Applying word2vec to sampled sequences from a graph.
The sampling procedure is implemented in c++ with pthread, providing python wrapper, so it would be fast.
$ cd $YOUR_PATH/src
$ mkdir data
First you must install the V6 dataset from and unzip it into $YOUR_PATH/src/data. The description of the dataset is also shown on the website, which is neccesary to look at.
To compile the code, boost python library is needed. Once you install the library, just make it. Then you will get
$ make
To train node vector, python library gensim is needed. And then opne python:
import randpaths
import process
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
To load the dataset from:
dataset = process.loadTxt('data/$DATA_NAME')
To split the dataset according to the tag(e.g. conference, year) :
sections = process.splitDataSet(dataset, tag)
To generate a co-author dataset of two conferences (each author's name was added a prefix: conference_name+'&', to separate the same author from different conferences):
codataset = process.genTwoConfAuthorDataset(dataset, conf1, conf2)
To generate the co-author graph, along with author2index and index2author dict, and save(given the graph name, all graph information will be automatically saved in $YOUR_PATH/src/data):
[node_num, edge_num, author2index, index2author, graph] = process.genCoauthorGraph(codataset)
process.saveCoauthorGraph([node_num, edge_num, author2index, index2author, graph], graph_name)
To produce random paths with c++ implemented parallel bias random path sampling procedure:
paths = randpaths.damn_get_randpaths(saved_graph_name, T, drop_rate, epsilon, thread_num)
paths = [path.split() for path in paths]
To train node vector from co-author dataset (for more details:
node2vec = Word2Vec(paths, size=dimesion, windows=wsize)
To get recall score of identity resolution(total_cnt is the total number of author that appears in two confereces):
recall = process.getIdentityResolutionRecall(node2vec, index2author, total_cnt, topk)