file-based encrypted persistence for messages.
- Updated local CI ( for current compilers and unit tests.
- Reorganized the source repository
- Completely reformat the sources and added a .clang-format file (a project master and a slightly-different one for headers).
- Added GitHub CI Action, removing legacy Travis and Appveyor files
- #410 Added 'shutdown_event' to the event consumer and reworked consumer to prevent propagating exceptions on shutdown.
- #451 Added low keep alive to async_publish_time to test connected/connection_lost callbacks
- #503 Fixed issue that generated docs were empty.
- #518 Add function for checking async consumer event queue size
- #519 Fix potential deadlock in set_callback
- #524 Fixed copy and move operations for 'subscribe_options'. Added unit tests.
Version 1.4.1 - (2024-07-09)
- #458 Set 'disconnected' handler for the consumer queue.
Version 1.4.0 - (2024-06-16)
Ability to build the Paho C library automatically (now working properly)
- CMake 'PAHO_WITH_MQTT_C' option properly compiles the existing Paho C v1.3.13
- Moved 'src/externals/' to top-level
Reorganized the source tree:
- Moved header files to top-level 'include/' directory.
- Moved 'src/sampless/' to top-level and renamed 'examples/'
Fixed and optimized 'topic_matcher' trie collection
Added some missing Eclipse/Paho legal documents to the repo.
Ran a spell-checker over the code and doc files.
#498 Overloaded property constructor to also take a uint32_t
#491 add topic_matcher.h to install
#485 export dependencies
#484 add token::get_message
#480 Fixed Paho C version in '' script.
#473 Getter for the client's cached connect options.
#466 Iterable string collection
#416 Removed FindPahoMqttC.cmake. Using Paho C package directly.
Version 1.3.2 - (2023-12-05)
Version 1.3.1 - (2023-11-23)
- #462 Fix version string for version v1.3.x
Version 1.3.0 - (2023-11-22)
- Fixed building and using library as DLL on Windows with MSVC
- Updated License to Eclipse Public License v2.0
- Updated create and connect options to better deal with MQTT protocol version
- Defaulting connect version to v5 if specified in create options.
- Added a
class to match a single filter to specific topics. - Added a
class to create a collection of items in a trie structure that can contain items tied to topic filters. (Useful for queues or callbacks per-subscription topic). - Minor tweaks to prepare for C++20
- Support for Catch2 v3.x for unit tests (v2.x also still supported).
- Changed the sample apps to use the newer "mqtt://" schemas.
- Connect option initializers for v5 and WebSockets.
Fixed Issues and Pull Requests:
- #343 async_client::try_consume_message_until taking single parameter fails to compile
- #445 Update properties when moving/copying connect options.
- #325 Cache connect options in client to keep memory valid for callbacks like SSL on_error()
- #361 Added missing LICENSE file to conform to GitHub conventions.
- #304 Missing create_options::DFLT_C_STRUCT symbol when linking with MSVC.
- #429 Remove declaration of connect_options::to_string() with missing implementation.
- #411 Missing virtual keyword for some client methods
- #444 Unit tests to check that connect options builder sets properties.
- #313 Get unit tests building on Windows. Needed to get rid of make_unique<> for Windows
- #397 Doc about clean session in connect_options.h is wrong
- #442 g++ complains with multiple definition of static constexpr for mixed C++11/17 builds
- #445Fix copy/move constructor for connect/disconnect opts with properties
- #425 Silence warning for unused variable rsp in class
- #440 Fix typos across the project
- #428 Fixed type in create_options.h
- #407 Fix nodiscard warnings in sync client
- #385 Thread queue deadlock with multiple consumers
- #374 Add Paho C as a submodeule
- #350 avoid adding Paho MQTT C library twice
- #253 implicit capture of 'this' via '[=]' is deprecated in C++20
- #337 copy/move of caPath_ in ssl_options
- #330 added /build/ folder to .gitignore
- #317 String constructor using just len instead of end iterator.
