All documentation generated via JSDocs here.
To install the CI/CD dependencies for this project, run
npm install
To install the dependencies for the site, run
cd source && npm install
This will host the site on localhost:5173
cd source && npm run dev
We use vite to bundle all of our files to make them smaller and allow npm packages to be used, therefore viewing the final product will include building/bundling everything together before deploying. This will display the same code as the deployed version of the site.
This will host the site on localhost:4173
cd source && npm run build
To preview the deployed version.
cd source && npm run preview
Validate our CSS, HTML, and Javascript files with linting and validation tools listed here.
We use ESLint and Prettier to automatically check and fix code formatting and quality.
To check and automatically fix code for linting and formatting, run
npm run lint:fix
To only check the code for linting and formatting errors, run
npm run lint:check
Finally, we validate our HTML using HTML5 Validator in our CI/CD pipeline.
List how to test our code (unit and E2E) and what we use to test.
We use Jest for our backend unit testing (tests located in ./test).
Additionally, we use Puppeteer for end-to-end testing (tests located in ./puppeteerTesting)
Lastly, we use Google's Lighthouse to test the performance of our frontend. This is done entirely through the command line with a configuration file at ./lighthouserc.js.
Start the local host on port 5173
cd source && npm run dev
On a separate terminal, run the tests from the root directory:
npm run test
lhci autorun