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381 lines (294 loc) · 13.1 KB


To the average java programmer, traits are fancy interfaces with defaults (java 8!). But in scala traits are far more powerful than java 8's interface with default. Lets start exploring the power of traits.

Simple trait; same as interface

trait Foo {
    def foo: String
public interface Foo {
    public String foo();

Nothing fancy here. They both seem to be the same thing, and thats because they are. Lets look at javap for the scala output.

scala> :javap Foo
Compiled from "<console>"
public interface Foo{
    public abstract java.lang.String foo();

So whats the big deal? Traits start to differ from interfaces with defaults when you start defining implementations. Lets look at defining behavior.

trait Bar {
    def bar: String
    def echo = println(bar)
public interface Bar {
    public String bar();
    public default void echo()  {

This looks very similar, but there is one big difference between the two: java's block goes away if overriden, scala's implementation of this uses a utility class to store the implementation. This utility class can be reused and mixed into your code however you wish. Lets take a look at the generated code from scala.

scala> :javap -p Bar
Compiled from "<console>"
public interface Bar{
    public abstract java.lang.String bar();
    public abstract void echo();

Bar looks the same as before, but now there is a new utility class generated: Bar$class.

scala> :javap -p Bar$class
Compiled from "<console>"
public abstract class Bar$class extends java.lang.Object{
    public static void echo(Bar);
    public static void $init$(Bar);

The Bar$class generated is a class with only static methods defined from the trait. If a class extends the trait, it would look like the following.

// couldn't find a way to do this in scala (scala cant find the type), so doing it in java
public class MyBar implements Bar {
    public String bar() {
        return "bar"
    public void echo()  {

Because code reuse of defaults is something that is desired, it is recommended to use static methods in default blocks.

public static class Bars {
    private Bar() {}

    public static void echo(Bar bar) {
public interface Bar {
    public String bar();
    public default void echo()  {

By doing the above, you get the same generated code that scala has (s/s/$class/). So great, we have the same thing right? Lets try mixing different behaviors together.


In the java 8 based world, if you have the interface Bar and you want to add in new functionality, its up to you to define how thats done. Lets try making echo use default echo and a logger echo.

public class MyBar implements Bar {
    public void echo() {

This seems ok, but to the consumer of MyBar, he/she won't know what is happening or that MyBar has done this. Scala's view of how to do this comes from a common thought in functional programming; types should reflect what happened. What does it mean in this context? Well, in normal scala code you won't see the above often (implement an interface and mix in multiple behaviors). Instead you will see a powerful feature of scala; trait mixins. A mixin is a trait that adds or enhance functionality on the type its been mixed into; types should describe whats going on.

trait BarLogger extends Bar {
    abstract override def echo = {
        println(s"[LOGGER]: $bar")

Here we have a new type BarLogger that will enhance the echo method of Bar. Now lets mix these two together.

case class BarWorld(bar: String) extends Bar with BarLogger
[LOGGER]: world

With this, we are saying that BarWorld has type Bar with BarLogger. We are using the type system to explain what the behavior of BarWorld will be. In this example BarLogger is decorating the Bar with new behavior.

In java 8, default interfaces are just interfaces, so couldn't I do the same?

class BarWorld implements Bar, BarLogger {
    public String bar() { return "bar"; }

The code above won't compile.

java: class BarWorld inherits unrelated defaults for echo() from types Bar and BarLogger

Java's view of mixins are over disjoin behaviors and not over similar behaviors. In cases like this, its up to the developer to solve what the behavior should be.

public class MyBar implements Bar, BarLogger {
    public void echo() {

If we are mixing traits together to compose a new type, how does scala know what the end behavior should be? Scala defines a simple rule for how to know what the behavior should be (and if it gets it wrong, just override it): apply from right to left. Lets show a few examples.

trait Echoable {
    def echo: Unit

trait One extends Echoable {
    override def echo = println("one")

trait Two extends Echoable {
    override def echo = println("two")

trait Three extends Echoable {
    override def echo = println("three")

Here we define three top level traits One, Two, and Three that all extend from Echoable. Each one overrides the echo method to be a different behavior. Lets see how scala's right to left rule picks the behavior we want.

(new Three with Two with One).echo
// one

(new One with Three with Two).echo
// two

(new Two with One with Three).echo
// three

As we see here, the trait defined right most is the one that wins. In traits, the override keyword annotations that this trait defines a fully implementation of a method, and to use it rather than using super.echo. So what if we didn't define override?

trait Printable {
    def print: Unit

trait P1 extends Printable {
    def print = println("one")

trait P2 extends Printable {
    def print = println("two")

(new P1 with P2).print
<console>:11: error: <$anon: P1 with P2> inherits conflicting members:
  method print in trait P1 of type => Unit  and
  method print in trait P2 of type => Unit
(Note: this can be resolved by declaring an override in <$anon: P1 with P2>.)
              (new P1 with P2).print

As we see above, the behavior is the same as java's (but with a weirder error message). If the user adds traits that conflict with an implementation and don't annotate how to resolve conflicts, then scala will expect the user to resolve the conflict.

