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Computational Thinking and Programming

DSCI 15310 Sec 003 Fall 2013

Instructor:Douglas Stanley
Office:SRL 032
Office Hours:4:00pm - 5:00pm M & W or by appointment
Location:MSB 162
Time:M-W 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM
Version: 1.0

Course Description:

Introductory, broad, and hands-on coverage of basic aspects of computational thinking with emphasis on problem solving using a high-level programming language.



Course Goals

  1. Learn a form of reasoning, or problem solving, called Computational Thinking.
  2. Learn what a computer can do and the primitive operations it can perform.
  3. Learn what an algorithm is and learn to design simple algorithms.
  4. Learn a subset of a certain programming language called Python. This subset includes:
    • loops
    • if then-else and branching
    • strings lists and dictionaries
    • functions, procedures and their use for top-down design
    • files
    • classes (an introduction)

Course Outline:

See schedule on separate handout.


Downey, Allen B. Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist Green Tea Press, 2010. This book is available at its website:

Additional Materials:

There will be additional material for this course on the course website, as well as posted on the github repository for this course found at:

Also, material will be found on blackboard for this course.

To work remotely, like at home or in another lab, you will also need the following:

  • A python interpreter
  • An ssh application
  • An sftp application
  • Possibly, a good text editor

Additional References:


Assessment Percentage of Final Grade
Homeworks 30%
Weekly Exercises & Labs 25%
Quizzes 10%
Midterm Exams 1 10%
Midterm Exams 2 10%
Written Final Exam 15%
**Attitude and Attendance *
Total Possible Percentage 100%


* Attitude and attendance points are at the discretion of the instructor. EXCESSIVE ABSENCES AND POOR ATTITUDE WILL AFFECT YOUR FINAL GRADE.

** NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. When the date for the homework quizzes on Blackboard closes it will not be re-opened.

*** Tests CANNOT be made up!

Total points for the course will be calculated and a percentage calculated for a letter grade.

Letter Grade Percentage
A 100-93%
A- 92-90%
B+ 89-88%
B 87-83%
B- 82-80%
C+ 79-78%
C 77-73%
C- 72-70%
D+ 69-68%
D 67-63%
D- 62-60%
F Below 60%

Final Exam

Monday December 9th 2013 (12/9/13) from 5:45-8:00pm

Student Ethics and Other Policy Information

University Policies

Enrollment & registration

Students who are not officially registered for a course by published University deadlines should not be attending classes and will not receive credit or a grade for the course. Each student must confirm enrollment by checking his/her class schedule (using Student Tools in FlashFast) prior to the deadline indicated. Registration errors must be corrected prior to the deadline.

Last Day to Add: 09/08/13



Students who names do not appear on the University's official class roster by the registration deadline, will not be permitted to participate (participate in discussions, turn in homework, or receive credit).

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

Students enrolled in the university, at all its campuses, are to perform their academic work according to standards set by faculty members, departments, schools and colleges of the university; and cheating and plagiarism constitute fraudulent misrepresentation for which no credit can be given and for which appropriate sanctions are warranted and will be applied.

For more information:

Regarding Students with Disabilities

(Revised 6/01/07) University policy 3342-3-01.3 requires that students with disabilities be provided reasonable accommodations to ensure their equal access to course content. If you have a documented disability and require accommodations, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to make arrangements for necessary classroom adjustments. Please note, you must first verify your eligibility for these through Student Accessibility Services (contact 330-672-3391 or visit for more information on registration procedures).

Course Policies


You may lose attendance points for every absence. If you can't make it to class for any reason, contact the instructor prior to the class session. Tests and Labs are to be taken on time. If you are unable to take a test or do a Lab during the regularly scheduled class time, you must contact the instructor before the test and have a valid excuse. There are NO make-up tests or Labs!

Too many consecutively missed classes and assignments will lead to the filing of a grade of SF (stopped attending Fail). The University wants to know as soon as possible when a student stops attending. Therefore, if you know you will be missing classes, please let me know a head of time. Also, a grade of SF can be changed back to a normal grade, if you resume attending class and turning in assignments. I will always try to contact you via email several times prior to turning in a grade of SF as well.

Course Concerns

If you have any concerns, regarding anything related to the course, please contact the instructor.


It is your responsibility to meet all of the deadlines for every class session, assignments, and assignment task. Assignments will be given deadlines--ANY assignments not turned in on the designated due dates and times, will be considered late and counted as a zero(0) for that assignment.


Students are expected to display ethical behavior at all times. Cheating, plagiarism, etc., will not be tolerated. The consequences of dishonest behavior will be commensurate with the activity to include, but not be limited to, an 'F' for the class, dialogue with administrators, and dismissal from the college.


During the semester, I will track grades by point values of the various assignments. Letter grades will not be calculated until the end of the semester, and will use the previously mentioned grade scale.

It is up to you to keep track of your current approximate grade during the semester, and to see me if you feel there is something wrong. Grades for assignments will be tracked in blackboard.

Student grades will be submitted to the appropriate department at the end of the semester (due dates for grades are determined by Kent State University).


STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL LAB, DEPARTMENTAL, COLLEGE, AND UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS AND ALL LAWS. It is the student's responsibility to know, understand, and obey these rules, regulations, and laws. Some of them include:

  • All course prerequisites must be met.
  • Only registered students may attend class (no friends or children).
  • No plagiarism.


All cell phones, pagers, and other devices must be set to vibrate or turned off during class. The sound on laptop or other computers must be turned off during class. Students are expected to not interrupt when another person is talking and to not disrupt the class by talking to others when someone is presenting. Students are not to use computers, PDAs, etc. for any purpose other than authorized class-related activities when class is in session.


This Syllabus is subject to change at the instructor's discretion. Please check for the most recent version.

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