uid |
contributing |
Follow this document
Solution and folder structure
Folder | Description |
.\ | Root folder |
.\Build | Various files for AppVeyor builds and common project settings |
.\Data | Contains test databases creation scripts and database files |
.\Doc | DocFX documentation files |
.\NuGet | LINQ to DB NuGet packages build files, readme.txt |
.\Redist | Redistributable binaries for providers unavailable officially at NuGet |
.\Source\LinqToDB | LINQ to DB source code |
.\Source\LinqToDB.Templates | LINQ to DB t4models source code |
.\Tests | Unit tests |
.\Tests\Base | LINQ to DB testing framework |
.\Tests\FSharp | F# models and tests |
.\Tests\IBM.Core | Tests for IBM.Data.DB2.Core provider |
.\Tests\Linq | Main project for LINQ to DB unit tests |
.\Tests\Model | Model classes for tests |
.\Tests\T4.Linq | Models for test databases, generated using t4models |
.\Tests\T4.Model | T4Models tests |
.\Tests\T4.Wpf | T4Models NotifyPropertyChanged template test project |
.\Tests\TestApp | SQL Server spatial types test application |
.\Tests\Tests.Benchmark | Benchmark tests |
.\Tests\VisualBasic | Visual Basic models and tests |
- VS2017 solution
Project | .NET 4.5 | .NET 4.5.2 | .NET 4.6 | .NET 4.6.2 | .NET Standard 1.6 | .NET Standard 2.0 | .NET Core 1.0 | .NET Core 2.0 |
.\Source\LinqToDB\LinqToDB.csproj |
√ | √ | √ | √ | ||||
.\Tests\Linq\Tests.Base.csproj |
√ | √ | √ | |||||
.\Tests\IBM.Core\Tests.IBM.Core.csproj |
√ | √ | ||||||
.\Tests\Linq\Tests.csproj |
√ | √ | √ | |||||
.\Tests\FSharp\Tests.FSharp.fsproj |
√ | √ | √ | |||||
.\Tests\Model\Tests.Model.csproj |
√ | √ | ||||||
.\Tests\T4.Linq\Tests.T4.Linq.csproj |
√ | √ | ||||||
.\Tests\T4.Model\Tests.T4.Model.csproj |
√ | |||||||
.\Tests\T4.Wpf\Tests.T4.Wpf.csproj |
√ | |||||||
.\Tests\TestApp\TestApp.csproj |
√ | |||||||
.\Tests\Tests.Benchmark\Tests.Benchmark.csproj |
√ | |||||||
.\Tests\VisualBasic\Tests.VisualBasic.vbproj |
√ | √ |
You can use the solution to build and run tests. Also you can build whole solution or library using the following batch files:
- run
- builds all the projects in the solution for Debug, Release, and AppVeyor configurations - run
- builds LinqToDB projects for Debug and Release configurations
Because of compiling for different platforms we do use:
- Conditional compilation. Different projects and configurations define compilation symbols:
- NET45 - .NET 4.5 compatibility level
- NETSTANDARD1_6 - .NET Standard 1.6 compatibility level
- NETSTANDARD2_0 - .NET Standard 2.0 compatibility level
- Implementing missing classes and enums. There are some under
- current stable branchrelease
- branch with the latest releaserelease1
- branch for critical fixes for version 1.xx.yyversion1
- stable branch for version 1.xx.yy
NUnit3 is used as unit testing framework. Most tests are run for all supported databases, and written in same pattern:
public class Test: TestBase // TestBase - base class, provides base methods and object data sources
// DataContextSourceAttribute - implements NUnit ITestBuilder and provides context values to test
// TestAttribute - not required for nunit test runner, but needed for Resharper test runner
[Test, DataContextSource]
public void Test(string context)
// TestBase.GetDataContext - creates new IDataContext, supports creating WCF client and server
using(var db = GetDataContext(context))
// Here is the most interesting
// this.Person - list of persons, corresponding Person table in database (derived from TestBase)
// db.Person - database table
// So test checks that LINQ to Objects query produces the same result as executed database query
AreEqual(this.Person.Where(_ => _.Name == "John"), db.Person.Where(_ => _.Name == "John"));
generates tests for each configured data provider, configuration is taken
from .\Tests\Linq\DataProviders.json
and .\Tests\Linq\UserDataProviders.json
if it exists.
is used to specify user-specific settings such as connections strings to test databases and
list of tested providers.
