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#Upgrade guide from Cocos2d-html5 v2.2.x to Cocos2d-JS v3.0 beta

##1. Event Manager

  • 1.1 cc.TouchDispatcher, cc.MouseDispatcher, cc.KeyboardDispatcher, cc.AccelerometerDispatcher have all been merged into cc.eventManager

    All events(mouse, touch, keyboard, accelerometer, custom) should be dispatched by cc.eventManager in v3.0

    More information about cc.eventManager is in this documentation

    If you want to give us some suggest, please comment in this topic

  • 1.2 All event switch of cc.Layer have been deleted, these functions list :

     setAccelerometerEnabled			(it's moved to cc.inputManager) --> cc.inputManager.setAccelerometerEnabled
     setAccelerometerInterval		   (it's moved to cc.inputManager) --> cc.inputManager.setAccelerometerInterval

##2. Game creation and configuration

  • 2.1 Game creation

    cc.Application and cc.AppControl classes have been removed.

    Instead, we refactored them to provide developers a much easier procedure for game creation with = function(){
        cc.director.runScene(new MyScene());

    For more details, check out this documentation:

  • 2.2 Configuration

    Instead of putting your configurations with other initialization code in cocos2d.js, we have removed cocos2d.js and put all configurations into project.json which is a pure config file. The options available can be found in this document: project.json

  • 2.3 Cocos2d module configuration

    Cocos2d-html5 has became a 2d game engine very competitive in almost all aspect of 2d game developement, so we have numerous features in our engine. As a result, our engine is larger than some other simpler html5 game engine. In case you don't need all the features and you want to keep our engine package within a small size, v3.0 have provided you the ability to configure the engine by your own need. All module definitions are in cocos2d-html5/moduleConfig.json, you can specify the modules that your game needed in the modules parameter of your project.json. By default, cocos2d is given as value of this parameter, it include all sub modules of Cocos2d-html5, you can change it to a set of specifique sub modules.

    Documentation for moduleConfig.json

##3. Resource loading process

  • 3.1 cc.loader

    cc.Loader and cc.FileUtils have been replaced by a singleton object cc.loader

    // Set resources path
    cc.loader.resPath = "./res";
    // Set audio files path
    cc.loader.resPath = "./audio";
    // Load a list of resources
    cc.loader.load(res, function(err){
        if(err) return console.log("load failed");

    Detailed documentation can be found here: cc.loader

  • 3.2 Utilities for loading process

    Along with cc.loader, v3.0 have also provided you some tools:

    • A singleton module imitates async module of nodejs: cc.async
    • A singleton module provides conveniences for handling the file path: cc.path

##4. Property APIs

  • 4.1 Javascript style property access

    Old API New API
    node.setPosition(x, y); node.x = x; node.y = y;
    node.setRotation(r); node.rotation = r;

    As you can see in the table, functions invocation can be replaced with properties modifications. In version 3.0, not only x, y and rotation, almost all properties of your node can be accessed like this.

  • 4.2 Function attr

    V3.0 also provided an useful function to cc.Node: attr function which helps you to config all the properties you want together with just one function call.

    	x: 20,
    	y: 20,
    	anchorX: 0.5,
    	anchorY: 0.5,
    	width: 400,
    	height: 300,
    	scale: 2

    Detailed documentation and a full list of properties can be found here: Property API

##5. Basic data structures

  • Deleted APIs :

  • Modified APIs :

     cc.Color3B, cc.Color4B, cc.Color4F -->	cc.Color
     cc.c3b, cc.c4b, cc.c4f             -->	cc.color
     cc.c3BEqual, cc.c4FEqual           -->	cc.colorEqual
     cc.convertColor3BtoHexString       -->	cc.colorToHex
     cc.convertHexNumToColor3B          -->	cc.hexToColor
     cc.white                           -->	cc.color.white
     cc.yellow                          -->	cc.color.yellow                            -->                           -->                             -->
     cc.magenta                         -->	cc.color.magenta                           -->                          -->
     cc.gray                            -->	cc.color.gray

    Detailed documentation

##6. Singleton objects

v3.0 refactored singleton classes with Javascript objects, so that developers can access to them much easier than before. Here are the list of objects that have been refactored.

