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The frontend is the main entry point for users of RIS norms.



  • Node.js (with a .node-version file) for simplified setup using nodenv

Quick Start

  • npm i fetches all dependencies
  • npm run dev starts the application. By default on local port 5173. You will also need a running backend.
  • npm run test runs the tests once
  • npm run test:watch runs the tests and automatically re-runs if something changes
  • npm run test:e2e runs all browser-based tests (E2E tests, accessibility tests and smoke tests, requires a running frontend and backend)
    • npm run test:e2e -- --ui opens the Playwright UI
    • npm run test:browsers runs E2E tests in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge (excluding smoke and a11y tests)
    • npm run test:a11y runs accessibility tests
    • npm run test:smoke runs smoketests
  • npm run coverage compiles a coverage report via v8
  • npm run typecheck runs type checking through TypeScript
  • npm run style:check does linting and formatting
  • npm run style:fix will try to fix linting and formatting issues
  • npm run build builds the app
  • npm run preview previews the app (requires a build first)

E2E Tests

Make sure the backend and frontend are running locally.

Then, install the browsers:

npx --yes playwright install --with-deps chromium firefox msedge

Let Playwright know where to connect to by using the .env file:

cp .env.local.example .env.local

Run E2E tests:

npm run test:browsers

Run just 1 specific test:

npm run test:browsers -- [testfile]

Debug a test:

npm run test:browsers -- [testfile] --debug

Run E2E tests in a specific browser:

npm run test:e2e -- --project chromium --repeat-each 1
npm run test:e2e -- --project firefox --repeat-each 1
npm run test:e2e -- --project msedge --repeat-each 1

Alternatively, the also explains how to run the E2E tests inside a docker container.

Accessibility Tests (a11y)

The project includes automated accessibility (a11y) testing using axe-core. Accessibility tests also use Playwright, so everything about E2E tests also applies.

Make sure the frontend is running locally before executing the tests. To run the accessibility tests:

npm run test:a11y

Smoke Tests

We use smoke testing for superficially checking certain functionality on a deployed version of our system, usually staging. Smoke tests focus on areas where the live system significantly differs from the local or E2E setup such as how the frontend is served (served by Vite locally, but served by Spring in production).

If you need to run smoke tests locally, first set E2E_SMOKETEST_BASE_URL, E2E_SMOKETEST_USERNAME, and E2E_SMOKETEST_PASSWORD in your environment. It will be picked up automatically if you add it to your .env.local (also see .env.local.example).

Then run:

node run test:smoke


All icons in the Google Material sets can be used.

To make the icon available in your code:

  • Find and select the icon
  • Copy the name (e.g. ic/baseline-upload-file)
  • Use the copied icon name in your import statement using the ~icons/ic prefix followed by the name. Example: import UploadFileOutlineRounded from "~icons/ic/baseline-upload-file"