This header provides facilities to configure and access MCU backup domain (if supported by the MCU). The backup domain stores data in the special RAM area which is kept intact when the MCU restarts. The data is erased only if the MCU is completely powered off. All of the definitions are in the mcutl::backup
namespace, unless otherwise stated.
//Minimum available backup register index
constexpr auto min_register_index = ...;
//Maximum available backup register index
constexpr auto max_register_index = ...;
//Backup register index type
using backup_index_type = ...;
//Backup register type
using backup_register_type = ...;
//Backup peripheral type, type list, or mcutl::periph::no_periph
using peripheral_type = ...;
To access the backup domain, you need to enable its peripheral (peripheral_type
). min_register_index
and max_register_index
indicate which backup register indices are accessible (inclusive).
bool enable_backup_writes() noexcept;
bool disable_backup_writes() noexcept;
Enables of disables backup domain writes, respectively. If you want to change the contents of the backup register, you need to enable writes to this domain first. This operation may be a no-op for some MCUs. The enable_backup_writes
function returns true
if writes were enabled by the call, and false
if writes had been already enabled when the function was called. The disable_backup_writes
function returns true
if writes were disabled. In some cases, write access can not be disabled at all (for example, for STM23F1 MCUs backup domain write access can not be disabled when the RTC uses the HSE clock).
template<backup_index_type Index>
backup_register_type read_backup() noexcept;
Returns contents of the backup register with the index Index
. Write access is not required when calling this function.
enum class write_disable_policy
template<backup_index_type Index, bool EnableWrites = true,
write_disable_policy DisablePolicy = write_disable_policy::disable_only_if_enabled>
void write_backup(backup_register_type value) noexcept;
The write_backup
function writes value
to the backup register with the index Index
indicates if write access to the backup domain must be enabled before writing.DisablePolicy
indicates how write access to the backup domain should be disabled after writing:disable_always
indicates write accesses must be always disabled after writing,disable_only_if_enabled
indicates write accesses must be disabled only if they have been enabled by thiswrite_backup
call. TheDisablePolicy
parameter is meaningful only whenEnableWrites
is true.
template<write_disable_policy DisablePolicy = write_disable_policy::disable_only_if_enabled>
struct backup_write_enabler
template<backup_index_type Index>
backup_register_type read() const noexcept;
template<backup_index_type Index>
void write(backup_register_type value) const noexcept;
This is a helper RAII class to enable write access to the backup domain in the constructor, write some values (or read them) using write
and read
, and then automatically disable write access in the destructor. Please note you don't need write access if you want to only read backup registers. You can use mcutl::backup::read_backup
directly. DisablePolicy
indicates how write access to the backup domain should be disabled when destroying the backup_write_enabler
object: disable_always
indicates write accesses must be always disabled, disable_only_if_enabled
indicates write accesses must be disabled only if they have been enabled by the backup_write_enabler
constructor. The backup_write_enabler
can not be copied or moved.