// In engine core
cc.AudioEngine.getInstance()                       --> cc.audioEngine
cc.Configuration.getInstance()                     --> cc.configuration
cc.Configuration.purgeConfiguration()              removed
cc.Director.getInstance()                          --> cc.director
cc.EGLView.getInstance()                           --> cc.view
cc.ShaderCache.getInstance()                       --> cc.shaderCache
cc.TextureCache.getInstance()                      --> cc.textureCache
cc.TextureCache.purgeSharedTextureCache()          --> cc.textureCache._clear()
cc.AnimationCache.getInstance()                    --> cc.animationCache
cc.AnimationCache.purgeSharedAnimationCache()      --> cc.animationCache._clear()
cc.SpriteFrameCache.getInstance()                  --> cc.spriteFrameCache
cc.SpriteFrameCache.purgeSharedSpriteFrameCache()  --> cc.SpriteFrameCache._clear()
cc.SAXParser.getInstance()                         --> cc.saxParser
cc.PlistParser.getInstance()                       --> cc.plistParser
cc.Screen.getInstance()                            --> cc.screen
cc.TIFFReader.getInstance()                        --> cc.tiffReader
cc.IMEDispatcher.getInstance()                     --> cc.imeDispatcher

// In extension
ccs.GUIReader.getInstance()                 --> ccs.guiReader
ccs.GUIReader.purge()                       --> ccs.guiReader.clear()
ccs.SceneReader.getInstance()               --> ccs.sceneReader
ccs.SceneReader.purge()                     --> ccs.sceneReader.clear()
ccs.DataReaderHelper                        --> ccs.dataReaderHelper
ccs.DataReaderHelper.purge()                --> ccs.dataReaderHelper.clear()
ccs.SpriteFrameCacheHelper.getInstance()    --> ccs.spriteFrameCacheHelper
ccs.SpriteFrameCacheHelper.purge()          --> ccs.spriteFrameCacheHelper.clear()
ccs.ArmatureDataManager.getInstance()       --> ccs.armatureDataManager
ccs.ArmatureDataManager.purge()             --> ccs.armatureDataManager.clear()
ccs.ActionManager.getInstance()             --> ccs.actionManager
ccs.ActionManager.purge()                   --> ccs.actionManager.clear()
ccs.TriggerMng.getInstance()                --> ccs.triggerManager
ccs.ObjectFactory.getInstance()             --> ccs.objectFactory

Detialed documentation.

##7. [New in alpha 2] Object creation and class inheritance

In Cocos2d-html5 2.2.x, to create an engine object like cc.Sprite, developers need to use the correct create functions, like this example :

var sprite = cc.Sprite.create(filename, rect);
var sprite = cc.Sprite.createWithTexture(texture, rect);
var sprite = cc.Sprite.createWithSpriteFrameName(spriteFrameName);

In Cocos2d-JS v3.0 alpha, we have made a great improvement, we merged all createXXX functions into one unified create function :

var sprite = cc.Sprite.create(filename, rect);
var sprite = cc.Sprite.create(texture, rect);
var sprite = cc.Sprite.create("#" + spriteFrameName);

This changement affect not only cc.Sprite, but all similar classes, all classes and details about create function refactoration can be found in this document.

As we never stop to improve our engine, in Cocos2d-JS v3.0 alpha2, we have made the new construction possible ! They share exactly the same parameters as create functions :

var sprite = new cc.Sprite(filename, rect);
var sprite = new cc.Sprite(texture, rect);
var sprite = new cc.Sprite("#" + spriteFrameName);

In the meantime, for backward compatibility, we have kept all create functions also, so it's totally your choice. What's more important with this improvement is that the inheritance is much easier than before. Developers can now completely ignore all initXXX functions, you can simply override ctor function and call this._super with correct parameters, then your object will be correctly initialized:

var Enemy = cc.Sprite.extend({
    hp: 0,
    fileName: "enemy.png"
    ctor: function (hp) {
        this.hp = hp;
var enemy1 = new Enemy(100);

As you can see, there isn't a single init function call, very convenient to use. All cocos2d and extension classes have been refactored to support this style, and JSB support it too. This document discuss the new constructor and the inheritance in detail.

