Releases: eclipse-che/che-server
Releases · eclipse-che/che-server
Eclipse Che
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Add GITHUB_TOKEN in che-theia PR check #19986
Bugs fixed
- throw error when run yarn in eclipse-che-theia-plugin-ext #20008
- Unable to create workspace on Openshift 4.8 #19988
- it's not possible to create a factory for DevWorkspace from gist/rawcontent github link #19985
- Kubernetes Image Puller: Error getting daemonset #19969
- Error message should be more helpful at creation a workspace #19945
- Che-operator uses domain-name in spec.tls.hosts in all ingresses generated by che-operator's che-operator-cr-yaml file instead of fqdn of che-server #19921
- Recommendation plug-in provides wrong information #19883
- Dashboard should recover name if it's removed with devfile editor #19878
Closed issues:
- Switch Che-Theia default branch from
#20000 - Adapt Che-Theia to upstream changes #19984
- Share backup server configuration between backup & restore CRs #19977
- Dashboard should resolve editor and plugins from repo during factory flow #19927
- Che Platform Sprint 202 #19868
- Adapt Che-Theia to upstream changes (Tasks) #19866
- Plugins Sprint 202 #19840
- Editors Sprint 202 #19831
- Update Che docs with latest che-theia-plugins.yaml fields #19780
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Display devfile v2 getting started in dashboard if DevWorkspace is enabled #19923
- Use "che-e2e:next" instead of "che-e2e:nightly" in Eclipse Che E2E testing CI jobs #19905
- Define how to map CheCluster configuration options to the properties needed by DWCO #19846
Bugs fixed
- Create Custom Workspace does not support v2 templates #19967
- Failed to start a simplistic devfile v2 #19964
che-theia generate
is broken in theia-dev image #19943- IDE Editor doesn't open after starting the workspace from Dashboard #19938
- Failed to start a workspace on a OpenShift cluster #19929
- chectl 7.31.x contains nightly version of images for helmcharts #19924
- Chectl sometimes failed on keycloak deployment with statusCode undefined #19916
- chectl doesn't download templates for 7.31.0 version and above #19915
- Installation on nginx ingress leads to infinite redirect on dashboard #19914
- 7.31.0 operator installation failure on OCP 4.9 #19908
- Plugins view must display proper icons if plugins were installed from third-party registry (registryUrl: ...) #19898
- CRW Theia pull request builder failing to compile CRW Theia #19896
- Happy path tests are failing on "Check the running application" step #19895
- Yeoman plugin generator generates a plugin with outdated dependencies #19889
is not used to secure dashboard ingress/route whenserver.cheHost
is set #19888- Happy path tests are failing on "Build application" step #19886
- The Devworkspace Che Operator and Che operator have different CRDs Group names #19870
- Deleting workspace doesn't work properly from Dashboard UI #19833
- chectl operator installer failed to deploy to Minikube #19807
- [Single-host] In 'Plugins' list icons are displayed default icons #19771
- Failed to deploy Eclipse Che 7.29.2 on OpenShift 4.8.0-0.nightly-2021-05-07-075528 #19770
New and Noteworthy Issues:
- By default create users namespaces using Che ServiceAccount #19717
Closed issues:
- Rework the "GitHubPullRequestPlugin" test to make PR instead of checking existing one #19947
- The "che-plugin-registry" nightly openshift-ci job fails because of changed test name. #19940
- Dashboard should provision dashboard and plugin registry URLs into default DWT #19933
- Update workspace-client library to handle new information on Factory resolver API #19925
- Ensure that che-server's SA have enough permission to manipulate with devworkspaces resource on kubernetes #19920
- Add new link entries in devfile registry for devfile v2 #19906
- Rework the openshift-ci jobs for using the "next" tag #19903
- Is there a central page for all che/workplace variables? #19901
- [UD] Error messages should be more accurate when preload data fail to be requested #19881
- Che Controller Sprint 202 #19861
- Che Deploy Sprint #202 #19855
- Skip the unnecessary PR checks in Che-Theia repo #19850
- Add an ability to use kubernetes API proxy on Kubernetes #19813
- Adapt Che-Theia to upstream changes (Webpack) #19804
- Publish a latest/main devfile registry to GitHub pages #19779
- Re-enable KubernetesNamespaceFactoryTest #19743
- Update 2.1 devfile schema to a more recent one #19733
- [che-auth] - implement new auth for devworkspaces on Openshift in che-server #19703
- Ensure che-machine-exec and chectl files contains correct license header #19647
