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A guide to running ipfs-cluster

Revised for version 0.0.12.


  1. Introduction, definitions and other useful documentation
  2. Installation and deployment
  3. The configuration file
  4. Starting your cluster
  5. The consensus algorithm
  6. The shared state, the local state and the ipfs state
  7. Static cluster membership considerations
  8. Dynamic cluster membership considerations
  9. Pinning an item
  10. Unpinning an item
  11. Cluster monitoring and failover
  12. Using the IPFS-proxy
  13. Composite clusters
  14. Security
  15. Upgrading
  16. Troubleshooting and getting help

Introduction, definitions and other useful documentation

This guide aims to collect useful considerations and information for running an ipfs-cluster deployment. It provides extended information and expands on that provided by other docs, which are worth checking too:


  • ipfs-cluster: the software as a whole, usually referring to the peer which is run by ipfs-cluster-service.
  • ipfs: the ipfs daemon, usually go-ipfs.
  • peer: a member of the cluster.
  • CID: Content IDentifier. The hash that identifies an ipfs object and which ins pinned in cluster.
  • Pin: A CID which is tracked by cluster and "pinned" in the underlying ipfs daemons.
  • healty state: An ipfs-cluster is in healthy state when all peers are up.

Installation and deployment

There are several ways to install ipfs-cluster. They are described in the main README and summarized here:

  • Download the repository and run make install.
  • Run the docker ipfs/ipfs-cluster container. The container includes and runs ipfs.
  • Download pre-built binaries for your platform at Note that we test on Linux and ARM. We're happy to hear if other platforms are working or not. These builds may be slightly outdated compared to Docker.

You can deploy cluster in the way which fits you best, as both ipfs and ipfs-cluster have no dependencies. There are some Ansible roles available to help you.

The configuration file

The ipfs-cluster configuration file is usually found at ~/.ipfs-cluster/service.json and holds all the configurable options for cluster.

A default configuration file can be generated with ipfs-cluster-service init. It is recommended that you re-create the configuration file after an upgrade, to make sure that you are up to date with any new options. Tthe -c option to specify a different configuration folder path allows to create a default configuration in a temporary folder. Then you can compare with the existing one. Non-specified options will take default values so an old configuration will usually work anyways.

The configuration options are documented at: . It is recommended that you read them carefully before running your cluster.

Starting your cluster

ipfs-cluster-service will launch your cluster peer. If you have not configured any cluster_peers in the configuration, nor any bootstrap addresses, a single-peer cluster will be launched.

When filling in cluster_peers with some other peers' listening multiaddresses (i.e. /ip4/, the initialization process will consist in joining the current cluster's consensus, waiting for a leader (either to learn or to elect one), and syncing up to the last known state.

If you are using the cluster_peers configuration value, then it is very important that the cluster_peers configuration value in all cluster members has the same value. If not, your node will misbehave in not obvious ways. You can start all nodes at once when using this method. If they are not started at once, a node will be missing from the cluster, and since other peers expect it to be online, the cluster will not be in a healthy state (although it will operate if at least half of the peers are running).

Alternatively, you can use the bootstrap variable to provide one or several bootstrap peers. Bootstrapping will use the given peer to request the list of cluster peers and fill-in the cluster_peers variable automatically. The bootstrapped peer will be, in turn, added to the cluster and made known to every other existing (and connected peer).

Use the bootstrap method only when the rest of the cluster is healthy and all peers are running. You can also launch several peers at once, as long as they are bootstrapping from the same already-running-peer. The --bootstrap flag allows to provide a bootsrapping peer directly when calling ipfs-cluster-service.

If the startup initialization fails, ipfs-cluster-service will exit automatically (after 30 seconds). Pay attention to the INFO messages during startup. When ipfs-cluster is ready, a message will indicate it along with a list of peers.

The consensus algoritm

ipfs-cluster peers coordinate their state (the list of CIDs which are pinned, their peer allocations and replication factor) using a consensus algorithm called Raft.

Raft is used to commit log entries to a "distributed log" which every peer follows. Every "Pin" and "Unpin" requests are log entries in that log. When a peer receives a log "Pin" operation, it updates its local copy of the shared state to indicate that the CID is now pinned.

In order to work, Raft elects a cluster "Leader", which is the only peer allowed to commit entries to the log. Thus, a Leader election can only succeed if at least half of the nodes are online. Log entries, and other parts of ipfs-cluster functionality (initialization, monitoring), can only happen when a Leader exists.

For example, a commit operation to the log is triggered with ipfs-cluster-ctl pin add <cid>. This will use the peer's API to send a Pin request. The peer will in turn forward the request to the cluster's Leader, which will perform the commit of the operation. This is explained in more detail in the "Pinning an item" section.