The [User]DataProviders.json
is a regular JSON file:
// .net framework 4.5 test configuration
"NET45" :
// base configuration to inherit settings from
// Inheritance rules:
// - DefaultConfiguration, TraceLevel, Providers - use value from base configuration only if it is not defined in current configuration
// - Connections - merge current and base connection strings
"BasedOn" : "LocalConnectionStrings",
// default provider, used as a source of reference data
// LINQ to DB uses SQLite for it and you hardly need to change it
"DefaultConfiguration" : "SQLite.Classic",
// logging level
// Supported values: Off, Error, Warning, Info, Verbose
// Default level: Info
"TraceLevel" : "Error",
// list of database providers, enabled for current test configuration
"Providers" :
"SqlServer.2012", "SqlServer.2012.1",
"SqlServer.2008", "SqlServer.2008.1",
"SqlServer.2005", "SqlServer.2005.1",
// .net core 1.0 test configuration
"CORE1" :
"BasedOn" : "LocalConnectionStrings",
"Providers" :
"SqlServer.2012", "SqlServer.2012.1",
"SqlServer.2008", "SqlServer.2008.1",
"SqlServer.2005", "SqlServer.2005.1",
// .net core 2.0 test configuration
"CORE2" :
"BasedOn" : "LocalConnectionStrings",
"Providers" :
"SqlServer.2012", "SqlServer.2012.1",
"SqlServer.2008", "SqlServer.2008.1",
"SqlServer.2005", "SqlServer.2005.1",
// list of connection strings for all providers
"BasedOn" : "CommonConnectionStrings",
"Connections" :
// override connection string for SqlAzure.2012 provider
// all other providers will use default inherited connection strings from CommonConnectionStrings configuration
"SqlAzure.2012" :
"Provider" : "System.Data.SqlClient",
"ConnectionString" : "Server=tcp:xxxxxxxxx.database.windows.net,1433;Database=TestData;User ID=TestUser@zzzzzzzzz;Password=TestPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;"
To define your own configurations DO NOT EDIT DataProviders.json
- create .\Tests\Linq\UserDataProviders.json
and define needed configurations.
Right now tests execution depends on _CreateData.*
tests executed first. Those tests recreate test databases and populate them with test data, so if you are going to run one test be sure to run _CreateData
before it manually.
Also - if your test changes database data, be sure to revert those changes (!) to avoid side effects for other tests.
We do run builds and tests with:
- AppVeyor (Windows) appveyor.yml. Makes build and runs tests for:
- .Net 4.5.2: NET45.AppVeyor configuration. Full set of tests are done.
- .Net Core 1.0: CORE1.AppVeyor configuration. Only
tests are done (smoke testing). - .Net Core 2.0: CORE2.AppVeyor configuration. Only
tests are done (smoke testing). - DocFx - to build documentation. Deploy is done only for
- Travis (Linux) .travis.yml. Makes build and runs tests for:
- .Net Core 2.0: CORE2.Travis configuration. Full set of tests are done.
CI builds are done only for next branches:
If you want to skip building commit by CI (for example you have changed *.md files only) begin commit comment with [ci skip]
- Release candidate packages are published by AppVeyor to MyGet.org for each successful build of master branch.
- Release packages are published by AppVeyor to NuGet.org for each successful build of release and release1 branch.
- Update Release Notes and create empty entry for vNext release
- Create PR from
branch, in comments add @testers to notify all testers that we are ready to release - Wait few days for feedback from testers and approval from contributors
- Merge PR
- Tag release
- Update versions in
branch (this will lead to publish all nextmaster
builds as new version RC):- in .\appveyor.yml set
parameter - in *.nuspec files update linq2db dependency version
- in issue template update default linq2db version
- in .\appveyor.yml set
In general you should follow simple rules:
- Development rules and regulations, code style
- Do not add new features without tests
- Avoid direct pushes to
branches - To fix some issue or implement new feature create new branch and make pull request after you are ready to merge. Merge your PR only after contributor's review.
- If you are going to implement any big feature you may want other contributors to participate (coding, code review, feature discuss and so on), so to do it:
- Create new PR with [WIP] prefix (Work In Process)
- After you are ready to merge remove the prefix & assign contributors as reviewers
- If you do have write access, it is recommended to use central repository (not forks). Why - simple, it would allow other teammates to help you in developing (if needed). Certainly you are free to use fork if it is more convenient to you
- Please avoid adding new public classes, properties, methods without XML doc
- Read issues and help users
- Do not EF :)