No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
This is a low priority issue or pull request
Issues affecting Mac Catalyst
Issues affecting the mobile cat team
Tells automation to ask the person to use VS Feedback to report the issue
Issues affecting our msbuild tasks/targets
An issue requires our attention/response
Waiting for more information before the bug can be investigated
Waiting for a test case before the bug can be investigated
PR requires someone in another time zone to look after
If an issue or pull request is related to networking
The issue or pull request is not a regression
A deprecation that is worth mentioning in release notes
Worth calling out specifically in release notes
Infrastructure work worth mentioning in release notes
Deserves a mention in release notes
Issue or pull request that only affects .NET
Issue or pull request that only affects legacy xamarin (and not .NET)
If an issue or pull request is related to performance
The PR only touch files that are not shipped to customers
The pull request need a sample
Failures that are reported on QA tests
You can’t perform that action at this time.