The "peer add" and "peer remove" operations also trigger log entries and fully depend on a healthy consensus status. Modifying the cluster peers is a tricky operation because it requires informing every peer of the new peer set. If a peer is down during this operation, it is likely that it will not learn about it when it comes up again. Thus, it is recommended to bootstrap the peer again when the cluster has changed in the meantime.

The consensus log data is backed in the consensus_data_folder. This folder stores two types of information: the [boltDB] database storing the Raft log, and the state snapshots. Snapshots from the log are performed regularly when the log grows too big (or on shutdown). When a peer is far behind in catching up with the log, Raft may opt to send a snapshot directly, rather than to send every log entry that make up the state individually.

When running a cluster peer, it is very important that the consensus data folder does not contain any data from a different cluster setup, or data from diverging logs. What this essentially means is that different Raft logs should not be mixed. Removing the consensus_data_folder, will destroy all consensus data from the peer, but, as long as the rest of the cluster is running, it will recover last state upon start by fetching it from a different cluster peer.

On clean shutdowns, ipfs-cluster peers will save a human-readable state snapshot in the ~/.ipfs-cluster/backups folder, which can be used to inspect the last known state for that peer.

The shared state, the local state and the ipfs state

It is important to understand that ipfs-cluster deals with three types of states:

  • The shared state is maintained by the consensus algorithm and a copy is kept in every cluster peer. The shared state stores the list of CIDs which are tracked by ipfs-cluster, their allocations (peers which are pinning them) and their replication factor.
  • The local state is maintained separately by every peer and represents the state of CIDs tracked by cluster for that specific peer: status in ipfs (pinned or not), modification time etc.
  • The ipfs state is the actual state in ipfs (ipfs pin ls) which is maintained by the ipfs daemon.

In normal operation, all three states are in sync, as updates to the shared state cascade to the local and the ipfs states. Additionally, syncing operations are regularly triggered by ipfs-cluster. Unpinning cluster-pinned items directly from ipfs will, for example, cause a mismatch between the local and the ipfs state. Luckily, there are ways to inspect every state:

  • ipfs-cluster-ctl pin ls shows information about the shared state. The result of this command is produced locally, directly from the state copy stored the peer.

  • ipfs-cluster-ctl status shows information about the local state in every cluster peer. It does so by aggregating local state information received from every cluster member.

ipfs-cluster-ctl sync makes sure that the local state matches the ipfs state. In other words, it makes sure that what cluster expects to be pinned is actually pinned in ipfs. As mentioned, this also happens automatically. Every sync operations triggers an ipfs pin ls --type=recursive call to the local node. Depending on the size of your pinset, you may adjust the interval between sync operations using the ipfs_sync_seconds configuration variable.

Static cluster membership considerations

We call a static cluster, that in which the set of cluster_peers is fixed, where "peer add"/"peer rm"/bootstrapping operations don't happen (at least normally) and where every cluster member is expected to be running all the time.

Static clusters are a way to run ipfs-cluster in a stable fashion, since the membership of the consensus remains unchanged, they don't suffer the dangers of dynamic peer sets, where it is important that operations modifying the peer set suceed for every cluster member.

Static clusters expect every member peer to be up and responding. Otherwise, the Leader will detect missing heartbeats start logging errors. When a peer is not responding, ipfs-cluster will detect that a peer is down and re-allocate any content pinned by that peer to other peers. ipfs-cluster will still work as long as there is a Leader (half of the peers are still running). In the case of a network split, or if a majority of nodes is down, cluster will be unable to commit any operations the the log and thus, it's functionality will be limited to read operations.

Dynamic cluster membership considerations

We call a dynamic cluster, that in which the set of cluster_peers changes. Nodes are bootstrapped to existing cluster peers, the "peer add" and "peer rm" operations are used and/or the leave_on_shutdown configuration option is enabled. This option allows a node to abandon the consensus membership when shutting down. Thus reducing the cluster size by one.

Dynamic clusters allow greater flexibility at the cost of stablity. Join and leave operations are tricky as they change the consensus membership and they are likely to create bad situations in unhealthy clusters.

Also, currently, pins allocated to a peer that left the cluster are not re-allocated to new peers.

The best way to diagnose and fix a broken cluster membership issue is to:

  • Select a healthy node
  • Run ipfs-cluster-ctl peers ls
  • Examine carefully the results and any errors
  • Run ipfs-cluster-ctl peers rm <peer in error> for every peer not responding
  • If the peer count is different in the peers responding, identify peers with wrong peer count, stop them, fix cluster_peers manually and restart them.
  • ipfs-cluster-ctl --enc=json peers ls provides additional useful information, like the list of peers for every responding peer.
  • In cases were no Leader can be elected, then manual stop and editing of cluster_peers is necessary.

