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187 lines (133 loc) · 5.51 KB

UMD Lib Style

Gem containing the common UMD Libraries Rails application layout and styles. Built on Bootstrap 3.3.6.


See for information about changes to this gem.

Git Tagging

When a new version of this gem is created, be sure to update the version number in the lib/umd_style/version.rb to match the Git tag.


In your app's Gemfile:

gem 'umd_lib_style', github: 'umd-lib/umd_lib_style', branch: 'develop'

to use the "develop" branch version of the gem, or

gem 'umd_lib_style', github: 'umd-lib/umd_lib_style', ref: '<GIT_TAG>'

where <GIT_TAG> is the Git tag of the version to use. For example, to use the Git tagged "1.0.1" version, use:

gem 'umd_lib_style', github: 'umd-lib/umd_lib_style', ref: '1.0.1'

Then run the usual:

$ bundle install

Finally, edit your app's application files to use the scripts, styles, and layouts:

  1. Add //= require umd_lib to app/assets/javascripts/application.js

  2. Rename app/assets/stylesheets/application.css to application.scss

  3. Add @import "umd_lib"; to app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss

  4. Change the contents of app/views/layouts/application.html.erb to the following:

    <% provide :app_name, 'My UMD Libraries App' %>
    <%= render 'layouts/umd_lib' %>

Bootstrap Notes

This gem uses Bootstrap SASS version 3.3.6. The Bootstrap assets are copied directly into the vendor/assets directory.

If you are starting from an app that already loaded Bootstrap directly into your CSS or Javascript, you must replace the relevant require or @import statements with the ones to load umd_lib listed above.

In addition, your app will no longer need the bootstrap-sass gem and you can remove it from your Gemfile.

Scaffolding CSS

If you generated your app with Rails scaffolding, you should remove the app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css.scss file, to remove any potential conflicts with the Bootstrap styles.

content_for blocks

The "content_for" block allows for additions/customization of particular sections of the layout.

Additional "head" content - additional_head_content

Enables additional directives to be added into the "head" section of the HTML page.

Additional "head" content - Sample Usage

In Rails 5.2, an additional "csp_meta" tag is added into the "head" section of the layouts/application.html.erb file. To include this tag into a Rails application using this gem, add a content_for block to your app/views/layout/application.html.erb file

<% content_for :additional_head_content do %>
  <%= csp_meta_tag %>
<% end %>

Custom Navbar - navbar

This gem provides a fixed full page width navigation bar at the top of the page, containing the application name and a set of drop-down menus.

Custom Navbar - Sample Usage

The application name is set using a "app_name" block. To include your own custom markup in the navbar, add a content_for block to your app/views/layout/application.html.erb file.

<% provide :app_name, 'Autonumber Service' %>

<% content_for :navbar do %>
  <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
    <li><%= link_to 'Auto Numbers', auto_numbers_path %></li>
    <li><%= link_to 'Names', names_path %></li>
    <li><%= link_to 'Repositories', repositories_path %></li>
<% end %>

<%= render 'layouts/umd_lib' %>

Custom Nav Banner - "navbar_banner"

Displays a full page width banner directly below the navbar, which will not scroll off the screen. Used by the Annual Staffing Request application to show a banner when impersonating another user.

Custom Nav Banner - Sample Usage

<% content_for :navbar_banner do %>
  <%= render 'layouts/impersonate' %>
<% end %>

Environment Banner

In keeping with SSDR policy, an "environment banner" will be displayed at the top of each page when running on non-production servers.

By default, in the local development environment (determined by Rails.env.development? returning true), a "Local Environment" banner will be displayed.

On non-production servers, the environment banner can be configured using the following environment variables:

  • ENVIRONMENT_BANNER - the text to display in the banner
  • ENVIRONMENT_BANNER_FOREGROUND - the foreground color for the banner, as a CSS color
  • ENVIRONMENT_BANNER_BACKGROUND - the background color for the banner, as a CSS color
  • ENVIRONMENT_BANNER_ENABLED - (optional) "false" (case-sensitive) disables the banner. Anything else (including blank, or not providing the variable) enables the banner.

Page Content Container class

By default, the content of the page is placed in a <div> using the Bootstrap "container" class. Applications (such as Annual Staffing Request) may wish to override this setting to use some other class, such as "container-fluid". To do so, add the following "provide" line to your app/views/layout/application.html.erb file:

<% provide :container_class, "container-fluid" %>

Footer - "application_footer"

Per UMD policy, a footer containing a "Web Accessibility" link is provided by default. Applications wishing to override the default footer can do so by defining a "content_for" block to your app/views/layout/application.html.erb file.

Footer - Sample Usage

<% content_for :application_footer do %>
  <footer class="footer">
    <p>Custom footer</p>
<% end %>