So what was that abstract override we saw before? Lets go over an example to explain it; filtering out the bad word "java".

trait Speaker {
    def say(word: String) = println(word)

new Speaker(){}.say("Are you a java developer!?!")
Are you a java developer!?!

In this case we are going to say that "java" is a bad word. So lets filter it out and convert it to j***.

trait JavaFilter extends Speaker {
    abstract override def say(word: String) = super.say(word.replace("java", "j***"))

class Teacher extends Speaker with JavaFilter

val speaker = new Teacher()
speaker.say("Are you a java developer!?!")
// Are you a j*** developer!?!

speaker.say("Are you a JAVA developer!?!")
// Are you a JAVA developer!?!

The abstract override annotation says that this implementation relies on other implementations in the trait hierarchy. The trait now has access to super (you won't have access to super without it) and lets you control how to decorate the method. Thats really what abstract override tries to do, let traits decorate other traits. In a java based world, the decorator pattern is normally implemented by a wrapper object that will do some logic than delegate to the wrapped object. In scala the same thing can be done at the trait level and normally is (types defining behavior).

Self =>

Now that we see that traits can be mixed into other traits to create new behaviors, is there any way to say that a trait depends on another trait without extending it? What about controlling the type of this? This is where self => comes in; self is the object implementing the trait, and as with other objects we can say what the type is.

Simple case, just defining self reference

trait Foo { self =>
    def doWork: Unit

Defining self's type

trait Bar { self: Foo =>
    def doMoreWork: Unit = self.doWork
// don't have to use self within the code
trait Bar2 { self: Foo =>
    def doMoreWork: Unit = doWork

Defining intersection types.

trait Biz { self: Bar with Foo =>
    def doEvenMoreWork = {

As we see, we can define the type we expect self to be in. Lets take a closer look at the Bar example. Here we define that the object implementing Bar must have also added the type Foo to itself.

object Baz extends Foo with Bar {
    def doWork = println("baz")
// baz

If the user doesn't mixin Foo the compiler will reject the type.

object Baz2 extends Bar {
    def doWork = println("baz")
<console>:62: error: illegal inheritance;
 self-type Baz2.type does not conform to Bar's selftype Bar with Foo
       object Baz2 extends Bar {

The question you might be wondering at this point is "how is this different than just extending?" Right now we have shown that there really isn't any difference, but what each implies is infact different. In the above case of Bar, we are really saying that Bar "requires" Foo and adds a method doMoreWork but does not define method doWork. If Bar extended Foo, then it would be saying that Bar adds methods doWork and doMoreWork. Self really lets you define a traits dependencies. Lets try to explore this abit more.

Mixin to predefined classes

Traits are like interfaces in that they can't construct a object on its own.

import java.util.Properties

trait MyProperties extends Properties

new MyProperties
<console>:61: error: trait MyProperties is abstract; cannot be instantiated
              new MyProperties

As we see here, traits can extend classes, so can we hack java to let a class extend two classes?

import java.util.HashMap

trait MyHashMap extends HashMap[String, String]

case class MyClass extends MyHashMap with MyProperties
<console>:64: error: illegal inheritance; superclass HashMap
 is not a subclass of the superclass Properties
 of the mixin trait MyProperties
       case class MyClass extends MyHashMap with MyProperties

Seems like no; if we extend a class, then a trait acts more like an abstract class. This is to be expected since the JVM doesn't allow this.

Now lets take this idea but add new functionality for properties.

import java.util.Properties
trait ScalaProperty { self: Properties =>
    def apply(key: String): Option[String] = Option(self.getProperty(key))

Here we define a trait that depends on properties (self: Properties =>) and adds a method apply to it. Lets use it

val prop = new Properties with ScalaProperty
// None

Trait mixins are a way to add new behavior to existing types. This can be done when defining a class or creating a new instance of a class. We could do the same with extends, but from the usage perspective its weird.

import java.util.Properties
trait ScalaProperty extends Properties { 
    def apply(key: String): Option[String] = Option(this.getProperty(key))
val prop = new Properties with ScalaProperty
// None

In the example, extends and self will be used the same way but its weird in the fact that in the first case we are saying ScalaProperty depends on Properties but in the second case we are saying it is-a Properties. If ScalaProperty is-a Properties then mixing it into a properties at creation time is different than how you normally deal with is-a relationships.

Self is much more flexible than extends, namely because self is defining what dependencies the trait has. This can be very helpful for modeling since we can keep the is-a relationships clean and mixin useful functionality without polluting the hierarchy.

So would we ever want to use extends? YES! Look at collections apis for a great example of when to use extends; List is Iterable and TraversableOnce. If the user had to always create a new list and mix in these traits, the api would be hard to use. Second off, it would require that the user calls new since you can only mixin at object creation time, aka new.

List(1, 2, 3) with Foo
<console>:1: error: ';' expected but 'with' found.
       List(1, 2, 3) with Foo

So when picking self vs extends, ask yourself is the functionality being added needed for almost all instances? Is the functionality a product of the type or just a utility? Do you own the implementation? Are there conflicting functionalities that you want to define?