Pinning an item

ipfs-cluster-ctl pin add <cid> will tell ipfs-cluster to pin a CID.

This involves:

  • Deciding which peers will be allocated the CID (that is, which cluster peers will ask ipfs to pin the CID). This depends on the replication factor and the allocation strategy.
  • Forwarding the pin request to the Raft Leader.
  • Commiting the pin entry to the log.
  • At this point, a success/failure is returned to the user, but ipfs-cluster has more things to do.
  • Receiving the log update and modifying the shared state accordingly.
  • Updating the local state.
  • If the peer has been allocated the content, then:
    • Queueing the pin request and setting the pin status to PINNING.
    • Triggering a pin operation
    • Waiting until it completes and setting the pin status to PINNED.

Errors in the first part of the process (before the entry is commited) will be returned to the user and the whole operation is aborted. Errors in the second part of the process will result in pins with an status of PIN_ERROR.

In order to check the status of a pin, use ipfs-cluster-ctl status <cid>. Retries for pins in error state can be triggered with ipfs-cluster-ctl recover <cid>.

The reason pins (and unpin) requests are queued is because ipfs only performs one pin at a time, while any other requests are hanging in the meantime. All in all, pinning items which are unavailable in the network may create significants bottlenecks (this is a problem that comes from ipfs), as the pin request takes very long to time out. Facing this problem involves restarting the ipfs node.

Unpinning an item

ipfs-cluster-ctl pin rm <cid> will tell ipfs-cluster to unpin a CID.

The process is very similar to the "Pinning an item" described above. Removed pins are wiped from the shared and local states. When requesting the local status for a given CID, it will show as UNPINNED. Errors will be reflected as UNPIN_ERROR in the pin local status.

Cluster monitoring and failover

ipfs-cluster includes a basic monitoring component which gathers metrics and triggers alerts when a metric is no longer renewed. There are currently two types of metrics:

  • informer metrics are used to decide on allocations when a pin request arrives. Different "informers" can be configured. The default is the reposize informer.
  • a ping metric is used to monitor peers.

Every metric carries a Time-To-Live associated with it. ipfs-cluster peers pushes metrics from every peer to the cluster Leader in TTL/2 intervals. When a metric for an existing cluster peer stops arriving and previous metrics have outlived their Time-To-Live, the monitoring component triggers an alert for that metric.

ipfs-cluster will react to ping metrics alerts by searching for pins allocated to the alerting peer and triggering re-pinning requests for them. If the node is down, informer metrics are likely to be also invalid, causing the content to be given allocations from different peers.

The monitoring and failover system in cluster is very basic and requires improvements. Failover is likely to not work properly when several nodes go offline at once (specially if the current Leader is affected). Manual re-pinning can be triggered with ipfs-cluster-ctl pin <cid>. ipfs-cluster-ctl pin ls <CID> can be used to find out the current list of peers allocated to a CID.

Using the IPFS-proxy

ipfs-cluster provides an proxy to ipfs (which by default listens on /ip4/ This allows ipfs-cluster to behave as if it was an ipfs node. It achieves this by intercepting the following requests:

  • /add: the proxy adds the content to the local ipfs daemon and pins the resulting hash[es] in ipfs-cluster.
  • /pin/add: the proxy pins the given CID in ipfs-cluster.
  • /pin/rm: the proxy unpins the given CID from ipfs-cluster.
  • /pin/ls: the proxy lists the pinned items in ipfs-cluster.

Responses from the proxy mimic ipfs daemon responses. This allows to use ipfs-cluster with the ipfs CLI as the following examples show:

  • ipfs --api /ip4/ pin add <cid>
  • ipfs --api /ip4/ add myfile.txt
  • ipfs --api /ip4/ pin rm <cid>
  • ipfs --api /ip4/ pin ls

Any other requests are directly forwarded to the ipfs daemon and responses and sent back from it.

Intercepted endpoints aim to mimic the format and response code from ipfs, but they may lack headers. If you encounter a problem where something works with ipfs but not with cluster, open an issue.

Composite clusters

Since ipfs-cluster provides an IPFS Proxy (an endpoint that act likes an IPFS daemon), it is also possible to use an ipfs-cluster proxy endpoint as the ipfs_node_multiaddress for a different cluster.

This means that the top cluster will think that it is performing requests to an IPFS daemon, but it is instead using an ipfs-cluster peer which belongs to a sub-cluster.

This allows to scale ipfs-cluster deployments and provides a method for building ipfs-cluster topologies that may be better adapted to certain needs.

