Codility Become a better programmer! In this repository you can find my answers to Codility lessons and challengers written in PHP. Lesson 1: Iterations BinaryGap Lesson 2: Arrays CyclicRotation OddOccurrencesInArray Lesson 3: Time complexity TapeEquilibrium FrogJmp PermMissingElem Lesson 4: Counting Elements PermCheck FrogRiverOne MissingInteger MaxCounters Lesson 5: Prefix Sums CountDiv PassingCars GenomicRangeQuery MinAvgTwoSlice Lesson 6: Sorting Distinct Triangle MaxProductOfThree Lesson 7: Stacks and Queues Brackets Fish Nesting StoneWall Lesson 8: Leader Dominator EquiLeader Lesson 9: Maximum slice problem MaxDoubleSliceSum MaxProfit MaxSliceSum Lesson 10: Prime and composite numbers MinPerimeterRectangle CountFactors Peaks Flags Lesson 11: Sieve of Eratosthenes CountSemiprimes CountNonDivisible Lesson 12: Euclidean algorithm ChocolatesByNumbers CommonPrimeDivisors Lesson 13: Fibonacci numbers Ladder FibFrog Lesson 14: Binary search algorithm MinMaxDivision NailingPlanks