##8. GUI widgets

  • 8.1 GUI widgets of Cocostudio extension have been removed from Cocostudio and have been put into ccui package, so their prefix have also changed from ccs. to ccui.. The reason is that they are some useful widget components that can not only be used for Cocostudio but also for any other purpose. All classes and functions that have been refactored is listed below :

    ccs.Layout                  --> ccui.Layout
    ccs.Margin                  --> ccui.Margin
    ccs.MarginZero              --> ccui.MarginZero
    ccs.LayoutParameter         --> ccui.LayoutParameter
    ccs.RelativeLayoutParameter --> ccui.RelativeLayoutParameter
    ccs.CocosGUIVersion         --> ccui.cocosGUIVersion
    ccs.UIHelper                --> ccui.helper
    ccs.Widget                  --> ccui.Widget
    ccs.Button                  --> ccui.Button
    ccs.CheckBox                --> ccui.CheckBox
    ccs.ImageView               --> ccui.ImageView
    ccs.LoadingBar              --> ccui.LoadingBar
    ccs.Slider                  --> ccui.Slider
    ccs.Text                    --> ccui.Text
    ccs.TextAtlas               --> ccui.TextAtlas
    ccs.TextBMFont              --> ccui.TextBMFont
    ccs.TextField               --> ccui.TextField
    ccs.UILayer                 --> deleted
  • 8.2 A new ui widget ccui.RichText has been added to v3.0a.

  • 8.3 ccs.UILayer has been deleted from v3.0a, please add to node directly, for example:

     // usage in v2.2.2: A widget object need to through ccs.UILayer.addWidget to add to node object
     var uiLayer = ccs.UILayer.create();
     var node = cc.Node.create();
     node .addChild(uiLayer);
     // usage in v3.0a: A widget object can add to node object directly through addChild function
     var node = cc.Node.create();
     node .addChild(aWidget);	

##9. NodeGrid

A new node cc.NodeGrid have been added to version 3.0a. This node should be used to host a target node and permit it to have the ability to run ActionGrid type action. In v2.2.2, cc.Node can directly play such actions, but this ability will be removed to keep cc.Node as simple as possible. So the comparaision between v2.2.2 and v3.0a is like the example below :

// In v2.2.2
var shaky = cc.Shaky3D.create( duration, cc.size(15,10), 5, false );
var sprite = cc.Sprite.create();
sprite.runAction( shaky );

// In v3.0
var shaky = cc.Shaky3D.create( duration, cc.size(15,10), 5, false );
var sprite = cc.Sprite.create();
var nodeGrid = cc.NodeGrid.create();
nodeGrid.addChild( sprite );
nodeGrid.runAction( shaky );

Note: In Cocos2d-html5 v3.0 version web, the old way still work fine, but if you want your game to be ported to native plateform with JSB, only the new way is supported.

##10. JSB related

We found that there are different needs for web app developers and JSB native app developers, and there are things that we can't perfectly merge, so here are those JSB only APIs, if you want to use them, please check the platform first.

if (cc.sys.isNative) {
  • 10.1 C++ Macros

    In JSB project, there are some macros can only be modified in C++ level, whatever you do in JS can't modify them. These macros are listed below, they can be found in ccMacros.h and ccConfig.h:

  • 10.2 [New in alpha 2] cc.fileUtils

    As cc.FileUtils have been replaced by cc.loader in Cocos2d-html5, but in JSB project, there are still some needs that can't be accomplished by cc.loader, so we decided to make cc.FileUtils a JSB only API. And to follow the singleton object API style, you don't need to call cc.FileUtils.getInstance(), cc.fileUtils is referring directly to the FileUtils singleton object. Detailed APIs are listed below:

    cc.fileUtils.getByteArrayFromFile(filename) // [New in beta]
    cc.fileUtils.createDictionaryWithContentsOfFile(filename) // [New in beta]
    cc.fileUtils.writeToFile(object, filename)
    cc.fileUtils.fullPathFromRelativeFile(filename, relativeFile)
    cc.fileUtils.addSearchPath(path) // [New in beta]
    cc.fileUtils.setSearchPaths(pathArray) // [New in beta]
    cc.fileUtils.getSearchPaths() // [New in beta]
    cc.fileUtils.setSearchResolutionsOrder(orderArray) // [New in beta]
    cc.fileUtils.getSearchResolutionsOrder() // [New in beta]

    Pay attention when you use functions about search path configuration, because this will due to code inconsistence between Cocos2d-html5 and Cocos2d-JSB and eventually a high cost of maintainbility. If you really need them, we suggest you to maintain two list of resources for Web and JSB, so that you can use the same resource variable name to refer to different path.