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Add the ability for an administrator to specify multiple external devfile registries #19781
Bugs fixed
- Dashboard behaves like there are no changes if Devfile editor has invalid yaml #19873
- Che service account cannot delete PVC when Che is deployed with the operator #19867
- It is not possible to update Eclipse Che by chectl if operator image contains registry port #19860
- plugin-registry is not serving meta.yaml content when the full path is omitted #19820
- chectl server:delete does not delete CheManager #19758
Closed issues:
- Change test image for the openshift-ci jobs #19899
- build che-theia throw error after che-theia init #19897
- Add the "GitHubPullRequestPlugin" to the che-plugin-registry nightly job #19872
- The nightly che-plugin-registry job fails on the "InstallPluginUsingUI" test #19871
- [che-operator] [che-machine-exec] Migrate rhel.Dockerfiles to use ubi8 + install go-toolset RPMs #19764
- Plugins Sprint 201 #19719
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Upgrade VS Code Language Support for Apache Camel to 0.0.33 #19818
- Upgrade Tooling for Apache Camel K VS Code extension to v0.0.25 #19811
- Migrate debugging logic from downstream to upstream testsLibs #19782
Bugs fixed
- [Devsandbox] Failures during the project import after Get Started workspace startup - Couldn't import curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8080: Connection timed out #19853
- Fix broken external links in documentation #19841
- [Devsandbox] ...
Eclipse Che
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Display devfile v2 getting started in dashboard if DevWorkspace is enabled #19923
- Use "che-e2e:next" instead of "che-e2e:nightly" in Eclipse Che E2E testing CI jobs #19905
- Define how to map CheCluster configuration options to the properties needed by DWCO #19846
Bugs fixed
- Create Custom Workspace does not support v2 templates #19967
- Failed to start a simplistic devfile v2 #19964
che-theia generate
is broken in theia-dev image #19943- IDE Editor doesn't open after starting the workspace from Dashboard #19938
- Failed to start a workspace on a OpenShift cluster #19929
- chectl 7.31.x contains nightly version of images for helmcharts #19924
- Che-operator uses domain-name in spec.tls.hosts in all ingresses generated by che-operator's che-operator-cr-yaml file instead of fqdn of che-server #19921
- Chectl sometimes failed on keycloak deployment with statusCode undefined #19916
- chectl doesn't download templates for 7.31.0 version and above #19915
- Installation on nginx ingress leads to infinite redirect on dashboard #19914
- 7.31.0 operator installation failure on OCP 4.9 #19908
- Plugins view must display proper icons if plugins were installed from third-party registry (registryUrl: ...) #19898
- CRW Theia pull request builder failing to compile CRW Theia #19896
- Happy path tests are failing on "Check the running application" step #19895
- Yeoman plugin generator generates a plugin with outdated dependencies #19889
is not used to secure dashboard ingress/route whenserver.cheHost
is set #19888- Happy path tests are failing on "Build application" step #19886
- The Devworkspace Che Operator and Che operator have different CRDs Group names #19870
- Deleting workspace doesn't work properly from Dashboard UI #19833
- chectl operator installer failed to deploy to Minikube #19807
- [Single-host] In 'Plugins' list icons are displayed default icons #19771
- Failed to deploy Eclipse Che 7.29.2 on OpenShift 4.8.0-0.nightly-2021-05-07-075528 #19770
New and Noteworthy Issues:
- By default create users namespaces using Che ServiceAccount #19717
Closed issues:
- Rework the "GitHubPullRequestPlugin" test to make PR instead of checking existing one #19947
- The "che-plugin-registry" nightly openshift-ci job fails because of changed test name. #19940
- Dashboard should provision dashboard and plugin registry URLs into default DWT #19933
- Update workspace-client library to handle new information on Factory resolver API #19925
- Ensure that che-server's SA have enough permission to manipulate with devworkspaces resource on kubernetes #19920
- Add new link entries in devfile registry for devfile v2 #19906
- Rework the openshift-ci jobs for using the "next" tag #19903
- Is there a central page for all che/workplace variables? #19901
- [UD] Error messages should be more accurate when preload data fail to be requested #19881
- Che Controller Sprint 202 #19861
- Che Deploy Sprint #202 #19855
- Skip the unnecessary PR checks in Che-Theia repo #19850
- Add an ability to use kubernetes API proxy on Kubernetes #19813
