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Henning Wiedemann edited this page May 31, 2023 · 14 revisions

In Phobos, most motor information is already given by the joints (torque, velocity limits e.g.). For further motor related stuff each joint/link may also hold motor parameters. This can include it's control type, and the controller parameters. This info will be also exported to SDF and SMURF. Of cause you can add further information that will be stored to SMURF.

Adding a Motor

Motors are added to Phobos joints, so you need to select a well-defined joint. Use the Add motor operator in the Hardware tab:

Operator location

This will open a motor selection menu. The categories and motor types are based on the parsed definitions from your definition folder. You may add several motors of the same type to all selected joints, by selecting the Add to all option.

Adding a motor

Depending on the motor you selected, another settings menu will open. It contains the parameters of this motor type. This might look like:

Motor details

After confirming this dialog, the motor info will be added to the joint(s).

For further details see the custom definition section of this wiki.

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