  • 10.3 cc.AssetsManager

    cc.AssetsManager is a class serves for managing and using remote resources on your server. It can also manage versions of resources and update them to most recent versions. Usage of cc.AssetsManager is showing below:

    var manager = new cc.AssetsManager(manifestPath, storagePath);
    // As the process is asynchronised, you need to retain the assets manager to make sure it won't be released before the process is ended.
    if (!manager.getLocalManifest().isLoaded()) {
        cc.log("Fail to update assets, step skipped.");
    else {
        var listener = new cc.EventListenerAssetsManager(manager, function(event) {
            switch (event.getEventCode())
                case cc.EventAssetsManager.UPDATE_PROGRESSION:
                    var percent = event.getPercent();
                    cc.log("Download percent : " + percent);
                case cc.EventAssetsManager.ERROR_DOWNLOAD_MANIFEST:
                case cc.EventAssetsManager.ERROR_PARSE_MANIFEST:
                    cc.log("Fail to download manifest file, update skipped.");
                case cc.EventAssetsManager.ALREADY_UP_TO_DATE:
                case cc.EventAssetsManager.UPDATE_FINISHED:
                    cc.log("Update finished.");
                    // You need to release the assets manager while you are sure you don't need it any more
                case cc.EventAssetsManager.ERROR_UPDATING:
                    cc.log("Asset update error: " + event.getAssetId() + ", " + event.getMessage());

    For more details, you can refer to this documentation.

##11. Other API changements

  • 11.1 cc.Broswser and sys are replaced with cc.sys: documentation.

  • 11.2 Some functions of cc.AudioEngine have been deleted :

  • 11.3 cc.SAXParser

    These functions of cc.SAXParser have been deleted :


    And cc.PlistParser is added to parse plist files: cc.SAXParser documentation

  • 11.4 addImageAsync is merged into addImage of cc.textureCache.

    addImage(url)                           --> addImage(url)
    addImageAsync(url, target, callback)    --> addImage(url, callback, target)

    [New in alpha 2] The new addImage have been synced in JSB.

  • 11.5 Two of MenuItemFont's functions have been refactored to fit the standard API sytle:

    fontName    --> getFontName
    fontSize    --> getFontSize
  • 11.6 cc.view

    Retina display have been supported for Apple devices, you can disable or enable it with cc.view.enableRetina(enableOrNot), you can also detect whether retina display is currently on or not with cc.view.isRetinaEnabled(). At last, you can retrieve the retina display's pixel ratio by using cc.view.getDevicePixelRat io(), on Apple devices, it will return 2 when retina display is applied. By default, retina display is automatically activated for your game on Apply devices. If you want to change it, note that after you enable or disable retina display, you have to call cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize(width, height, policy) to make it applied to your game.

    [New in alpha 2] cc.view used to try to enter full screen automatically in mobile browsers. Now we added a switch to enable or disable this functionality, by default, it's always enabled.

    cc.view.enableAutoFullScreen(enabled); // enabled should be true or false
    cc.view.isAutoFullScreenEnabled(); // this will return the current value
  • 11.7 Global APIs deleted :

  • 11.8 Global APIs added :

  • 11.9 Global APIs refactored :