- Adapt Che-Theia to upstream changes (Webpack) #19804
- Publish a latest/main devfile registry to GitHub pages #19779
- Re-enable KubernetesNamespaceFactoryTest #19743
- Update 2.1 devfile schema to a more recent one #19733
- [che-auth] - implement new auth for devworkspaces on Openshift in che-server #19703
- Ensure che-machine-exec and chectl files contains correct license header #19647
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Add the ability for an administrator to specify multiple external devfile registries #19781
Bugs fixed
- Dashboard behaves like there are no changes if Devfile editor has invalid yaml #19873
- Che service account cannot delete PVC when Che is deployed with the operator #19867
- It is not possible to update Eclipse Che by chectl if operator image contains registry port #19860
- plugin-registry is not serving meta.yaml content when the full path is omitted #19820
- chectl server:delete does not delete CheManager #19758
Closed issues:
- Change test image for the openshift-ci jobs #19899
- build che-theia throw error after che-theia init #19897
- Add the "GitHubPullRequestPlugin" to the che-plugin-registry nightly job #19872
- The nightly che-plugin-registry job fails on the "InstallPluginUsingUI" test #19871
- [che-operator] [che-machine-exec] Migrate rhel.Dockerfiles to use ubi8 + install go-toolset RPMs #19764
- Plugins Sprint 201 #19719
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Upgrade VS Code Language Support for Apache Camel to 0.0.33 #19818
- Upgrade Tooling for Apache Camel K VS Code extension to v0.0.25 #19811
- Migrate debugging logic from downstream to upstream testsLibs #19782
Bugs fixed
- [Devsandbox] Failures during the project import after Get Started workspace startup - Couldn't import curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8080: Connection timed out #19853
- Fix broken external links in documentation #19841
- [Devsandbox] fail to restart a workspace based on the community devfile #19829
- Sometimes devworkspace-che deployment fails because of '...pull rate limit' for
image #19814 - Tasks are not working for DevWorkspaces #19810
- Fix and improve startup performances of Python workspaces using venv #19806
- Che Operator does not update DWO and DWCO resources #19664
Closed issues:
- Run Happy path tests on PR in eclipse-che/che-server repo #19836
- Provide some project info when resolving devfile v.2 #19816
- Create test in
Openshift CI
to test update from lateststable
Che version tonightly
#19803 - Migrate maven projects involved in building Che server to new eclipse-che org #19754
- Che Platform Sprint 201 #19750
- Che Operator Security Context Defined Posture Parameters #19737
- Che Controller Sprint 201 #19734
- Che Deploy Sprint #201 #19708
- Projector can't render some Markdown files #19702
- Editors Sprint 201 #19691
- happy path test against DWO should take into account manifests changing #19643
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Upgrade VS Code extension Camel K to v0.0.24 [#19...
Eclipse Che
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Display devfile v2 getting started in dashboard if DevWorkspace is enabled #19923
- Use "che-e2e:next" instead of "che-e2e:nightly" in Eclipse Che E2E testing CI jobs #19905
- Define how to map CheCluster configuration options to the properties needed by DWCO #19846
Bugs fixed
- IDE Editor doesn't open after starting the workspace from Dashboard #19938
- Failed to start a workspace on a OpenShift cluster #19929
- chectl 7.31.x contains nightly version of images for helmcharts #19924
- Chectl sometimes failed on keycloak deployment with statusCode undefined #19916
- chectl doesn't download templates for 7.31.0 version and above #19915
- Installation on nginx ingress leads to infinite redirect on dashboard #19914
- 7.31.0 operator installation failure on OCP 4.9 #19908
- CRW Theia pull request builder failing to compile CRW Theia #19896
- Happy path tests are failing on "Check the running application" step #19895
is not used to secure dashboard ingress/route whenserver.cheHost
is set #19888- Happy path tests are failing on "Build application" step #19886
- The Devworkspace Che Operator and Che operator have different CRDs Group names #19870
- Deleting workspace doesn't work properly from Dashboard UI #19833
- chectl operator installer failed to deploy to Minikube #19807
- Failed to deploy Eclipse Che 7.29.2 on OpenShift 4.8.0-0.nightly-2021-05-07-075528 #19770
Closed issues:
- The "che-plugin-registry" nightly openshift-ci job fails because of changed test name. #19940
