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LookingGlass is a user-friendly PHP based looking glass that allows the public (via a web interface) to execute network commands on behalf of your server.

This is a port of the native Looking Glass application into docker images.


Looking Glass

Demo is running on a Cloud Server of Hetzner Online GmbH.


You can find an overview here.

Implemented commands

You can find an overview here.


  • Docker & Docker Compose V2
  • SSH/Terminal access (able to install commands/functions if non-existent)

Install Docker, download containers und configure Looking Glass

  1. This script will install docker and containerd:
  curl | bash
  1. For IPv6 support, edit the Docker daemon configuration file, located at /etc/docker/daemon.json. Configure the following parameters and run systemctl restart docker.service to restart docker:
  "experimental": true,
  "ip6tables": true
  1. Clone the repository to the correct folder for docker container:
 git clone /opt/containers/lookingglass
 git -C /opt/containers/lookingglass checkout $(git -C /opt/containers/lookingglass tag | tail -1)
  1. Download dependencies:
 git -C /opt/containers/lookingglass submodule update --init --recursive
 git -C /opt/containers/lookingglass/data/webapp checkout $(git -C /opt/containers/lookingglass/data/webapp tag | tail -1)
  1. Make a copy of the file "lg.default.env" named ".env"
cp /opt/containers/lookingglass/lg.default.env /opt/containers/lookingglass/.env
  1. Editing lg.env and set your parameters and data. Any change requires an restart of the containers.
  2. Starting application with docker compose -f /opt/containers/lookingglass/docker-compose.yml up -d.
  3. Don't forget to test, that the application works successfully (e.g. http(s)://IP-Addresse or FQDN/).

Update Looking Glass

  1. When you're ready to update the code, you can checkout the latest tag:
 ( cd /opt/containers/lookingglass && git fetch && git checkout $(git tag | tail -1) )
 ( cd /opt/containers/lookingglass/data/webapp && git fetch && git checkout $(git tag | tail -1) )
  1. No restart needed. The changes will take effect immediately.


Code is licensed under MIT Public License.
If you wish to support my efforts, keep the "Powered by LookingGlass" link intact.