title | description |
Creating packages |
Learn how to create packages in Dart. |
The Dart ecosystem uses packages to share software such as libraries and tools. This page tells you how to create a standard shared package.
To create the initial directory and structure for a package,
use the dart create
and the package
$ dart create -t package <PACKAGE_NAME>
The following diagram shows the simplest layout of a package:
The minimal requirements for a library are:
pubspec file
: The pubspec.yaml
file for a library is the same
as for an application package—there is no special
designation to indicate that the package is a library.
lib directory
: As you might expect, the library code lives under the lib
directory and is public to other packages.
You can create any hierarchy under lib, as needed.
By convention, implementation code is placed under lib/src.
Code under lib/src is considered private;
other packages should never need to import src/...
To make APIs under lib/src public, you can export lib/src files
from a file that's directly under lib.
Packages are easiest to maintain, extend, and test when you create small, individual libraries, referred to as mini libraries. In most cases, each class should be in its own mini library, unless you have a situation where two classes are tightly coupled.
You might know about the part
This directive allows you to split a library into multiple Dart files.
Though part files can incorporate generated code into a library,
the Dart team doesn't recommend using them.
Instead, create small libraries.
Create a "main" library file directly under lib, lib/<package-name>.dart, that exports all of the public APIs. This allows the user to get all of a library's functionality by importing a single file.
The lib directory might also include other importable, non-src, libraries.
For example, perhaps your main library works across platforms, but
you create separate libraries that rely on dart:io
or dart:js_interop
Some packages have separate libraries that are meant to be imported
with a prefix, when the main library is not.
Let's look at the organization of a real-world package: shelf. The shelf package provides an easy way to create web servers using Dart, and is laid out in a structure that is commonly used for Dart packages:
Directly under lib, the main library file,
, exports API from several files in lib/src
To avoid exposing more API than intended—and
to give developers an overview of the entire
public API of the package—shelf.dart
uses show
to specify exactly which symbols to export:
export 'src/cascade.dart' show Cascade;
export 'src/handler.dart' show Handler;
export 'src/hijack_exception.dart' show HijackException;
export 'src/middleware.dart' show Middleware, createMiddleware;
export 'src/middleware/add_chunked_encoding.dart' show addChunkedEncoding;
export 'src/middleware/logger.dart' show logRequests;
export 'src/middleware_extensions.dart' show MiddlewareExtensions;
export 'src/pipeline.dart' show Pipeline;
export 'src/request.dart' show Request;
export 'src/response.dart' show Response;
export 'src/server.dart' show Server;
export 'src/server_handler.dart' show ServerHandler;
The shelf package also contains a mini library: shelf_io.
This adapter handles HttpRequest objects from dart:io
For the best performance when developing with the
development JavaScript compiler through webdev serve
put implementation files
under /lib/src
, instead of elsewhere under /lib
Also, avoid imports of package:package_name/src/...
When importing a library file from another package, use
the package:
directive to specify the URI of that file.
import 'package:utilities/utilities.dart';
When importing a library file from your own package,
use a relative path when both files are inside of lib,
or when both files are outside of lib.
Use package:
when the imported file is in lib and the importer is outside.
The following graphic shows how
to import lib/foo/a.dart
from both lib and web.
If your library supports multiple platforms, then you might need to conditionally import or export library files. A common use case is a library that supports both web and native platforms.
To conditionally import or export,
you need to check for the presence of dart:*
Here's an example of conditional export code that
checks for the presence of dart:io
and dart:js_interop
export 'src/hw_none.dart' // Stub implementation
if (dart.library.io) 'src/hw_io.dart' // dart:io implementation
if (dart.library.js_interop) 'src/hw_web.dart'; // package:web implementation
Here's what that code does:
- In an app that can use
(for example, a command-line app), exportsrc/hw_io.dart
. - In an app that can use
(a web app), exportsrc/hw_web.dart
. - Otherwise, export
To conditionally import a file, use the same code as above,
but change export
to import
Conditional imports or exports only work with keys in the compilation
environment. Any sequence of dot-separated identifiers is valid syntax.
Currently, only keys of the form dart.library.name
are provided.
is set to "true"
in the compilation
environment if the library dart:name
is available for use on
the current platform, not whether it's actually imported or used.
All of the conditionally exported libraries must implement the same API.
For example, here's the dart:io
import 'dart:io';
void alarm([String? text]) {
stderr.writeln(text ?? message);
String get message => 'Hello World from the VM!';
And here's the default implementation,
which uses stubs that throw UnsupportedError
void alarm([String? text]) => throw UnsupportedError('hw_none alarm');
String get message => throw UnsupportedError('hw_none message');
On any platform, you can import the library that has the conditional export code:
import 'package:hw_mp/hw_mp.dart';
void main() {
A well-designed package is easy to test.
We recommend that you write tests using the
test package,
placing the test code in the test
directory at the
top of the package.
If you create any command-line tools intended for public consumption,
place those in the bin
directory, which is public.
Enable running a tool from the command line, using
dart pub global activate
Listing the tool in the
of the pubspec allows a user to run it directly without calling
dart pub global run
It's helpful if you include an example of how to use your library.
This goes into the example
directory at the top of the package.
Any tools or executables that you create during development that aren't for
public use go into the tool
Other files that are required if you publish your library to the
pub.dev site, such as README.md
, are
described in Publishing a package.
For more information on how to organize a package directory,
see the pub package layout conventions.
You can generate API docs for your library using
the dart doc
dart doc
parses the source looking for
documentation comments,
which use the ///
/// The event handler responsible for updating the badge in the UI.
void updateBadge() {
For an example of generated docs, see the shelf documentation.
To include any library-level documentation in the generated docs,
add a library
directive and attach the comment directly above it.
For the how-and-why of documenting libraries, see
Effective Dart: Documentation.
If your library is open source, we recommend sharing it on the pub.dev site. To publish or update the library, use pub publish, which uploads your package and creates or updates its page. For example, see the page for the shelf package. See Publishing a package for details on how to prepare your package for publishing.
The pub.dev site not only hosts your package, but also generates and hosts your package's API reference docs. A link to the latest generated docs is in the package's About box; for example, see the shelf package's API docs. Links to previous versions' docs are in the Versions tab of the package's page.
To ensure that your package's API docs look good on the pub.dev site, follow these steps:
- Before publishing your package, run the
dart doc
tool to make sure that your docs generate successfully and look as expected. - After publishing your package, check the Versions tab to make sure that the docs generated successfully.
- If the docs didn't generate at all,
click failed in the Versions tab to see the
dart doc
Use the following resources to learn more about packages:
- Libraries and imports covers using library files.
- The package documentation is useful, particularly the package layout conventions.
- What not to commit covers what shouldn't be checked into a source code repository.
- The newer packages under the dart-lang organization tend to show best practices. Consider studying these examples: dart_style, path, shelf, source_gen, and test.