Thanks for thinking about helping with! You can contribute in a few ways.
Fix typos. The GitHub UI makes it easy to contribute small fixes, and you'll get credit for your contribution! To start, click the page icon at the upper right of the page. Then click the pencil icon to start editing the file. Once you've fixed the typo, commit your changes to a new branch and create a pull request.
Once we've reviewed and approved your change, we'll merge it. Normally, we'll review your fix within one working day, and your fix will appear online less than an hour after we merge your PR.
Note: If this is your first contribution to a Google project — welcome! — you'll need to sign the CLA.
Fix known issues (especially ones with the label help wanted or beginner). These issues may or may not be easy to fix. Sometimes they're issues we don't have the expertise to fix ourselves, and we'd love to work with a contributor who has the right skills.
More info:
- To avoid wasting your time, talk with us before you make any nontrivial pull request. The issue tracker is a good way to track your progress publicly, but we can also communicate other ways such as email and Gitter.
- We use the usual GitHub pull request process.
- We follow the Google Developer Documentation Style Guide.
- For more ways to contribute to Dart, see the dart-lang/sdk Contributing page.
If your PR changes Dart code within a page, you'll probably need to change the code in two places:
- In a
file for the page. - In a
file under the/examples
For example, say you want to change the following code in the language tour:
<?code-excerpt "misc/lib/language_tour/variables.dart (var-decl)"?>
{% prettify dart %}
var name = 'Bob';
{% endprettify %}
Besides editing
(which you can find by clicking the GitHub icon at the top right of the page),
you'll also need to edit the var-decl
region of
If you create a PR but forget to edit the Dart file, or if your changes don't analyze/test cleanly, the Travis CI build will fail. Just update the PR, and Travis will try again.