If the node is in a pristine state, we need to register a new profile (with a device) before we can create a job or send a message. This involves generating two pairs of encryption and signature keys and using them to construct a registration message.
Usually the most basic flow is: create job, send message to job, get messages from inbox.
For detailed examples demonstrating how to use the Shinkai Typescript Lib for various tasks, check out our docs. These examples cover a range of use cases from basic to advanced, helping you get started with the library quickly.
Each example is fully documented to explain the concepts and features being used, making it easy to understand how to integrate Shinkai Typescript Lib into your own projects.
async function isNodePristine(nodeAddress: string): Promise<boolean> {
try {
const url = new URL("/v1/shinkai_health", nodeAddress);
const response = await fetch(url.toString(), {
method: "GET",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);
const data = await response.json();
return data.is_pristine;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error checking node health:", error);
throw new Error("Failed to check if the node is pristine.");
If the node is pristine, you can proceed to register a new profile (with a device). This involves generating two pairs of encryption and signature keys and using them to construct a registration message.
import { generateEncryptionKeys, generateSignatureKeys } from "./shinkai_encryption";
import { ShinkaiMessageBuilder } from "@shinkai_protocol/shinkai-typescript-lib";
async function registerProfile(nodeAddress: string, registrationName: string, senderSubidentity: string, receiverProfileName: string) {
// First, check if the node is pristine
const pristine = await isNodePristine(nodeAddress);
if (!pristine) {
console.log("Node is not pristine. Registration may not be allowed.");
// Generate encryption and signature keys
// We are going to use the same keys for both the device and the profile
const encryptionKeys = await generateEncryptionKeys();
const signatureKeys = await generateSignatureKeys();
// Convert hex strings to Uint8Array
const myDeviceEncryptionSk = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(encryptionKeys.my_encryption_sk_string, "hex"));
const myDeviceSignatureSk = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(signatureKeys.my_identity_sk_string, "hex"));
// For registration, the profile's encryption and signature keys can be the same as the device's
const profileEncryptionSk = myDeviceEncryptionSk;
const profileSignatureSk = myDeviceSignatureSk;
// Define sender and receiver identifiers explicitly
const sender = "@@sender.shinkai"; // This should be replaced with the actual sender identifier
const receiver = "@@receiver.shinkai"; // This should be replaced with the actual receiver identifier
// Construct the registration message
let message = await ShinkaiMessageBuilder.initialRegistrationWithNoCodeForDevice(
registrationName, // Device registration name, e.g., 'main_device'
sender, // Sender identifier
receiver // Receiver identifier
// Assuming `postData` is a function to send the message to a Shinkai node and fetch the response
let resp = await postData(message, "/v1/use_registration_code");
// Check response status and return data or throw an error
if (resp.status === "success") {
console.log("Registration successful:", resp.data);
return resp.data;
} else {
console.error("Registration failed:", resp);
throw new Error(`Registration failed: ${JSON.stringify(resp)}`);
First, we'll create a job by generating the necessary keys and using the ShinkaiMessageBuilder to construct a job creation message.
async function createJob(agent: string) {
// Generate encryption and signature keys
const encryptionKeys = await generateEncryptionKeys();
const signatureKeys = await generateSignatureKeys();
// Convert hex strings to Uint8Array
const encryptionSk = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(encryptionKeys.my_encryption_sk_string, "hex"));
const signatureSk = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(signatureKeys.my_identity_sk_string, "hex"));
const receiverPublicKey = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(encryptionKeys.my_encryption_pk_string, "hex"));
// Define sender and receiver identifiers
const sender = "@@sender.shinkai";
const receiver = "@@receiver.shinkai";
// Construct the job creation message
const jobCreationMessage = await ShinkaiMessageBuilder.jobCreation(
{ local: [], vector_fs: [] }, // Job scope
// Assuming `postData` is a function to send the message to a Shinkai node and fetch the response
const response = await postData(jobCreationMessage, "/v1/create_job");
console.log("Job creation response:", response);
return response.data; // Assuming the job ID is in the response data
After creating a job, we'll send a message to it using the generated keys and the ShinkaiMessageBuilder for constructing a job message.
async function sendMessageToJob(jobId: string, messageContent: string) {
// Reuse the encryption and signature keys from job creation or generate new ones if needed
const encryptionKeys = await generateEncryptionKeys();
const signatureKeys = await generateSignatureKeys();
const encryptionSk = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(encryptionKeys.my_encryption_sk_string, "hex"));
const signatureSk = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(signatureKeys.my_identity_sk_string, "hex"));
const receiverPublicKey = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(encryptionKeys.my_encryption_pk_string, "hex"));
// Construct the message to send to the job
const message = await ShinkaiMessageBuilder.jobMessage(
"", // Optional files inbox
"", // Optional parent message
// Send the message to the Shinkai node
const response = await postData(message, "/v1/job_message");
console.log("Message sending response:", response);
import { generateEncryptionKeys } from "./shinkai_encryption";
import { generateSignatureKeys } from "./shinkai_signature";
import { ShinkaiMessageBuilder } from "@shinkai_protocol/shinkai-typescript-lib";
async function getMessagesFromInbox(inbox: string) {
// Generate encryption and signature keys
const encryptionKeys = await generateEncryptionKeys();
const signatureKeys = await generateSignatureKeys();
// Convert hex strings to Uint8Array
const mySubidentityEncryptionSk = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(encryptionKeys.my_encryption_sk_string, "hex"));
const mySubidentitySignatureSk = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(signatureKeys.my_identity_sk_string, "hex"));
const receiverPublicKey = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(encryptionKeys.my_encryption_pk_string, "hex"));
// Define sender and receiver identifiers
const sender = "@@sender.shinkai";
const receiver = "@@receiver.shinkai";
const senderSubidentity = "sender_subidentity";
const count = 10;
const offset = null; // Use null for offset if you want to start from the latest message
// Construct the message to fetch the last messages from the specified inbox
const message = await ShinkaiMessageBuilder.getLastMessagesFromInbox(
// Assuming `postData` is a function to send the message to a Shinkai node and fetch the response
const response = await postData(message, "/v1/last_messages_from_inbox");
console.log("Inbox messages:", response);
// Example usage
const inboxName = "inbox_name";
The Shinkai Typescript Lib is open-source software licensed under the MIT License. This means you can use, modify, and distribute it freely, provided you include the original copyright and license notice in any copies or substantial portions of the software.
For more details, see the LICENSE file in the project repository.