- Dashboard should provision dashboard and plugin registry URLs into default DWT #19933
- Update workspace-client library to handle new information on Factory resolver API #19925
- Ensure that che-server's SA have enough permission to manipulate with devworkspaces resource on kubernetes #19920
- Rework the openshift-ci jobs for using the "next" tag #19903
- Is there a central page for all che/workplace variables? #19901
- Add an ability to use kubernetes API proxy on Kubernetes #19813
- Re-enable KubernetesNamespaceFactoryTest #19743
- Update 2.1 devfile schema to a more recent one #19733
- Consider creating user namespaces with che-server's SA even when OpenShift OAuth is enabled #19717
- Ensure che-machine-exec and chectl files contains correct license header #19647
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Add the ability for an administrator to specify multiple external devfile registries #19781
Bugs fixed
- Dashboard behaves like there are no changes if Devfile editor has invalid yaml #19873
- Che service account cannot delete PVC when Che is deployed with the operator #19867
- It is not possible to update Eclipse Che by chectl if operator image contains registry port #19860
- plugin-registry is not serving meta.yaml content when the full path is omitted #19820
- chectl server:delete does not delete CheManager #19758
Closed issues:
- Change test image for the openshift-ci jobs #19899
- build che-theia throw error after che-theia init #19897
- Add the "GitHubPullRequestPlugin" to the che-plugin-registry nightly job #19872
- The nightly che-plugin-registry job fails on the "InstallPluginUsingUI" test #19871
- [che-operator] [che-machine-exec] Migrate rhel.Dockerfiles to use ubi8 + install go-toolset RPMs #19764
- Plugins Sprint 201 #19719
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Upgrade VS Code Language Support for Apache Camel to 0.0.33 #19818
- Upgrade Tooling for Apache Camel K VS Code extension to v0.0.25 #19811
- Migrate debugging logic from downstream to upstream testsLibs #19782
Bugs fixed
- [Devsandbox] Failures during the project import after Get Started workspace startup - Couldn't import curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8080: Connection timed out #19853
- Fix broken external links in documentation #19841
- [Devsandbox] fail to restart a workspace based on the community devfile #19829
- Sometimes devworkspace-che deployment fails because of '...pull rate limit' for
image #19814 - Tasks are not working for DevWorkspaces #19810
- Fix and improve startup performances of Python workspaces using venv #19806
- Che Operator does not update DWO and DWCO resources #19664
- [UD] Warn about unsaved changes before leave the page #19584
Closed issues:
- Run Happy path tests on PR in eclipse-che/che-server repo #19836
- Provide some project info when resolving devfile v.2 #19816
- Create test in
Openshift CI
to test update from lateststable
Che version tonightly
#19803 - Migrate maven projects involved in building Che server to new eclipse-che org #19754
- Che Platform Sprint 201 #19750
- Che Operator Security Context Defined Posture Parameters #19737
- Che Controller Sprint 201 #19734
- Che Deploy Sprint #201 #19708
- Projector can't render some Markdown files #19702
- Editors Sprint 201 #19691
- happy path test against DWO should take into account manifests changing #19643
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Upgrade VS Code extension Camel K to v0.0.24 #19745
Bugs fixed
- Che-theia Happy path PR check doesn't consume che-theia changes #19822
- DevWorkspace IDE is not opened after devworkspace is started with factory URL #19800
- Sometimes workspace created from devfile v2.0 won't start #19797
- Failed to start a devworkspace via factory URL #19788
- Failed to start workspace in GitHub action #19765
- Offline che-plugin-registry build fails to embed all vsix files for plugins with depedencies #19746
- The "che-plugin-registry" openshift PR check job fails because unable to login #19588
Closed issues:
- Possible URL inconsistency when configuring SCM providers, leading to unexpected errors. #19769
- Run Java Maven devfile test only nightly on Eclipse Che Multi/Single host #19731
- Update Che PHP base image to latest release + update composer #19675
- What is {prod-namespace} supposed to be? #19672
- Remove JAR download from vscode-xml vsix build #19662
- Failed to make identity provider oauth callback: Connection reset #19653
- Adapt DevWorkspace Che operator to routingSuffix removal from DevWorkspaceRouting CR #19631
- IDEA Che edito...
Eclipse Che 7.31.1
Eclipse Che 7.31.1
Eclipse Che 7.31.0
Eclipse Che 7.31.0