Note that this feature has not been extensively tested.


ipfs-cluster peers communicate which eachother using libp2p-encrypted streams (secio), with the ipfs daemon using plain http, provide an HTTP API themselves (used by ipfs-cluster-ctl) and an IPFS Proxy. This means that there are four endpoints to be wary about when thinking of security:

  • cluster_multiaddress, defaults to /ip4/ and is the listening address to communicate with other peers (via Remote RPC calls mostly). While the communication channel is encrypted, there is nothing preventing anyone to send RPC commands to this endpoint and thus, controlling the cluster and the ipfs daemon (at least when it comes to pin/unpin/pin ls and swarm connect operations. ipfs-cluster administrators should therefore be careful keep this endpoint unaccessible to third-parties, as cluster currently provides no authentication/authorization facilities.
  • api_listen_multiaddress, defaults to /ip4/ and is the listening address for the HTTP API that is used by ipfs-cluster-ctl. The considerations for api_listen_multiaddress are the same as for cluster_multiaddress, as access to this endpoint allows to control ipfs-cluster and the ipfs daemon to a extent. By default, this endpoint listens on locahost which means it can only be used by ipfs-cluster-ctl running in the same host.
  • ipfs_proxy_listen_multiaddress defaults to /ip4/ As explained before, this endpoint offers control of ipfs-cluster pin/unpin operations and a full access to the underlying ipfs daemon. This endpoint should be treated with the same precautions as the ipfs HTTP API.
  • ipfs_node_multiaddress defaults to /ip4/ and contains the address of the ipfs daemon HTTP API. The recommendation is running IPFS on the same host as ipfs-cluster. This way it is not necessary to make ipfs API listen on other than localhost.

In short, if cluster_multiaddress is reachable by the world, your ipfs-cluster and ipfs daemon can be fully controlled by anyone.

This situation will be addressed with the implementation of Private Networks in ipfs-cluster, an upcoming feature which will provide a mechanism to only allow peers with a given pre-shared-key to communicate in a cluster.


The safest way to upgrade ipfs-cluster is to stop all cluster peers, update and restart them.

As long as the shared state format has not changed, there is nothing preventing from stopping cluster peers separately, updating and launching them.

When the shared state format has changed, a state migration will be required. ipfs-cluster will refuse to start and inform the user in this case, although this feature is yet to be implemented next time the state format changes. It will also mean a minor version bump (where normally only the patch version increases).

Troubleshooting and getting help

Have a question, idea or suggestion?

Open an issue on ipfs-cluster or ask on

If you want to collaborate in ipfs-cluster, open an issue and ask about what you can do.


By default, ipfs-cluster-service prints only INFO, WARNING and ERROR messages. Sometimes, it is useful to increase verbosity with the --loglevel debug flag. This will make ipfs-cluster and its components much more verbose. The --debug flag will make ipfs-cluster, its components and its most prominent dependencies (raft, libp2p-raft, libp2p-gorpc) verbose.

ipfs-cluster-ctl offers a --debug flag which will print information about the API endpoints used by the tool. --enc json allows to print raw json responses from the API.

Interpreting debug information can be tricky. For example:

18:21:50.343 ERROR   ipfshttp: error getting:Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused ipfshttp.go:695

The above line shows a message of ERROR severity, coming from the ipfshttp facility. This facility corresponds to the ipfshttp module which implements the IPFS Connector component. This information helps narrowing the context from which the error comes from. The error message indicates that the component failed to perform a GET request to the ipfs HTTP API. The log entry contains the file and line-number in which the error was logged.

When discovering a problem, it will probably be useful if you can provide some logs when asking for help.

Peer is not starting

When your peer is not starting:

  • Check the logs and look for errors
  • Are all the listen addresses free or are they used by a different process?
  • Are other peers of the cluster reachable?
  • Double-check that the addresses in cluster_peers are correct.
  • Double-check that the rest of the cluster is in a healthy state.
  • In some cases, it may help to delete everything in the consensus_data_folder. Assuming that the cluster is healthy, this will allow the non-starting peer to pull a clean state from the cluster Leader. Make a backup first, just in case.

Peer stopped unexpectedly

When a peer stops unexpectedly:

  • Check the logs for any clues that the process died because of an internal fault
  • Check your system logs to find if anything external killed the process
  • Report any application panics, as they should not happen, along with the logs.

ipfs-cluster-ctl status <cid> does not report CID information for all peers

This is usually the result of a desync between the shared state and the local state, or between the local state and the ipfs state. If the problem does not autocorrect itself after a couple of minutes (thanks to auto-syncing), try running ipfs-cluster-ctl sync [cid] for the problematic item. You can also restart your node.