- #323 Added Session Expiry Interval to v5 chat sample to test.
Version 1.2.0 - (2020-12-27)
This release bring in some missing MQTT v5 features, brings in support for websocket headers and proxies, ALPN protocol lists, adds the builder pattern for options, and fixes a number of bugs in both the C++ library and the underlying C lib.
Requires Paho C v1.3.8
- Missing MQTT v5 features:
- Ability to add properties to Subscribe and Unsubscribe packets (i.e. subscription identifiers)
- "Disconnected" callback gives reason code and properties for server disconnect
- New
that can be used to construct a client with new features:- Send while disconnected before the 1st successful connection
- Output buffer can delete oldest messages when full
- Can choose to clear the persistence store on startup
- Select whether to persist QoS 0 messages
- Started classes to create options using the Builder Pattern, with the
, etc. - User-defined websocket HTTP headers.
- HTTP/S proxy support
- Added ALPN protocol support to SSL/TLS options
- SSL/TLS error and PSK callback support
- Update connection callback support (change credentials when using auto-reconnect)
- Updates to the sample apps:
- Overall cleanup with better consistency
- Example of using websockets and a proxy
- User-based file persistence with simple encoding/encryption
- Sharing a client between multiple threads
- Converted the unit tests to use Catch2
- All library exceptions are now properly derived from the
base class. - [#231] Added
callback to handle receipt of disconnect packet from server. - [#211, #223, #235] Removed use of Log() function from the Paho C library.
- [#227] Fixed race condition in thread-safe queue
- [#224] & [#255] Subscribing to MQTT v3 broker with array of one topic causes segfault.
- [#282] Ability to build Debian/Ubuntu package
- [#300] Calling
was hanging forever, even when successful. In addition several of the synchronousclient
calls were hanging forever on failure. They now properly throw atimeout_error
exception. - Several memory issues and bug fixes from updated Paho C library support.
This release was primarily to add MQTT v5 support and server responses.
- MQTT v5 support:
- Properties
- New
class acts something like a std::variant to hold a property of any supported type. - New
class is a collection type to hold all the properties for a single transmitted packet. - Properties can be added to outbound messages and obtained from received messages.
- Properties can also be obtained from server responses to requests such as from a connect call. These are available in the
objects when they complete.
- New
- The client object tracks the desired MQTT version that the app requested and/or is currently connected at. Internally this is now required by the
the need to distinguish between pre-v5 and post-v5 callback functions. - MQTT v5 reason codes for requests are available via
objects when they complete. They are also available inexception
objects that are thrown by tokens. - Support for subscribe options, like no local subscriptions, etc.
- Sample applications were added showing how to do basic Remote Procedure Calls (RPC's) with MQTT v5 using the RESPONSE_TOPIC and CORRELATION_DATA properties. These are rpc_math_cli and rpc_math_srvr in the src/samples directory.
- A sample "chat" application was added, showing how to use subscribe options, such as "no local".
- Properties
- More descriptive error messages (PR #154), integrated into the
class. MQTT v5 reason codes are also included in the exceptions when an error occurs. - Applications can (finally) get server responses from the various ACK packets. These are available through the tokens after they complete, as
, andunsubscribe_response
. - The
objects can be used to subscribe. - Applications can register individual callback functions instead of using a
interface object. This allows easy use of lambda functions for callbacks. - The connect options can take a LWT as a plain message, via
- New unit tests have started using Catch2.
- Tested with Paho C v1.3.1
This is a bug-fix released aimed mainly at issues with the build system and working towards more "modern" usage of CMake. In addition:
- Support for Paho C v1.2.1
- Fixed a number of build issues, particularly on Windows
- Windows shared libraries (DLL's) now supported
- Several minor bug fixes
The initial Paho C++ Client library for memory-managed platforms (Linux, Windows, etc).
- Requires Paho C Client Library v1.2.
- MQTT 3.1 & 3.1.1
- Asynchronous & Synchronous interfaces
- Persistence and off-line buffering
- Automatic reconnect
- High availability.