Uses text output file from wpp to create paths from movement packets.
Maximus Instructions:
grab the from and place into the root directory of waypointcreator repository in order to provide textures for the viewer.
Running the Application:
login into sql database, (recommended as this will provide creature_template data)
initial screen will load with directx viewer and waypoint manager
Select map from the viewer by rick clicking on the viewer screen:
viewer functions:
F2 - Zoom Out F3 - Zoom In Arrow Up - Spectator will move Up Arrow Left - Spectator will move Left Arrow Right - Spectator will move Right Arrow Down - Spectator will move Down
manager grid functions:
clicking on column headers will sort the rows accordingly. filter values by name or entry which will auto recognize which is numeric or alpha specify filter by StartsWith EndsWith or Contains (contains is default)
click check box of selected item to include in viewer
you can include as many as you want.
the waypoint values are editable and you can add new waypoints which will reflect in viewer
sql exports to udb either to file or to clipboard by right clicking on the item
Exported sql Sample:
-- Pathing for Zabra'jin Guard Entry: 18909 'UDB FORMAT'
UPDATE `creature` SET `position_x`=200.1622,`position_y`=7864.784,`position_z`=43.6102 WHERE `guid`=@GUID;
DELETE FROM `creature_movement` WHERE `id`=@GUID;
INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`,`point`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`,`waittime`,`script_id`,`textid1`,`textid2`,`textid3`,`textid4`,`textid5`,`emote`,`spell`,`orientation`,`model1`,`model2`) VALUES
-- .go xyz 200.1622 7864.784 43.6102