    cc.Assert                       --> cc.assert
    cc.ArrayVerifyType              --> cc.arrayVerifyType
    cc.ArrayRemoveObject            --> cc.arrayRemoveObject
    cc.ArrayRemoveArray             --> cc.arrayRemoveArray
    cc.ArrayAppendObjectsToIndex    --> cc.arrayAppendObjectsToIndex
    cc.ArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(arr, index)         --> arr.splice(index, 1)
    cc.ArrayGetIndexOfValue(arr, value)             --> arr.indexOf(value)
    cc.ArrayAppendObject(arr, addObj)               --> arr.push(addObj)
    cc.ArrayAppendObjectToIndex(arr, addObj, index) --> arr.splice(index, 0, addObj)
    cc.ArrayGetIndexOfObject(arr, findObj)          --> arr.indexOf(findObj)
    cc.ArrayContainsObject(arr, findObj)            --> arr.indexOf(findObj) != -1
    // Upper case functions have been renamed to lower case to fit the API style
    cc.SWAP                         --> cc.swap // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.RANDOM_MINUS1_1              --> cc.randomMinus1To1 // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.RANDOM_0_1                   --> cc.random0To1 // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS           --> cc.degreesToRadians // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES           --> cc.radiansToDegress // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.NODE_DRAW_SETUP              --> cc.nodeDrawSetup // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.ENABLE_DEFAULT_GL_STATES     --> cc.enableDefaultGLStates // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.DISABLE_DEFAULT_GL_STATES    --> cc.disableDefaultGLStates // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.INCREMENT_GL_DRAWS           --> cc.incrementGLDraws // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR         --> cc.contentScaleFactor // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.POINT_POINTS_TO_PIXELS       --> cc.pointPointsToPixels // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.SIZE_POINTS_TO_PIXELS        --> cc.sizePointsToPixels // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.SIZE_PIXELS_TO_POINTS        --> cc.sizePixelsToPoints // [New in alpha 2]
    cc._SIZE_PIXELS_TO_POINTS_OUT   --> cc._sizePixelsToPointsOut // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.POINT_PIXELS_TO_POINTS       --> cc.pointPixelsToPoints // [New in alpha 2]
    cc._POINT_PIXELS_TO_POINTS_OUT  --> cc._pointPixelsToPointsOut // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.RECT_PIXELS_TO_POINTS        --> cc.rectPixelsToPoints // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.RECT_POINTS_TO_PIXELS        --> cc.rectPointsToPixels // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG         --> cc.checkGLErrorDebug // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.CardinalSplineAt	            --> cc.cardinalSplineAt // [New in alpha 2]
    // Constants
    cc.PRIORITY_SYSTEM                      --> cc.Scheduler.PRIORITY_SYSTEM
    cc.SPRITE_INDEX_NOT_INITIALIZED         --> cc.Sprite.INDEX_NOT_INITIALIZED // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.DIRECTOR_PROJECTION_2D               --> cc.Director.PROJECTION_2D // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.DIRECTOR_PROJECTION_3D               --> cc.Director.PROJECTION_3D // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.DIRECTOR_PROJECTION_CUSTOM           --> cc.Director.PROJECTION_CUSTOM // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.DIRECTOR_PROJECTION_DEFAULT          --> cc.Director.PROJECTION_DEFAULT // [New in alpha 2]
    cc.TEXTURE_2D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA8888     --> cc.Texture2D.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA8888
    cc.TEXTURE_2D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888       --> cc.Texture2D.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888
    cc.TEXTURE_2D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565       --> cc.Texture2D.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565
    cc.TEXTURE_2D_PIXEL_FORMAT_A8           --> cc.Texture2D.PIXEL_FORMAT_A8
    cc.TEXTURE_2D_PIXEL_FORMAT_I8           --> cc.Texture2D.PIXEL_FORMAT_I8
    cc.TEXTURE_2D_PIXEL_FORMAT_AI88         --> cc.Texture2D.PIXEL_FORMAT_AI88
    cc.TEXTURE_2D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA4444     --> cc.Texture2D.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA4444
    cc.TEXTURE_2D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB5A1       --> cc.Texture2D.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB5A1
    cc.Texture2D.setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(format) --> cc.Texture2D.defaultPixelFormat = format
    cc.Texture2D.getDefaultAlphaPixelFormat()       --> cc.Texture2D.defaultPixelFormat
    cc.Texture2D.defaultAlphaPixelFormat()          --> cc.Texture2D.defaultPixelFormat
    cc.dumpConfig           --> cc.sys.dump
    // Public to private
    cc.setup                    --> cc._setup
    cc.initDebugSetting         --> cc._initDebugSetting
    cc.canvas                   --> cc._canvas
    cc.drawingUtil              --> cc._drawingUtil
    cc.renderContext            --> cc._renderContext
    cc.gameDiv                  --> cc._gameDiv
    cc.setContextMenuEnable     --> cc._setContextMenuEnable
    cc.renderContextType        --> cc._renderType
    cc.CANVAS                   --> cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS
    cc.WEBGL                    --> cc._RENDER_TYPE_CANVAS
    cc.mainRenderContextBackup  --> cc._mainRenderContextBackup
    cc.RectFromString           --> cc.spriteFrameCache._rectFromString
    cc.PointFromString          --> cc.spriteFrameCache._pointFromString
    cc.SizeFromString           --> cc.spriteFrameCache._sizeFromString
    ccs.CocoStudioVersion       --> ccs.cocostudioVersion
    // Typo correction
    ccs.DecotativeDisplay       --> ccs.DecorativeDisplay
  • 11.10 [New in alpha 2] Other changes in alpha 2

