diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 0ffc070f..40c0bc8c 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -46,6 +46,30 @@ Please report unacceptable behavior to cytodata.info@gmail.com. ## How can I contribute? +### Roles and responsibilities + +There are two primary roles with regards to developing Pycytominer: + +- **Contributors**: individuals without direct commit access to the `main` branch who make contributions in the form of communication, issues, or pull requests. We welcome anyone interested in additions to the project to be a contributor. +- **Maintainers**: individuals with direct commit access who make contributions as outlined by the contributors role and also have the ability to make commits on the `main` branch through the development process (for example, by merging pull requests). + Maintainers are also involved with decision-making procedures and the technical roadmap for Pycytominer. + +#### Becoming a maintainer + +Maintainers are prior contributors who receive extended privileges based on a decision by existing maintainers. +To become a Pycytominer maintainer you must be championed by an existing maintainer. +The championing maintainer consults with other maintainers about the addition of the new maintainer. +After the current maintainers have considered the qualifications of the new maintainer they communicate their preferences internally. +If there are no vetos the champion maintainer will grant maintainer access to the new maintainer. + +#### Maintainer offboarding + +Maintainer access may be removed under the following circumstances: + +- Voluntary step-down (when a maintainer no longer wishes to remain in that role) +- In the unfortunate event of a maintainer's passing +- Code of conduct violations (in addition to other procedures specified by the code of conduct itself) + ### Bug reporting We love hearing about use-cases when our software does not work.