    • cc.Node refactoration :
    pauseSchedulerAndActions    --> pause
    resumeSchedulerAndActions   --> resume
    • cc.CallFunc's initWithTarget function have been renamed to initWithFunction

    • cc.MoveBy's create function now support also x and y seperated as position parameter

    cc.MoveBy.create(duration, x, y);
    cc.MoveBy.create(duration, cc.p(x, y));
    • ccs.comAttribute refactoration :
    getCString  --> getString
    setCString  --> setString

##12.[New in Beta]Actions API changements

  • 12.1 Provide shortcut to create an action We provide a shortcut to create an action, same name as action class name with the first character is lower.

    For example:

var action = cc.MoveBy.create(2, cc.p(10, 10)) ``` The action can be created by following way.


var action = cc.moveBy(2,cc.p(10,10)) ```

  • 12.2 Refactor ease actions design

    The ease actions are actually decorative actions, they must be attached with target actions and cann't be used individually. All useful codes of the cc.ActionEase and its subclasses are in update functions, so they don't need to inhert from cc.ActionInterval, and could be wrapped into a object that provide an easing function to change the delta time.

    We added a function easing to cc.ActionInterval, it can be receive one ore more ease objects.

    There is a comparison between old usage and new usage, and the new one is more friendly:

    Old usage:

    var easeMoveBy = cc.EaseIn.create(cc.MoveBy.create(2, cc.p(100,50)),0.3);

    New usage:

    var easeMoveBy = cc.moveBy(2,cc.p(100,50)).easing(cc.easeIn(0.3);
  • 12.3 Refactor cc.Repeat, cc.RepeatForever, cc.Speed design

    The cc.Repeat, cc.RepeatForever, cc.Speed are also decorative actions, so we add some functions repeat,repeatForever,speed,getSpeed,setSpeed to cc.ActionInterval. All these changes allow developers to write complex actions more clearly.

    There is a comparison between old usage and new usage:

    Old usage:

    var anAction = cc.Sequence.create(
        cc.Speed.create(cc.Repeat.create(cc.EaseIn.create(cc.MoveBy.create(2, cc.p(100,50)),0.3), 5),1.7),
        cc.RepeatForever.create(cc.RotateBy.create(2, 30))

    New usage:

    var anAction = cc.sequence(

    Note: All actions changes are backward compatible.

  • 12.4 The new design list

    Old usage New usage
    cc.Repeat.create(action, num) action.repeat(num)
    cc.RepeatForever.create(action) action.repeatForever()
    cc.Speed.create(action, speed) action.speed(speed)
    cc.Speed.setSpeed(speed) action.setSpeed(speed)
    cc.Speed.getSpeed() action.getSpeed()
    cc.EaseIn.create(action, rate) action.easing(cc.easeIn(rate))
    cc.EaseOut.create(action, rate) action.easing(cc.easeOut(rate))
    cc.EaseInOut.create(action, rate) action.easing(cc.easeInOut(rate))
    cc.EaseExponentialIn.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeExponentialIn())
    cc.EaseExponentialOut.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeExponentialOut())
    cc.EaseExponentialInOut.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeExponentialInOut())
    cc.EaseSineIn.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeSineIn())
    cc.EaseSineOut.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeSineOut())
    cc.EaseSineInOut.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeSineInOut())
    cc.EaseElasticIn.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeElasticIn())
    cc.EaseElasticOut.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeElasticOut())
    cc.EaseElasticInOut.create(action, rate) action.easing(cc.easeElasticInOut(rate))
    cc.EaseBounceIn.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeBounceIn())
    cc.EaseBounceOut.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeBounceOut())
    cc.EaseBounceInOut.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeBounceInOut())
    cc.EaseBackIn.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeBackIn())
    cc.EaseBackOut.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeBackOut())
    cc.EaseBackInOut.create(action) action.easing(cc.easeBackInOut())

##13.[New in Beta]Changed setText,getText to unified API of SetString, getString

  • ccui.Text :

    setText --> setString
    getStringValue --> getString
  • ccui.TextAtlas :

    getStringValue ==> getString
  • ccui.TextBMFont :

    setText --> setString
    getStringValue --> getString
  • ccui.TextField :

    setText --> setString
    getStringValue --> getString
  • cc.EditBox :

    setText --> setString
    getText --> getString

####Other documentation can be found here: